Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Fleur Fluency
My (bleeding) heart is filled to overflowing, To see any growing glad(iolus), garden glowing; Each sun peached, (petunia) petaled delight, Is frozen in precious moments of pure delight, From bursting buds, to the spicy boom of blooms, Nature is most generous with their heady fumes! So, somewhat fluent in the language of flowers, Having visited with them over many happy hours, Here is my luscious, learned list from a to z, Gathered so that one and all can see (sun drops): Stately, proud, tall, aloof, ageless, amaryllis, Is the bloom adored by the quaint Miss Phyllis; And the golden yellow, balmy, blissful buttercup, Is at it's most beauteous when the sun is up. Tasteful, colorful, versatile, chic, carnations, Are pungent and elegant in all lush locations. The wildly beautiful, demure, darling dahlia, Comes in peach, red, lavender, pink and etcetera; And the smart, everblooming, dynamite daisy, Beautifies the gardens of stylish, Miss Maisie. Exotic, engaging, echium is named for the viper, But tragically dies after blooming-a self sniper! The shy, blue and fruitful forget me nots, Sing joy to the sunshine from so many plots! And Glamour Gardenia's heavy, captivating scent Fills the days and nights with sweet torment! While the towering, regal, myriad hued hollyhock, Brimming with sunshine, gives an electric shock! The impatiently awaited, impeccable, impatiens, In window box or beds, are magic in every sense. While the intensely scented, jazzy spring jonquil, Blooms each year in the park up on Cherry Hill. The mountainous, kempt, kalmia comes in clusters, In white, pink and purple most pleasant lusters. While lavish, languid, lavender is so ornamental, And its far reaching aroma, is nonconfidential! The often nightblooming, myriad morning glory, Also masses in royally hued, full sunshine orgy. And nebulous nigella, from the family buttercup, Is called, "love in the mist," nature pucker up! Marvellous and mysterious, the odorous orchid, Blooms in a gay spectrum of colorations florid. Longstanding symbol of thought and remembrance, Painted, petite, pansy does a breezy summer dance. Then there's showy and quaint Queen Anne's lace, Fragrant, transient beauty, at home most anyplace! Very remiss I would be, not to mention Riotous Rose, A captivating sight from all gardens and windows! Seeming shasta daisy's refined, but its odor repels, As when fate won't deliver what a gypsy foretells. While spring blooming tulips, of temperate Holland, If gracing a field, creates a sight from dreamland. Ursine, uva ursi fruit is often called, "bearberry," For bears love eating them-they look like a cherry. Very veronica draws hummingbirds and butterflies; Brings drama to the beds of mystery and surprise! Now, the welcome wallflower that escaped the wall, Colored, fragrant, and eye-catching to beat all! Symbol of eternity, cheer, immortality, and love, Xeric xeranthemum is everlasting as stars above. Yielding yellow-eyed-grass, of the coastal ranges- Is a hardy evergreen whose lifestyle never changes. Lastly, zany zephyranthes bloom after heavy rain- A sun worshipper that can't wait 'til it pours again! I have needed to vent, for my heart is (flower)full, For I'm drawn to (narcissus) nature, for it's so artful. And while the petals still flow from my ruby red lips, I retire happily from sharing my (sage) flowery tips!
Copyright © 2025 Evelyn Judy Buehler. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry