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Famous Work Up Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Work Up poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous work up poems. These examples illustrate what a famous work up poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:, with big pipes blazing,
no overcoats and wind blown scarfs, would trudge, unspeaking, down to the forlorn sea, to work up an appetite,
to blow away the fumes, who knows, to walk into the waves until nothing of them was left but the two furling
smoke clouds of their inextinguishable briars. Then I would be slap-dashing home, the gravy smell of the
dinners of others, the bird smell, the brandy, the pudding and mince, coiling up to my nostrils, when out of a
snow-clogg...Read more of this...
by Thomas, Dylan

...y hostile humour, which before
Slept quiet in its channels, bubbles o'er:
So, several factions from this first ferment,
Work up to foam, and threat the government.
Some by their friends, more by themselves thought wise,
Oppos'd the pow'r, to which they could not rise.
Some had in courts been great, and thrown from thence,
Like fiends, were harden'd in impenitence.
Some by their monarch's fatal mercy grown,
From pardon'd rebels, kinsmen to the throne;
Were rais'd i...Read more of this...
by Dryden, John
...s and shooters too, 
Born where thy servants both artilleries use. 
My tears and prayers night and day do woo, 
And work up to thee; yet thou dost refuse. 
Not but that I am (I must say still) 
Much more oblig'd to do thy will, 
Than thou to grant mine: but because 
Thy promise now hath ev'n set thee thy laws. 

Then we are shooters both, and thou dost deign 
To enter combat with us, and contest 
With thine own clay. But I would parley fain: 
Shun not my arrow...Read more of this...
by Herbert, George> 
'Esteemeth stars the outposts of its couch, 
But never spends much thought nor care that way. 
It may look up, work up,--the worse for those 
It works on! 'Careth but for Setebos 
The many-handed as a cuttle-fish, 
Who, making Himself feared through what He does, 
Looks up, first, and perceives he cannot soar 
To what is quiet and hath happy life; 
Next looks down here, and out of very spite 
Makes this a bauble-world to ape yon real, 
These good things to match thos...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert
...wn in breezy mobs, swapping
pace and place in an all-over sway

retarded en masse by crimson blossom.
Bees still at work up there tack
around their exploded furry likeness

and the lawn underneath's a napped rug
of eyelash drift, of blooms flared
like a sneeze in a redhaired nostril,

minute urns, pinch-sized rockets
knocked down by winds, by night-creaking
fig-squirting bats, or the daily

parrot gang with green pocketknife wings.
Bristling food tough delicate
raucou...Read more of this...
by Murray, Les

...n where we
catch here a freckle, there a pock; the depths to which things live
words only glint at. Terns in flight work up
what fond minds might

call syntax. As for that
semantic antic in the distance, is it
whiskered fish, finned cat? Don't settle
just for two. Some bottomographies are

brooded over, and some skies swum through. . ....Read more of this...
by McHugh, Heather is between the pinchers while his soul is shaping and purifying. 

For the ENGLISH are the seed of Abraham and work up to him by Joab, David, and Naphtali. God be gracious to us this day. General Fast March 14th 1760. 

For the Romans and the English are one people the children of the brave man who died at the altar praying for his posterity, whose death was the type of our Saviour's. 

For the WELCH are the children of Mephibosheth and Ziba with a mi...Read more of this...
by Smart, Christopher

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things