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Famous Panties Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Panties poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous panties poems. These examples illustrate what a famous panties poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...up higher!" 
"Do what I say!" George slapped again, harder. Constance hiked her skirt. 
"Just up to the panties!" shouted George. "I don't quite want to see the
"Christ, george, what's gone wrong with you?" 
"You fucked Walter!" 
"George, I swear, you've gone crazy. I want to leave. Let me out of here,
"Don't move or I'll kill you!" 
"You'd kill me?" 
"I swear it!" George got up and poured himself a shot of straight whiskey,
dra...Read more of this...
by Bukowski, Charles

...a living.

None of this sounds like my idea of a good time, but I'm broke and I'm
bald so I go home and get my best panties. Suzee lends me some 6 inch pumps,
paints my lips bright red, and gives me 7 shots of Jack Daniels to relax

8pm that night I take the stage.

I'm bald, 
I'm drunk,
and by god,
I'm naked.

by Estep, Maggie
jazzdancing the rounds.

She raised champagne lips,
danced inside banana hips.
All Paris wooed Jo.

Banana panties,
perfumed belt, Jazz tatooing
lush ecstasies felt.

Josephine, royal,
jewelling her dance, flushing
the bosom of France....Read more of this...
by Emanuel, James A
...nkle your brow and curse the day you were born.

She tries to calm you, but you lose control.
You reach for her panties and beg forgiveness as you do.
She squirms and you howl like a wolf. Your craving
seems monumental. You know you will have her.
Taken by storm, she is the girl you will marry....Read more of this...
by Strand, Mark
...happy and sad couples;
Under the elegant coconut palms, near the ocean and moon,
There is a continual life of pants and panties,
A hum from the fondling of silk stockings,
And women's breasts that glisten like eyes.
The salary man, after a while,
After the week's tedium, and the novels read in bed at night,
Has decisively fucked his neighbor,
And now takes her to the miserable movies,
Where the heroes are horses or passionate princes,
And he caresses her legs covered with...Read more of this...
by Neruda, Pablo

...easy to give the air of a naked goddess
 to the plump ladies
of milk and sausage merchants?
 even if you wear silk panties,
cow + silk panties = cow.

Last night
 a window 
 was left open.
The naked Flemish goddesses caught cold.
All day
 turning their bare
mountain-like pink behinds to the public,
 they coughed and sneezed...
I caught cold, too.
So as not to look silly smiling with a cold,
I tried to hide my sniffles
 from the visitors...Read more of this...
by Hikmet, Nazim
...I reached up into the top of the closet
and took out a pair of blue panties
and showed them to her and
asked "are these yours?" 
and she looked and said,
"no, those belong to a dog." 
she left after that and I haven't seen
her since. she's not at her place.
I keep going there, leaving notes stuck
into the door. I go back and the notes
are still there. I take the Maltese cross
cut it down from my car mirro...Read more of this...
by Bukowski, Charles
...dress up around her face
and I didn't care
rape or the end of the earth
one more time
to be there
her panties were on the 
and my cock went in
my cock my god my cock went in
I was Charles 
Somebody....Read more of this...
by Bukowski, Charles take
 Off something more.

Her pinafore she next unties,
And then before we realise,
 Her dress drops down;
Her panties and her brassiere,
Her chemise and her underwear
 Are round her strown.

And now she dances all about,
As naked as a new-caught trout,
 With impish glee;
And though she's beautiful like that,
(A cherubim, but not so fat),
 Quite shocked are we.

And so we dread with dim dismay
Some day she may her charms display
 In skimpy wear;
Aye, even in ...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
...r> Three sides have pouches with elastic tops—
stretched out now, like old underwear.

I watched Mom pack them with panties and brassieres
when I was so little she didn't blush.
The right front corner has been punctured and crushed.

(I could have choked the baggage handler.)
The handle—blue plastic doorknocker—
is fringed with wrinkled tags from United, Delta,

U.S. Air (which crunched the hole, flying
the suitcase back from Houston). I'd gone the...Read more of this...
by Webb, Charles
...he did:
She pinched and she scriped fer 'is scoolin', 'e was sich a fine 'andsome boy
('Alf Flanders seems packed on me panties) -- 'e's 'andsome no longer, pore kid!

This bit o' a board that I'm packin' and draggin' around in the mire,
I was tickled to death when I found it. Says I, "'Ere's a nice little glow."
I was chilled and wet through to the marrer, so I started to make me a fire;
And then I says: "No; 'ere, Goblimy, it'll do for a cross for Joe."

Well, '...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
...le boy!
What a funny little boy!
What a dear little bow-leg boy!"

Observing a strict geometrical law,
They cut out his panties with a circular saw;
Which gave such a stress to his oval stride
That the people he met invariably cried:
"What a cute little boy!
What a funny little boy!
What a dear little bow-leg boy!"

They gave him a wheel and away he went
Speeding along to his heart's content;
And he sits so straight and he pedals so strong
That the folks all say as he bowls a...Read more of this...
by Field, Eugene
...ious in love, your breasts
and belly and below, the zone I'd
like to zone in on, your ankles
unshod, your brassiere and panties
strewn on the floor, you are
my Psyche (Greek for memory or soul)
and I will visit your sleep tonight
you won't see me but I'll be there
beside you for hours and when
you wake in my arms I will kiss
your eyes shut and then kiss you more...Read more of this...
by Lehman, David

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Panties poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things