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Famous Sprinkled Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Sprinkled poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous sprinkled poems. These examples illustrate what a famous sprinkled poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...k as pitch
Isabel met a wicked old witch.
the witch's face was cross and wrinkled,
The witch's gums with teeth were sprinkled.
Ho, ho, Isabel! the old witch crowed,
I'll turn you into an ugly toad!
Isabel, Isabel, didn't worry,
Isabel didn't scream or scurry,
She showed no rage and she showed no rancor,
But she turned the witch into milk and drank her.
Isabel met a hideous giant,
Isabel continued self reliant.
The giant was hairy, the giant was horrid,
He had ...Read more of this...
by Nash, Ogden

...ess hath a happier cure 
Than our school wots of: there's a spider here 
Weaves no web, watches on the ledge of tombs, 
Sprinkled with mottles on an ash-grey back; 
Take five and drop them . . . but who knows his mind, 
The Syrian runagate I trust this to? 
His service payeth me a sublimate 
Blown up his nose to help the ailing eye. 
Best wait: I reach Jerusalem at morn, 
There set in order my experiences, 
Gather what most deserves, and give thee all-- 
Or I ...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert
...nted a delicious garden,
the daughter,
 and meadow.

Myself a garden I did plant,
myself with water sprinkled it.
some pour their verse from water cans;
others spit water
 from their mouth - 
the curly Macks,
 the clever jacks - 
but what the hell’s it all about!
There’s no damming al this up - 
beneath the walls they mandoline:
“Tara-tina, tara-tine,
It’s no great honor, then,
 for my monuments
to rise from such roses
above t...Read more of this...
by Mayakovsky, Vladimir
...atched his eye — it still was fix'd: 
She snatch'd the urn wherein was mix'd 
The Persian Atar-g?l's perfume, [15] 
And sprinkled all its odours o'er 
The pictured roof and marble floor: [16] 
The drops, that through his glittering vest 
The playful girl's appeal address'd, 
Unheeded o'er his bosom flew, 
As if that breast were marble too. 
"What sullen yet? it must not be — 
Oh! gentle Selim, this from thee!" 
She saw in curious order set 
The fairest flowers of Eastern ...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
..."As certain also of your own poets have said"-- 
(Acts 17.28) 
Cleon the poet (from the sprinkled isles, 
Lily on lily, that o'erlace the sea 
And laugh their pride when the light wave lisps "Greece")-- 
To Protus in his Tyranny: much health! 

They give thy letter to me, even now: 
I read and seem as if I heard thee speak. 
The master of thy galley still unlades 
Gift after gift; they block my court at last 
And pile themselves along its p...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert

...home-brewed ale, ah! fair in sooth was the maiden,
Fairer was she when, on Sunday morn, while the bell from its turret
Sprinkled with holy sounds the air, as the priest with his hyssop
Sprinkles the congregation, and scatters blessings upon them,
Down the long street she passed, with her chaplet of beads and her missal,
Wearing her Norman cap and her kirtle of blue, and the ear-rings,
Brought in the olden time from France, and since, as an heirloom,
Handed down from mother t...Read more of this...
by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth with flaming torches in her hands, so grieved that she never tasted ambrosia and the sweet draught of nectar, nor sprinkled her body with water. But when the tenth enlightening dawn had come, Hecate, with a torch in her hands, met her, and spoke to her and told her news:

"Queenly Demeter, bringer of seasons and giver of good gifts, what god of heaven or what mortal man has rapt away Persephone and pierced with sorrow your dear heart? For I heard her voice, yet sa...Read more of this...
by Homer,
...rocky beams,
Whose timbers, as they silent float,
Alps and Caucasus uprear,
And the long Alleghanies here,
And all town-sprinkled lands that be,
Sailing through stars with all their history.

Every morn I lift my head,
Gaze o'er New England underspread
South from Saint Lawrence to the Sound,
From Katshill east to the sea-bound.
Anchored fast for many an age,
I await the bard and sage,
Who in large thoughts, like fair pearl-seed,
Shall string Monadnoc like a bead.
...Read more of this...
by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
...e feigned: 
Under a coronet his flowing hair 
In curls on either cheek played; wings he wore 
Of many a coloured plume, sprinkled with gold; 
His habit fit for speed succinct, and held 
Before his decent steps a silver wand. 
He drew not nigh unheard; the Angel bright, 
Ere he drew nigh, his radiant visage turned, 
Admonished by his ear, and straight was known 
The Arch-Angel Uriel, one of the seven 
Who in God's presence, nearest to his throne, 
Stand ready at command, a...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...mbeau in the race.

Yet wake not from thy slumbers, - rest thee well,
Amidst thy fields of amber asphodel,
Thy lily-sprinkled meadows, - rest thee there,
To mock all human greatness: who would dare
To vent the paltry sorrows of his life
Before thy ruins, or to praise the strife
Of kings' ambition, and the barren pride
Of warring nations! wert not thou the Bride
Of the wild Lord of Adria's stormy sea!
The Queen of double Empires! and to thee
Were not the nations given as t...Read more of this...
by Wilde, Oscar
...hen summer south-winds blow 
And brier and harebell bloom again, 
I tread the pleasant paths we trod, 
I see the violet-sprinkled sod 
Whereon she leaned, too frail and weak 
The hillside flowers she loved to seek, 
Yet following me where'er I went 
With dark eyes full of love's content. 
The birds are glad; the brier-rose fills 
The air with sweetness; all the hills 
Stretch green to June's unclouded sky; 
But still I wait with ear and eye, 
For something gone which shou...Read more of this...
by Whittier, John Greenleaf
...atched his eye — it still was fix'd: 
She snatch'd the urn wherein was mix'd 
The Persian Atar-g?l's perfume, [15] 
And sprinkled all its odours o'er 
The pictured roof and marble floor: [16] 
The drops, that through his glittering vest 
The playful girl's appeal address'd, 
Unheeded o'er his bosom flew, 
As if that breast were marble too. 
"What sullen yet? it must not be — 
Oh! gentle Selim, this from thee!" 
She saw in curious order set 
The fairest flowers of Eastern ...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
...descent, mottled, checked.
Some purest sulphur-yellow, others made
An ivory-white with disks of copper flecked.
Sprinkled and striped, tasselled, or keenest edged.
Striated, powdered, freckled, long or short.
They bloomed, and seemed strange wonder-moths new-fledged,
Born of the spectrum wedded to a flame.
The shade within the arbour made a port
To o'ertaxed eyes, its still, green twilight rest became.

Her knitting-needles clicked and Christine tal...Read more of this...
by Lowell, Amy
...trine*, *pale yellow
His lips were round, his colour was sanguine,
A fewe fracknes* in his face y-sprent**, *freckles **sprinkled
Betwixte yellow and black somedeal y-ment* *mixed 
And as a lion he *his looking cast* *cast about his eyes*
Of five and twenty year his age I cast* *reckon
His beard was well begunnen for to spring;
His voice was as a trumpet thundering.
Upon his head he wore of laurel green
A garland fresh and lusty to be seen;
Upon his hand he bare, for ...Read more of this...
by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...And would it have been worth it, after all,
Would it have been worth while,
After the sunsets and the dooryards and the sprinkled streets,
After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trail along
the floor—
And this, and so much more?—
It is impossible to say just what I mean!
But as if a magic lantern threw the nerves in patterns on a
Would it have been worth while
If one, settling a pillow or throwing off a shawl,
And turning toward the window, should ...Read more of this...
by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
...they bought it ere they rise.

O sudden woe, that ev'r art successour
To worldly bliss! sprent* is with bitterness *sprinkled
Th' end of our joy, of our worldly labour;
Woe *occupies the fine* of our gladness. *seizes the end*
Hearken this counsel, for thy sickerness*: *security
Upon thy glade days have in thy mind
The unware* woe of harm, that comes behind. *unforeseen

For, shortly for to tell it at a word,
The Soudan and the Christians every one
Were all *to-he...Read more of this...
by Chaucer, Geoffrey do, 
The boundary lines keep in so close to it. 
Hor is the township, and the township's Hor-- 
And a few houses sprinkled round the foot, 
Like boulders broken off the upper cliff, 
Rolled out a little farther than the rest." 
"Warm in December, cold in June, you say?" 
"I don't suppose the water's changed at all. 
You and I know enough to know it's warm 
Compared with cold, and cold compared with warm. 
But all the fun's in how you say a thing." 
"You...Read more of this...
by Frost, Robert
...sat beside the well? 
The creature laid his muzzle on your lap, 
And sobbed, and you sobbed with it, and the blood 
Was sprinkled on your kirtle, and you wept. 
That was fawn's blood, not brother's, yet you wept. 
O by the bright head of my little niece, 
You were that Psyche, and what are you now?' 
'You are that Psyche,' Cyril said again, 
'The mother of the sweetest little maid, 
That ever crowed for kisses.' 
'Out upon it!' 
She answered, 'peace! and why shoul...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...claim to the people
That thou hast seen us lie here, as by the law we were bid."
Slumber calmly, ye loved ones! for sprinkled o'er by your life-blood,
Flourish the olive-trees there, joyously sprouts the good seed.
In its possessions exulting, industry gladly is kindled.
And from the sedge of the stream smilingly signs the blue god.
Crushingly falls the axe on the tree, the Dryad sighs sadly;
Down from the crest of the mount plunges the thundering load.
Wi...Read more of this...
by Schiller, Friedrich von underground!

x x x
The muse has left along narrow
And winding street,
And with large drops of dew
Were sprinkled her feet.

For long did I ask of her
To wait for winter with me,
But she said, "The grave is here,
How can you breathe, you see?"

I wanted to give her a dove
That is whiter than all the rest
But the bird herself flew above
After my graceful guest.

Looking at her I was silent,
I loved her alone
And like gates into her country...Read more of this...
by Akhmatova, Anna

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Sprinkled poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry