Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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Reforesting Guidelines
GROUP VALUES Belief in WinWin organic ability to cooperatively manage secular as BothAnd sacred health development vocations. Desire to create open DNA-familiar GREEN systems-- Great ReForesting EconomicYang 3D SpaceDriven EcologicalYin 4D TimeFlowing Networking organic WinWin reverse-time gaming cooperative system especially following matriarchal-wombed DNA and RNA strings and streams of nutritional reverse time as revolving EarthTribe space. Commitment to PositivEnergy Democracy, breathing in and out together, through WinWin Yang action and daily YinWin sacred flowing recommitments with and to and for each secular/sacred breathing EarthTribal Other. NECESSARY SKILL-SETS FOR WINWIN REVOLUTIONS NegativEnergy Awareness of pathologically toxic WinLose stereotypes, assumptions about less privileged EcoOther's needs and opportunities, WinLose evolutionary-devolutionary models, projections of oppositional bipolarity rather than PositivEnergy appositionally co-arising dipolarity, co-gravitations as also bilateral and poly-lateral co-arisings, WinWin Paradise raptures about mountainous ZeroZone emergence, co-relational transubstantiating perp-cause with victim-effect WinLose Left through WinWin sacred Right Either/Or SecularDeductive with Both/And SacredElder Inductive ReForesting Agents and Agencies and Advocates. PositivEnergy Awareness of personal and political experience with monocultural WinLose scapegoating of others, elitist subgroupings and privilege-shaded subclimates-- theologically empowered Positive over notnot negative Spirits and sacredly ecological zerozone sacred messianic ReForestingNatures within larger whole-system breathing and discerning bilateral cooperative democratic co-trusting reforesting intelligence. Let secular LeftBrain dominant people struggle with WinLose EitherOr thinking, reacting, dissonance, fascinations with critical terror events, nightmares, chronic WinLose paranoia shadowed by dualdark Either/Or cosmology unweaving sacred ecology. Live with RightBrain innocent inside-unfamiliar Sacred MotherTree Elders remembering when they lived as fruiting and nutting Paradise, Familiars, Extended Family Cooperatives, still drawn to worshiping liturgical SpringLight dances and dark love creation-wombing songs. Include anti-organic LoseLose distrusters in your climates and cultures of health redevelopment fire-circles. Include WinLose mistrusters, ignored skeptics of health-strategic organic WinWin matriotic nature/spirit wealth wisdom. Get out of polyculturing life's way when creations with creatures of WinWin organic OpenSystem democratic deliberating growth of PositivEnergy Intent actively cooperate toward further WinWin resonant reforesting climates for restoring peaceful justice to all however many senses and chakras and whatever. Stop long-term WinWin Future planning processes only when life moves more toward total over-populated death of indoor spaces-- remaining sacred places may become outdoors more organically and nutritionally reforestry inclined. Move away from LoseLose aggressions from within as bad deforesting attitudes without, and set aside retributive violence, unrefining older sacred restorative healthy laws for wealthy polyculturing WinWin cooperatively trusting ecodemocratic reforesting organic contracts, co-inviting pass the baton around matriarchal fire-circle networks of WinWin organic reforesting order. Use PositivEnergy faithful designs toward key non-violent cooperative ecopolitical concepts and organic integrity values, as ZeroZone health-wealth skill-set optimizing above. Just say no to requests to defeat a co-investor's health-wealth organic WinWin redevelopment repurposes for reforesting our secular-sacred habitat. WORK ON PERSONAL AND FAMILY ISSUES Work on personal WinLose terrorized and Lose to Lose paranoid and anxiously dissonant EitherLeft v OrRight issues as Yang strength feels language privileged over Yin's PositivEnergy PatriarchalSilenced FlowStreams of RichNutrition. Worry less about looking and smelling and tasting and thinking and voting and leading better than those less privileged than your sacred QueenBee self. Worry less about losing at non-renewable Loss control through LoseLose self-punishing anger management and theological devolutionary models of LoseLose secularized Earth cosmology against Original YinYin Matriarchal-Patriarchal ZeroZones with Yin a little more to Yang a little NegativEnergy less, wu-wei YangLeft with YinRight nature-spirit eruption. Divest of Loser stereotyping natural-spiritual WinWin revolutions, rescuing WinLose fundamentalist EitherSaint or Addicted to pathological evil-dark loss, and curing zealots for RightWingishness and retributive patriarchal sociopaths, and ecotherapizing prophets lecturing media outlets and voters and would-be WinWin co-investors how to survive by ignoring Either Patriotic EgoWin Or Matriotic EarthTribe Loser fake news advocates, LeftBrain dominant patriarchal YangWhacked, against reforesting sacred organic matriarchal/patriarchal sacred-yin with secular-yang ZeroZone integrity.
Copyright © 2025 Gerald Dillenbeck. All Rights Reserved

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry