Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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The Only Northern Northern Star
As winter hazes of January spraying While I was meditating on how To write this riveting poem which Seemed to be for someone who I never cast in my sight. Despite her name is not an odd in me But I know she will be something to me I meant not a dating pal to me But rather just a friend indeed A friend who commend my poetry deeds Just as I saw her with her sparkling eyes And her face was mulched with soft grins Her lips which I didn't hanker to express Were depicted with red lip stick. This amazon is the northern star With a great northern love polar. Her name was entitled with the full star Which moon lives never without it Because it's something so lucid To be recalled and put into the term of explicit. It's the usual name you know It's the name most people need to follow It's the intricate figure artists draw It's a name which is not austere to be deciphered. It's a name which was kept as a hoopla Umpteen participants involve in the game Just to encircled it within their hearts. She is a gem sapphire in sapphires Which was hoarded spared for our generation And fortunately we discovered her. She was embedded knackly Owing-to of her homage. She was dubbed as Zarah Not as many names didn't resemble Sarah. You know you're gorgeous So you know I must put it into bare line Zarah you are the northern full star Who lives beside the northern moon's pillar. O! Zarah You deserved the African queen Though some bunches of girls strive for its crown. You can confiscate it even though they are the last girls standing. If they will agree the case to be as a vie Otherwise I know they can not vie Against you because your name Is not a commoner name Which will be put into a game. Oh! Zarah You totter umpteen swarms of girls Whenever you restored your shyla, I know your hallucinations deciphers To you that it's your gravity that does that, No, I said no, it's your shyla's fragrance That does that unconscionable work. Oh! Fatimah Do you know that you're like a hoodlum In your enemies, anytime you zapped Through their aisles, they all dazed down? Do you ever discern that anytime you Attended a particular party you Deprive all guys in hands of chicks, Vamoosing'em with mouth leaked? Oh! Fatimah The only northern-northern star, I said the only northern star. You soak up the blood of our body Of course including me with my body You embedded us in a helter-skelter In which I myself became so slender In the matter of your adoration. I don't know whether I'll be in operation Of your love which will be a competition Which will be held in Falgore Forest Though I ever collided with BHTs in Forest Of Sambisa in which we demolished them But this time this your name's fame Will be entitled as Zarah Forest. Zarah forest is a forest where Lions, Tigers and leopards are to be reached, Apertures of murky houses of jinns Remember I said not inns but jinns If you don't know the different between The two, so maybe you will not win. In the operation, there will no feeds, I meant no Coke, no bread, no biscuits, No Fanta, no tea in fact no water In case to drench our tracheas. Also in the operation, there will no be Ganja, no Shisha, and there will no be Cigarette so that we can drain the water Which streams in our tracheas. Oh! Fatimah I don't know what will be the prize If anyone of us deserves to be prized After the competition is conquered. Because I dreamed I was in a dahlia Of your world, I said dahlia not Maliya, Beating some small shrubs expecting You there with your love waiting For me to come with my power Of luring any girl with your name But I didn't know how I became blamed Because I tottered due to lacked of power. Oh! Fatimah I am standing on a floor Which was depicted with a yellow Paint that will not flow Away by any wind's blow. I cannot be able to bow Down owing-to my bone marrow Entirely got drained and the bones got hole' Which is hardly to fill them all Because your arrow Had darted my heart and made a narrow Deep aperture which is hardly for a hero To attempt to enter because it isn't a shallow. I don't have a clue of uprooting your arrow From my lonely heart that roared Highly because of the sorrow That will become a glow Within my heart as more As you confiscated the mirror You laid in my heart with soft pillow Since an australopithecus ago. Oh! The northern star I thought your number is glo Because my mentality is low I could not distinguish more Things in this my small Brain that cannot not recall Two things like troll. After I understood that your number Does exists, I then called you with my number Just to hear your voice's manner But unfortunately to me the number Was busy, so I postponed it to later. Oh! The northern star Despite I will be incarcerated Or in fact I will be incapacitated, I will try as much as I will be elated If I will be included As the person who ever casted My words of love that burns The rage of angry-passions That became like guinea-corns In doves' stomach chambers. So please my only northern Star, let me install my pen, My pen of love in your brightened Library, I said library not prison So that I may draw and design As single and simple drawing Which will be kept living In the library as a gift-star. Oh! The northern Star If I will be wriggling While you are strangling My neck which I know will be excruciating Because of your scalding Moans that will be emanating On my scorched skin Just for you to be gouging Not to ooz and slant ''I love you'', In doing so, I will stuck my legs firmly And strive till I have the upper hand. Otherwise, if you have a sister Am talking to you northern star, If you have a beautiful sister Who owned a sparkling Eyes like yours that are glittering Like a diamond ring. And also if she had settled Eye-borrows that startled Me earlier from the time I saw you with my mind. And if she had a grinned Face that looks like your tambourine Gorgeous one. And also if she had a lilac Lips that are not so gigantic But softy and red like a petal of flower. And if she is an austere girl Like you, I will try at all To manage with her But note that if she possessed a name ''Zarah''.
Copyright © 2025 Abubakar Mohammed Musa. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry