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Famous Statuesque Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Statuesque poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous statuesque poems. These examples illustrate what a famous statuesque poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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 There dwells a mighty pair - 
 Slow, statuesque, intense - 
 Amid the vague Immense: 
None can their chronicle declare, 
 Nor why they be, nor whence. 

,h II 

 Mother of all things made, 
 Matchless in artistry, 
 Unlit with sight is she. - 
And though her ever well-obeyed 
 Vacant of feeling he. 


 The Matron mildly asks - 
 A throb in every word - 
 "Our clay-made creature...Read more of this...
by Hardy, Thomas

...Where is she … ?!

That girl who stood on these ramparts years ago

Statuesque … iconic …besieged by the world

A deity …  worshiped by the early glow of my dreams !

Where is she now ?

That crazy-headed rebellious Truth

With the restless, quivering eye lashes

Who came to refute the sham of this world.


Under these ramparts,

My breath is still patched and mended

By the soft breeze of her existen...Read more of this...
by Amjad, Majeed
...nk that dignity of soul may come, 
Perchance, with dignity of body. Base! 
But I was taken by that air of cold 
And statuesque sedateness, when she said 
'I'm going'; lit a taper, bowed her head, 
And went, as with the stride of Pallas bold. 
Fleshly indifference horrible! The hands 
Of Time now signal: O, she's safe from me! 
Within those secret walls what do I see 
Where first she set the taper down she stands: 
Not Pallas: Hebe shamed! Thoughts black as death, 
Lik...Read more of this...
by Meredith, George

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Statuesque poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs