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Famous Stubs Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Stubs poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous stubs poems. These examples illustrate what a famous stubs poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...can never come again.

Did I see No Man’s Land in your eyes
and men with lost faces, lost loves,
and you among the stubs crying?

Did I see you in the red death jazz of war
losing moths among lost faces,
speaking to the stubs who asked you
to speak of songs and God and dancing,
of bananas, northern lights or Jesus,
any hummingbird of thought whatever
flying away from the red death jazz of war?

Did I see your hand make a useless gesture
trying to say with a code of five ...Read more of this...
by Sandburg, Carl

...m the pathway, blind with sight---


Making thro' rain and wind
O'er the broken shrubs,
'Twixt the stems and stubs,
With a still, composed, strong mind,
Nor a care for the world behind---


Swifter and still more swift,
As the crowding peace
Doth to joy increase
In the wide blind eyes uplift
Thro' the darkness and the drift!


While I---to the shape, I too
Feel my soul dilate
Nor a whit abate,
And relax not a gesture due,
As I see my belief come tr...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert I seek."
 "By miracle he may," replied the swain;
"What other way I see not; for we here
Live on tough roots and stubs, to thirst inured
More than the camel, and to drink go far— 
Men to much misery and hardship born.
But, if thou be the Son of God, command
That out of these hard stones be made thee bread;
So shalt thou save thyself, and us relieve
With food, whereof we wretched seldom taste."
 He ended, and the Son of God replied:—
"Think'st thou such force in...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...way you really get painfully bitten
Is by the insurance you haven't taken out and the checks you haven't added up
 the stubs of and the appointments you haven't kept and the bills you
 haven't paid and the letters you haven't written.
Also, about sins of omission there is one particularly painful lack of beauty,
Namely, it isn't as though it had been a riotous red-letter day or night every
 time you neglected to do your duty;
You didn't get a wicked forbidden thrill
Ever...Read more of this...
by Nash, Ogden
...and women
When nothing else is left in life.
But suppose your head is gray, and bowed
On a table covered with acrid stubs
Of cigarettes and empty glasses,
And a knock is heard, and you know it's the knock
So long drowned out by popping corks
And the pea-cock screams of demireps --
And you look up, and there's your Theft,
Who waited until your head was gray,
And your heart skipped beats to say to you:
The game is ended. I've called for you.
Go out on Broadway and b...Read more of this...
by Masters, Edgar Lee

...eople of Britain and America.

The graves from the Irish Sea to the Caucasus peaks are ten times a million.
The stubs and stumps of arms and legs, the eyesockets empty, the cripples, ten times a million.
The crimson thumb-print of this anathema is on the door panels of a hundred million homes.
Cows gone, mothers on sick-beds, children cry a hunger and no milk comes in the noon-time or at night.
The death-yells of it all, the torn throats of men in ditches ...Read more of this...
by Sandburg, Carl

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Stubs poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things