Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Dunce! You can’t spell cat Dunce! You can’t spell rat Dunce! You can’t spell dog The mad man cries out in the street Shaming and exposing big men and women. And shouting expletives upon expletives. X cloth, Z cloth blue cloth, red cloth Purple cloth and all types of cloth Firing from the taxi and bus men tongue It sounds as if they are intoxicated with white rum Noisy pedestrian walking back and forth Laughing at the undercover man man’s shouts. “Go and suck your mother”, a man shouts around the corner I wonder what has gone so wrong, in a country that used to be so strong? They say that everything is in order but Since I came here all I have seen is disorder “Lend me twenty dollar and I will give you back tomorrow” The little school girl shouts, and holds on to the other The school children gather around the vendor and a naughtily boy tried to start a brawl, “you big and sour, go and wash your frowzy self,” the school boy shouts, but the vendor quell the noise before they could start a fight. Some people really have life hard, hustling to take care of four children. The vendor shares his personal story. He said that his youngest son is in primary school, his other daughter is in high school and two other children just graduated from high school and waiting to move . I still cannot understand the dynamics of this culture That was once part of the polite British culture Everything has gotten so vile and people are acting very wild If you clear your throat someone start cussing and swearing at you and they are ready to fight you. School children are acting disrespectful and impolite, it’s hard to figure out what has gone wrong or what is really going on, sometimes it feels like a reality TV show and sometimes it feels like security guard running his round around the town. The system is very confusing and it has many people reeling But what a day when the real bosses come to town everyone will have to give account for all the wrongs that they have done Many people are hustling to send their children to school While others hang around looking and scrambling for food Some walking up and down the street and acting like fools but I am not amused. The show is about to begin and the ambulance is chiming in The coordinated traffic jam, has positioned everyone in street There is no script but people improvising, and I can feel sweat running down my back in the burning heat mixing while the artificial crowd gather in the street moving around in a coordinated manner that is unreal. A man who has just smoked a spliff took out his dick And came right next to me in corner to piss A made a quick glance and held my head down and continue writing. He was looking for an argument but he did not get one So he continued to hang around. The system is set up to confuse you, the system is set up to amuse you, the system is set up to ridicule you, It is everybody’s show and hustlers are on the go. Street side vendors and High school spenders. Hang out around the corner and the chatter gets louder and louder Bull dogs and she dogs running up and down the street Hand cart man; push cart man shouting across the street Phone card and juice, phone card and juice Shout the hustlers sitting on the steps Here I am trying to write this verse and all these people are messing around, “Is what you have a laptop?” An inquisitive woman shouts across the grill She walked towards the bar and stared at me But I ignored her and continue writing “You not answering me, she uttered” “A what the battyman doing?” the school boy shouted Suddenly, I realize that it is time to go because All the people start gathering around me I cannot take any more of these dunces Roaming up and down the town. There are many dunces around me Big dunce, little, dunce young dunce and old dunce All type of duce comes to Linstead town. If you never see clown before just take a trip to Linstead town.
Copyright © 2025 Christine Phillips. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry