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Famous Vileness Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Vileness poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous vileness poems. These examples illustrate what a famous vileness poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...r God, who are the whole splendor of things and the sacred 
 stars, but also the cruelty and greed, the treacheries
And vileness, insanities and filth and anguish: now that this 
 thing comes near us again I am finding it hard
To praise you with a whole heart.
I know what pain is, but pain can shine. I know what death is, 
 I have sometimes
Longed for it. But cruelty and slavery and degredation, 
 pestilence, filth, the pitifulness
Of men like hurt little birds an...Read more of this...
by Jeffers, Robinson

...e light in you. 
You know me that I never can renew 
The bond that woman broke: what would you have? 
'Tis Love, or Vileness! not a choice between, 
Save petrifaction! What does Pity here? 
She killed a thing, and now it's dead, 'tis dear. 
Oh, when you counsel me, think what you mean!...Read more of this...
by Meredith, George
...s her melancholy gaze,
Sunk in vilest degradation
Man his loathsomeness displays.

Would he purge his soul from vileness
And attain to light and worth,
He must turn and cling forever
To his ancient Mother Earth.

Joy everlasting fostereth
The soul of all creation,
It is her secret ferment fires
The cup of life with flame.
'Tis at her beck the grass hath turned
Each blade toward the light
and solar systems have evolved
From chaos and dark night,
Fi...Read more of this...
by Anonymous,
...ich can thus
 Sun and moon and day and night and man and beast
 each with a splendor
 which man in all his vileness cannot
 set aside; each with an excellence!

"Fearfull yet to be feared," the armored
 ant-eater met by the driver-ant does not turn back, but
engulfs what he can, the flattened sword-
 edged leafpoints on the tail and artichoke set leg- and body-plates
 quivering violently when it retaliates
 and swarms on him. Compact like the furled fringed f...Read more of this...
by Moore, Marianne

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Vileness poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things