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Famous My Mind Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous My Mind poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous my mind poems. These examples illustrate what a famous my mind poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...was breaking through—

And when they all were seated,
A Service, like a Drum—
Kept beating—beating—till I thought
My Mind was going numb

And then I heard them lift a Box
And creak across my Soul
With those same Boots of Lead, again,
Then Space—began to toll,

As all the Heavens were a Bell,
And Being, but an Ear,
And I, and Silence, some strange Race
Wrecked, solitary, here—

And then a Plank in Reason, broke,
And I dropped down, and down—
And hit a World...Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily

...usand other along the fated road 
 Whom love led deathward through disastrous things 
 He pointed as they passed, until my mind 
 Was wildered in this heavy pass to find 
 Ladies so many, and cavaliers and kings 
 Fallen, and pitying past restraint, I said, 
 "Poet, those next that on the wind appear 
 So light, and constant as they drive or veer 
 Are parted never, I fain would speak." 

 And he, - 
 "Conjure them by their love, and thou shalt see 
 Their flight come hit...Read more of this...
by Alighieri, Dante glass,
I challenged everything,
was continually being
evicted,jailed,in and
out of fights,in and aout
of my mind.
women were something
to screw and rail
at,i had no male

I changed jobs and
cities,I hated holidays,
newspapers, museums,
marriage, movies,
spiders, garbagemen,
english accents,spain,
france,italy,walnuts and
the color 
algebra angred me,
opera sickened me,
charlie chaplin was a
and flowers...Read more of this...
by Bukowski, Charles
...d. When the Almighty
Rides a white horse, I fancy we shall know it. 


It was a man, Burr, that was in my mind; 
No god, or ghost, or demon—only a man: 
A man whose occupation is the need 
Of those who would not feel it if it bit them;
And one who shapes an age while he endures 
The pin pricks of inferiorities; 
A cautious man, because he is but one; 
A lonely man, because he is a thousand. 
No marvel you are slow to find in him
The genius that is one spa...Read more of this...
by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...reamed, not, as I oft am wont, of thee, 
Works of day past, or morrow's next design, 
But of offence and trouble, which my mind 
Knew never till this irksome night: Methought, 
Close at mine ear one called me forth to walk 
With gentle voice; I thought it thine: It said, 
'Why sleepest thou, Eve? now is the pleasant time, 
'The cool, the silent, save where silence yields 
'To the night-warbling bird, that now awake 
'Tunes sweetest his love-laboured song; now reigns 
'Full-or...Read more of this...
by Milton, John

...or bind, 
One night or two with wanton growth derides 
Tending to wild. Thou therefore now advise, 
Or bear what to my mind first thoughts present: 
Let us divide our labours; thou, where choice 
Leads thee, or where most needs, whether to wind 
The woodbine round this arbour, or direct 
The clasping ivy where to climb; while I, 
In yonder spring of roses intermixed 
With myrtle, find what to redress till noon: 
For, while so near each other thus all day 
Our task we choo...Read more of this...
by Milton, John last! 
I am more than eighty years of age—my hair, too, is pure white—I am the most
 venerable mother; 
How clear is my mind! how all people draw nigh to me!
What attractions are these, beyond any before? what bloom, more than the bloom of youth? 
What beauty is this that descends upon me, and rises out of me? 

O the orator’s joys! 
To inflate the chest—to roll the thunder of the voice out from the ribs and throat, 
To make the people rage, weep, hate, desire, with yourse...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...Im going in 2 this not knowing what i"ll find
but I've decided 2 follow my heart and abandon my mind
and if there be pain i know that at least i gave my all
and it's better to have loved and lost than 2 not love at all
in the morning i may wake 2 smile or maybe 2 cry
but first to those of my past i must say goodbye ...Read more of this...
by Shakur, Tupac
...od Top for the fight. 

When Bill was stripped down to his bends 
I thought how long we two'd been friends, 
And in my mind, about that wire, 
I thought "He's right, I am a liar. 
As sure as skilly's made in prison 
The right to poach that copse is his'n. 
I'll have no luck tonight," thinks I. 
"I'm fighting to defend a lie. 
And this moonshiny evening's fun 
Is worse than aught I've ever done." 
And thinking that way my heart bled so 
I almost stept t...Read more of this...
by Masefield, John
...the books in which I read;  For books in every neighbouring house I sought,  And nothing to my mind a sweeter pleasure brought.   Can I forget what charms did once adorn  My garden, stored with pease, and mint, and thyme,  And rose and lilly for the sabbath morn?  The sabbath bells, and their delightful chime;  The gambols and wild freaks at shearing time;  M...Read more of this...
by Wordsworth, William
...sentinel doth keep.
4.57 My weary breast rest from his toil can find,
4.58 But if I rest, the more distrest my mind.
4.59 If happiness my sordidness hath found,
4.60 'Twas in the crop of my manured ground:
4.61 My fatted Ox, and my exuberous Cow,
4.62 My fleeced Ewe, and ever farrowing Sow.
4.63 To greater things I never did aspire,
4.64 My dunghill thoughts or hopes could reach no higher.
4.65 If to be rich, or great, it wa...Read more of this...
by Bradstreet, Anne
...I would say, before thy vision came,
My joy, my life, my love, and with some kind
Of knowledge speak, and think I knew my mind
Of heaven and hope, and each word hit its aim.
Whate'er their sounds be, now all mean the same,
Denoting each the fair that none can find;
Or if I say them, 'tis as one long blind
Forgets the sights that he was used to name. 
Now if men speak of love, 'tis not my love;
Nor are their hopes nor joys mine, nor their life
Of praise the life that ...Read more of this...
by Bridges, Robert Seymour
...reafter, the dark warning of our King, 
That most of us would follow wandering fires, 
Came like a driving gloom across my mind. 
Then every evil word I had spoken once, 
And every evil thought I had thought of old, 
And every evil deed I ever did, 
Awoke and cried, "This Quest is not for thee." 
And lifting up mine eyes, I found myself 
Alone, and in a land of sand and thorns, 
And I was thirsty even unto death; 
And I, too, cried, "This Quest is not for thee." 
...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
"And how & by what paths I have been brought
To this dread pass, methinks even thou mayst guess;
Why this should be my mind can compass not;
"Whither the conqueror hurries me still less.
But follow thou, & from spectator turn
Actor or victim in this wretchedness,
"And what thou wouldst be taught I then may learn
From thee.--Now listen . . . In the April prime
When all the forest tops began to burn
"With kindling green, touched by the azure clime
Of the...Read more of this...
by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
...those gentlemen with wings,' 
Said Wilkes, 'are cherubs; and that soul below 
Looks much like George the Third, but to my mind 
A good deal older — Bless me! is he blind?' 


'He is what you behold him, and his doom 
Depends upon his deeds,' the Angel said; 
'If you have aught to arraign in him, the tomb 
Give licence to the humblest beggar's head 
To lift itself against the loftiest.' — 'Some,' 
Said Wilkes, 'don't wait to see them laid in lead, 
For such a libert...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
The Hanged Man, a member of the traditional pack, fits my purpose
in two ways: because he is associated in my mind with the Hanged God
of Frazer, and because I associate him with the hooded figure in
the passage of the disciples to Emmaus in Part V. The Phoenician Sailor
and the Merchant appear later; also the "crowds of people," and
Death by Water is executed in Part IV. The Man with Three Staves
(an authentic member of the Tarot pack) I associate, quite...Read more of this...
by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
...a small white town on a deep-cut bay 
In the smallest state in the U.S.A. 
I meant to tell him, but changed my mind—
I needed a friend, and he seemed kind; 
So I put my gloved hand into his glove,
And we danced together— and fell in love.

Young and in love-how magical the phrase! 
How magical the fact! Who has not yearned 
Over young lovers when to their amaze 
They fall in love and find their love returned, 
And the lights brighten, and their eyes are cle...Read more of this...
by Miller, Alice Duer
...ate had left behind; 
But, spite of frozen shower and storm, 
So close to thee, my heart beat warm, 
And tranquil slept my mind. 

So now­nor foot-sore nor opprest
With walking all this August day,
I taste a heaven in this brief rest,
This gipsy-halt beside the way.
England's wild flowers are fair to view,
Like balm is England's summer dew,
Like gold her sunset ray. 

But the white violets, growing here,
Are sweeter than I yet have seen,
And ne'er did dew so pure ...Read more of this...
by Bronte, Charlotte
...Who prop, thou ask'st in these bad days, my mind?--
He much, the old man, who, clearest-souled of men,
Saw The Wide Prospect, and the Asian Fen,
And Tmolus hill, and Smyrna bay, though blind.

Much he, whose friendship I not long since won,
That halting slave, who in Nicopolis
Taught Arrian, when Vespasian's brutal son
Cleared Rome of what most shamed him. But be his

My special thanks, who...Read more of this...
by Arnold, Matthew as though ¡®t were red hot wine..
And now the wind, all redolent and heated,
In perfect vigor has enflamed my mind.

x x x

Oh, this was a cold day
In Peter's wonderful town!
The shadow grew dense, and the sundown
Like purple fire lay.

Let him not want my eyes fair
Prophetic and never-changing
All life long verse he'll be catching -
My conceited lips' empty prayer.

x x x

This way I prayed: "Slake the dumb thirst
Of sing...Read more of this...
by Akhmatova, Anna

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things