Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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My Eyes the Painting Photograph In the Sky- -
"I am a painter and my eyes are the paint brushes I had if I look up with my open eye I see the Horizon I see the clouds to be continued Oh shutter as I marvel the view as my eye-lashes wink and blink conversing with the hue sunlight shines premise upon the galaxies the longer I stare at the premise of the suns blazing rays I do not take in a bountiful piece of beauty does exist as long as I long deep upon it I am a painter and with words I created on this canvas the pictures of God's first nature Whiten laden pearl cotton balls floating in mid air surfaced around them aquatic skies turquoise splendor the arrival of God's promise in the mist a belt a bow colors of the spectrum red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet I see my eyes painting telling my mind within this canvas surrounded by this frame the frame of land mass that right beneath me and in the perimeter around me alas though with my head and chin up I measure the skyline and it's never ending glamour surrounds my vision heaven has my eye, my eyes, my heart and my breath beating cavalcades of visions now chaotic pictured beautiful this is part of the first heaven God has made and what He has made is beautiful all colors made by Him even mind eyes I paint with all of the physiology by Him the first painter creator writer of this pain this view of horizon, view of heavens all seven As I continue to blink as I wink and set aside this beauty of mine I thank God for all the colors in the skies bubbling the heat rises I sweat now my face and eyes are with from the heat exchange the humidity that comes with temperature and mist in the air they both share as my view and vision appear to get dimmer the more I look upon the skies I see more and more white cottons moving liken an inch or common worm side to side as a snake in the grass only not as fast premise stare all is now clear with in this picture frame to the left, to the right, up and down within this background lies my purist view of the command view God has given us this background of the first heaven under the underbrush below the stars and sun and moon I envision all this glory all the colors of His Holy a picture that's worth more than anything ever brought or sold almost more valuable than ones soul I digress as I witness the continued movement of the color white like a snowstorm in the night under the street lights singly yet shines glimmering all so bright just short of wearing sunglasses This blanketed view goes on in my mind ever and ever and after I once more blink the pattern changes just for a second a patch of blue whispers and grasp me and you kaleidoscope of patella pictures screams as the wind starts to blow clouds moving a little faster now I now see myself standing before God in his invisible and yet He's here within me all around I yet see if I'm still and obedience I can feel Him in the breeze the beauty of His vision has helped me with His decisions colorful are His eyes the skies a mast the color variant radiant sides the pure white clouds shine bright amidst the blue laden skies shine on sun, sunlight so shines in and around the blue trapping of this beautiful heavenly submissions so divine this find in front of my brown eye as I yet paint the perfect picture with words surrounded by the heaven white and blue canvas brilliants rises and glory rose upon my eyes the perfect picture within this worldly canvas skies so pillow white whiter than sheep wool whiter than a oyster pearl clear whiter than a eight by eleven piece of paper whiter than snow, whiter than sand pure and clean and so glam Staring at the heavens this one closes to me I see God's beauty as I stare in awe I yet still often wonder if I were blind could I yet paint this beauty with my eyes that my mind sees I see beauty in the skies I am a painter and my eyes are the paint brushes I had if I look up with my open eye I see the Horizon I see the clouds be continued Oh shutter as I marvel the view as my eye-lashes wink and blink conversing with the hue sunlight shines premise upon the galaxies the longer I stare the premise I see yet I see the beauty adorn me as I look upon all this the Lord God has given I stare in awe as I wonder how is heaven far more beautiful than this I caress my dialect my pupils converse among them self as a snap shot of the picture above my head puts me in denial I see what I see this is not a dream royal colors glow as I move my head just a little yes and within this frame I often find my soul detained over over and over again beautiful skies are they also viewing me are they painting my inter beauty I see within the boarder of the picture frame I see a picture of clouds and beautiful blues and white hues without the rains I see my eyes the perfect picture within this worldly canvas skies so pillow white whiter than sheep wool whiter than oyster pearl clear whiter than an eight by eleven piece of paper whiter than snow, whiter than sand pure and my mind within Oh horizon abundant clouds in the blue in white sky you stand before me en clothed in your nakedness this is the beauty I co create and witness..." 9/8/19 Written by James Edward Lee Sr. ©2019 Written for Project North Omaha Writers Group (NOW) assignment Poetry: Assignments by Jill Mcorkle from NOW WRITE! (write a 1,000 word sentence non-edited describing a picture, photo, painting or nature)
Copyright © 2025 James Edward Lee Sr.. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry