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Famous Mulberry Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Mulberry poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous mulberry poems. These examples illustrate what a famous mulberry poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...staff and thinks of his son, the herdboy. 
There are whirring pheasants, full wheat-ears, 
Silk-worms asleep, pared mulberry-leaves. 
And the farmers, returning with hoes on their shoulders, 
Hail one another familiarly. 
...No wonder I long for the simple life 
And am sighing the old song, Oh, to go Back Again....Read more of this...
by Wei, Wang

...aff and thinks of his son, the herdboy. 
There are whirring pheasants? full wheat-ears, 
Silk-worms asleep, pared mulberry-leaves. 
And the farmers, returning with hoes on their shoulders, 
Hail one another familiarly. 
...No wonder I long for the simple life 
And am sighing the old song, Oh, to go Back Again! ...Read more of this...
by Wei, Wang
...let us fly
And play at hid and seek;

And "Here we gather Nuts and May,"
"I wrote a Letter" too,
"Here we go round the Mulberry Bush,"
"The Child who lost its shoe";

And every game we ever played.
And then--to stay alive--
Let's end with lots of Birthday Cake
Because to-day you're five....Read more of this...
by Mansfield, Katherine
...s his light? of lamp or moon or sun?
Say that it changed, for better or for worse,
sifted by leaves, sifted by snow; on mulberry silk
a slant of witch-light; on the pure text
a slant of genius; emptying mind and heart
for winecups and more winecups and more words.
What was his time? Say that it was a change,
but constant as a changing thing may be,
from chicory's moon-dark blue down the taut scale
to chicory's tenderest pink, in a pink field
such as imagination dreams of ...Read more of this...
by Aiken, Conrad
...I dwell apart by the River Qi,
Where the Eastern wilds stretch far without hills.
The sun darkens beyond the mulberry trees;
The river glistens through the villages.
Shepherd boys depart, gazing back to their hamlets;
Hunting dogs return following their men.
When a man's at peace, what business does he have?
I shut fast my rustic door throughout the day....Read more of this...
by Wei, Wang

...t Nehum rejoice with the Artichoke. 

Let Ginnithon rejoice with the Bottle Flower. 

Let Zidkijah rejoice with Mulberry Blight. God be gracious to Gum my fellow Prisoner. 

Let Malluch rejoice with Methonica Superb Lily. 

Let Jeremiah rejoice with Hemlock, which is good in outward application. 

Let Bilgai rejoice with Tamalapatra Indian Leaf. 

Let Maaziah rejoice with Chick Pease. God be gracious to Harris White 5th of May 1761. 

Let K...Read more of this...
by Smart, Christopher dream would show to me, 
But girls, Hetairai, curious in their art, 
Hired animalisms, vile as those that made 
The mulberry-faced Dictator's orgies worse 
Than aught they fable of the quiet Gods. 
And hands they mixt, and yell'd and round me drove 
In narrowing circles till I yell'd again 
Half-suffocated, and sprang up, and saw -- 
Was it the first beam of my latest day?

"Then, then, from utter gloom stood out the 
The breasts of Helen, and hoveringly a sword 
Now ...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...over, deeply humming; 
In the blue sea above me lazily stream 
Cloud upon thin-brown cloud, revolving, scattering; 
The mulberry tree rakes heaven and drops its fruit; 
Amazing sunlight sings in the opened vault 
On dust and bones, and I am mute.

It is noon; the bells let fall soft flowers of sound. 
They turn on the air, they shrink in the flare of noon. 
It is night; and I lie alone, and watch through the window 
The terrible ice-white emptiness of the moon.Read more of this...
by Aiken, Conrad bull bellowed before the sea.
The sea, till that day orderly,
Hove up against Bendylaw.

The queen in the mulberry arbor stared
Stiff as a queen on a playing card.
The king fingered his beard.

A blue sea, four horny bull-feet,
A bull-snouted sea that wouldn't stay put,
Bucked at the garden gate.

Along box-lined walks in the florid sun
Toward the rowdy bellow and back again
The lords and ladies ran.

The great bronze gate began to crack,
The sea...Read more of this...
by Plath, Sylvia man
And we were the pride of the Sons of Han?
We copied deep books and we carved in jade,
And wove blue silks in the mulberry shade...."

"I remember, I remember
That Spring came on forever,
That Spring came on forever,"
Said the Chinese nightingale.

My heart was filled with marvel and dream,
Though I saw the western street-lamps gleam,
Though dawn was bringing the western day,
Though Chang was a laundryman ironing away....
Mingled ther...Read more of this...
by Lindsay, Vachel
...At the end of a long-walled garden in a red provincial town,
A brick path led to a mulberry- scanty grass at its feet.
I lay under blackening branches where the mulberry leaves hung down
Sheltering ruby fruit globes from a Sunday-tea-time heat.
Apple and plum espaliers basked upon bricks of brown;
The air was swimming with insects, and children played in the street.

Out of this bright intentness into the mulberry shade
Musca d...Read more of this...
by Betjeman, John
Where just a faint cloud of rose shall appear,
As if in pure water you dropped and let die
A bruised black-blooded mulberry;
And that other sort, their crowning pride,
With long white threads distinct inside,
Like the lake-flower's fibrous roots which dangle
Loose such a length and never tangle,
Where the bold sword-lily cuts the clear waters,
And the cup-lily couches with all the white daughters:
Such are the works they put their hand to,
The uses they turn and twist ir...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert
...swopt the plover in its pleasure free
Are vanished now with commons wild and gay
As poet's visions of life's early day
Mulberry-bushes where the boy would run
To fill his hands with fruit are grubbed and done
And hedgrow-briars—flower-lovers overjoyed
Came and got flower-pots—these are all destroyed
And sky-bound mores in mangled garbs are left
Like mighty giants of their limbs bereft
Fence now meets fence in owners' little bounds
Of field and meadow large as garden grounds
...Read more of this...
by Clare, John
...Here we go round the mulberry bush,The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush,Here we go round the mulberry bush.On a cold and frosty morning.This is the way we wash our hands,Wash our hands, wash our hands,This is the way we wash our hands,On a cold and frosty morning.This is the way we wash our clothes.Wash our clothes, wash our clothes,Read more of this...
by Goose, Mother
...caught in the web the night-winds spin.
The edge of the wheat-ridge speaks to me.
I talk with the leaves of the mulberry tree.
And now I hear, as I sit all alone
In the dusk, by another big Santa-Fe stone,
The souls of the tall corn gathering round
And the gay little souls of the grass in the ground.
Listen to the tale the cotton-wood tells.

Listen to the wind-mills, singing o'er the wells.
Listen to the whistling flutes without price
Of myriad prophe...Read more of this...
by Lindsay, Vachel
...I wanted to see the self, so I looked at the mulberry.
It had no trouble accepting its limits,
yet defining and redefining a small area
so that any shape was possible, any movement.
It stayed put, but was part of all the air.
I wanted to learn to be there and not there
like the continually changing, slightly moving
mulberry, wild cherry and particularly the willow.
Like the willow, I tr...Read more of this...
by Bell, Marvin
...e or war. 
greatest and least alike, thou rul'st their fate,-- 
The avalanch chained until its century's date, 
The mulberry leaf made robe for emperor! 
Shall man alone thy law deny? --refuse 
Thy healing for his blunders and his sins? 
Oh, make us thine! Teach us who waits best sues; 
Who longest waits of all most surely wins. 
When Time is spent, Eternity begins. 
To doubt, to chafe, to haste, doth God accuse....Read more of this...
by Jackson, Helen Hunt
...he resurrection of the wheat appears with pale visage out of its graves, 
The tinge awakes over the willow-tree and the mulberry-tree, 
The he-birds carol mornings and evenings, while the she-birds sit on their nests,
The young of poultry break through the hatch’d eggs, 
The new-born of animals appear—the calf is dropt from the cow, the colt from the
Out of its little hill faithfully rise the potato’s dark green leaves, 
Out of its hill rises the yellow maize-stalk—th...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...You are not beautiful, exactly.
You are beautiful, inexactly.
You let a weed grow by the mulberry
And a mulberry grow by the house.
So close, in the personal quiet
Of a windy night, it brushes the wall
And sweeps away the day till we sleep.

A child said it, and it seemed true:
"Things that are lost are all equal."
But it isn't true. If I lost you,
The air wouldn't move, nor the tree grow.
Someone would pull the weed, my flow...Read more of this...
by Bell, Marvin
...In the land of Wu the mulberry leaves are green,
And thrice the silkworms have gone to sleep.
In East Luh where my family stay,
I wonder who is sowing those fields of ours.
I cannot be back in time for the spring doings,
Yet I can help nothing, traveling on the river.
The south wind blowing wafts my homesick spirit
And carries it up to the front of our familiar tavern...Read more of this...
by Po, Li

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Mulberry poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things