Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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A Wish For Fish and a Dolphins Swish
A WISH FOR ALL FISH Washed up on shores around the world Already dead, a whale, a dolphin a shark, All marine life is suffering, the situation Has become absurd, The facts real and stark! My Fairy God mother in my poem Yes about a dress, said I could contact Her anytime, so I made a wish, For 24 hours I wanted to be a fish! She appeared, and made my wish come true, I’m sure no one has this privilege, I’m amongst the very few. But she turned me into a dolphin, Where would I find this clever mammal Especially as I was lost in swift currents, and a narrow channel? So off I swam to find, My own kind! I could understand Dolphin’s communication, This was a brilliant revelation! A protective mummy dolphin and her baby girl, Swam a meter or so ahead of me, hey wait For me I yelled, They heard! I think I spoke with a human accent, They could detect my human scent! But they seemed to accept me, Follow us, we'll show you what you want to see! We all dipped and dived for quite some time As the undulating sea played with us, I squealed and squeaked and made An absolute fuss, Watch out said Delta the mom, swim Far away from that rock, It’s polluted around there with plastic bottles, Dirty bags and a smelly human sock, And keep close to us, don’t follow that current For it meets a filthy river mouth, Which drifts, all the way down South. The plankton and the beautiful plant life below Has been poisoned by an oil rig which is Just around this bend, So make a sharp right here my friend. Dreamy the baby began not feeling well, She had half swallowed a small plastic bag, This for mom raised a red flag, She zipped what was left out of her mouth But alas the baby was turning purple and Was struggling to breathe, I could tell! Do you have a doctor down deep in these seas’, Yes we do, let’s turn around, it’s Doctor Dolphy, As we arrived we noticed a huge queue, A long wait was certainly due, Every fish, dolphin and whale was there Crabs, little sea horses, stone fish Swordfish, sharks, tiger fish, prawns, The doctor was swimming Up and down this long queue, and without much ado, Was giving them all some medicine to swallow, Whilst a sea lion was basking in an enjoyable wallow! Doctor Dolphy looked like our house doctor, Doctor Turner, an elderly chap, jolly, overweight, And incredibly kind – his spectacles kept tipping Off his slippery nose, How he had got them on in the first place Who knows! Dreamy swallowed her medicine and back We went, the time was passing, I’d tucked My cell phone beneath my fin, quite a contortionist, As my dorsal fin was on my back, And I was already carrying a bag-pack! I had 12 hours left. I have a petition You all have to sign, each and every Marine creature, I would like them to feature, In this important literature! That’s why I’m here on this important mission, So that you don’t all become squish That is washed up on some foreign shore And become mere trash because humans Throw their rubbish in your blue zone, I tried phoning, but no one answered the phone! I came to see these true dirty facts for myself About Ocean pollution, responsible For drowning and destroying All life in the sea, pollution generated is vast, Carbon emissions and plastics are choking Fish, Mammals and plants in the sea, This is clear to everyone including you and me. Day by day the situation is worsening, As our oceans are become acidified Until they become totally degraded Which will affect the world, oceans govern Our weather, they are home to beauty And absolute necessity, we must make sure Our blue Planet survives! I’ll be back for the signed petition next week Towards this conclusion I’ll continually strive! My dear friend, Be brave, this is the beginning, not the end!
Copyright © 2025 Jennifer Proxenos. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry