Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Blue Sky, Why
"Blue Sky, Why?" stories speak to us. inside our heart is crying. Blue Sky, Why? why do children holding sunflowers watch their parents die why do sweet children, now war torn, some the battle's orphans, daily lose their lives lying in their sick beds bombed in hospitals huddled under classroom desks, in schools, still in kindergarten, the littlest crying for their mummas their papas are not there all children are innocent they are not invested in this war their lives irreverently stolen smiles stolen, they are now shot and slaughtered like they are nothing, not flesh and blood shot off their bikes a brave 14 year old girl shot like a pigeon off her bike dies alone, within seconds on an empty street surrounded by strange militia, without mum or dad by her side - they are looking through the destruction for their home their daughter lost, they will later find shot dead by soldiers’ bullets those soldiers, not yet men - mere boys themselves, just out of school, crying for their mothers fooled by an insane man The 'free' world watches on hopelessly crying What can we do? What can we do? We look towards our "fearless" leaders who walk around in circles trying to come up with their better plans and strategies but they are too busy putting forth excuses hands and minds tied by a monster who holds their backyards to ransom meanwhile a true leader with less experience, once thought of as a joke, the little Ukranian comedian, unites all of 'free' Europe, with his Resistance army, his united front, his succinct, articulate honest truth scorching from his fierce heart - the brutal reality of what we are all confronted with now - he asks our "Leaders" for their immediate help, what will it take? he asks, for the rest of the world to stand united with his fellow country men boots on ground in air, on ocean, on land what cost? to avoid becoming ashes - the entire world, not just his country standing alone - the entire world is now held dangling over damnation in the despotic lunatic's next deliberately contrived Hitler Holocaust? For the end of the world is here, he says - this is it, he says, not just his country facing untold slaughter, but as brothers and sisters our entire world faces foretold destruction in books of old we read - the kleptocratic Magog monster bearing arms, the blooming present, deadly seed Nuclear this is it. Blue Sky, Why? we look up for signs another day dies another child buried another mother cries borders can’t close hearts can’t close eyes refugees walking long journeys war weary, bloodied, blistered feet but still - they stand proud, united they resist the misguided invaders, they will continue to fight for what they love their country, their Home whatever the cost - whether they make it across front lines into friendly neighbours with their messages, forewarnings those that remain are all together in this they are resolute they are very brave men, women and children Love of country their fierce defiance, survives. stories speak to us. inside our heart is crying. we think you are just a story. Blue Sky, Why? another day dies another child dies another mother cries another day dies. another day dies. another day dies. another mother dies another father dies another child cries you can’t be just a lie, surely sentences thrown at us by a book promises in parables we were taught to believe in fables led under a star to a baby, a saviour a child born in a stable a world we thought we knew. but logic never lies, for now what we see in our once "poetic" world - is terrible, is very "Real", this new chapter arrives bearing arms full of death it frightens us, it makes us cry - we still look up for hope we still look up for signs; stories speak to us. inside our heart is crying. Blue Sky, Why? stories hidden truths we interpret children reciting prayers calling forth their messiah what we truly feel we truly believe we keep hidden never spoken always kept close to our shot heart deep inside, when needed revealing, it is given inside us all we wander lost we wonder why stories speak to us. inside the heart we cry. Blue Sky, Why? Please close their Sky, as they implore save them from weapons of never ending fire but do not close our eyes do not close our hearts, do not close our minds nor let us turn our backs to the ones fighting for what is true for what is real the ones fighting for their home the priceless value of their lives fighting for themselves fighting for all countries brother nations in one world let us not be cowards we fight united in this; for what is true - is Light stand with them boots on ground fight - for what is good we must. stories speak to us. inside our heart is crying. let us not be cowards give us courage to stand united with Ukraine close the sky boots on ground with Ukraine fight together, we must (LadyLabyrinth / 2022) Zelensky warns “the end of the world has arrived” Zelensky slams Biden: 'Pity' good contact started when 'end of the world has arrived' "People will die because of you" Zelensky attacks NATO Ukraine nuclear plant attack Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addresses European cities Blue - for the sky. Here's why it's important to close the sky over Ukraine Don't Sacrifice Your Sons': A Ukrainian Woman's Plea To Russian Mothers - Captured Russian soldier sobs on phone to his mum A Ukrainian mom shares a heartbreaking question her 8-year-old is asking about the Russian invasion
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things