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Famous Morning Prayer Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Morning Prayer poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous morning prayer poems. These examples illustrate what a famous morning prayer poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
A rusting bulk of bronze and gold,
S o much, and scarce so much, ye hold
 The meaning of Kamakura?

But when the morning prayer is prayed,
Think, ere ye pass to strife and trade,
Is God in human image made
 No nearer than Kamakura?...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard

...o serve for defence as well as ornament. 

For it brightened to the Glory of God, which came upon the human face at morning prayer. 

For it was largest and brightest in the best men. 

For it was taken away all at once from all of them. 

For this was done in the divine contempt of a general pusillanimity. 

For this happened in a season after their return from the Babylonish captivity. 

For their spirits were broke and their manhood impair'd by fore...Read more of this...
by Smart, Christopher
...When with the virgin morning thou dost rise,
Crossing thyself come thus to sacrifice;
First wash thy heart in innocence; then bring
Pure hands, pure habits, pure, pure every thing.
Next to the altar humbly kneel, and thence
Give up thy soul in clouds of frankincense.
Thy golden censers fill'd with odours sweet
Shall make thy actions with their ends...Read more of this...
by Herrick, Robert
...Let me to-day do something that shall take
A little sadness from the world’s vast store, 
And may I be so favoured as to make
Of joy’s too scanty sum a little more.
Let me not hurt, by any selfish deed
Or thoughtless word, the heart of foe or friend; 
Nor would I pass, unseeing, worthy need, 
Or sin by silence when I should defend.
However meagre b...Read more of this...
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
...s he spoke, and on the day once more:
"Creature of God, deliver me, and bless the King therefor!"

They shot him at the morning prayer, to ease him of his pain,
And when he heard the matchlocks clink, he blessed the King again.

Which thing the singers made a song for all the world to sing,
So that the Outer Seas may know the mercy of the King.

 Abdhur Rahman, the Durani Chief, of him is the story told,
 He has opened his mouth to the North and the South, they have s...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard

...e mist-like banners clasped the air,
As clouds with clouds embrace.

But when the old cathedral bell
Proclaimed the morning prayer,
The white pavilions rose and fell
On the alarmed air.

Down the broad valley fast and far
The troubled army fled;
Up rose the glorious morning star,
The ghastly host was dead.

I have read, in the marvellous heart of man,
That strange and mystic scroll,
That an army of phantoms vast and wan
Beleaguer the human soul.

Encamped besi...Read more of this...
by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...cap and gown to leave my minstrel weeds,"
For yon dull noise that tinkles on the air
Bids me lay by the lyre and go to morning prayer.

Oh how I hate the sound! it is the Knell,
That still a requiem tolls to Comfort's hour;
And loth am I, at Superstition's bell,
To quit or Morpheus or the Muses bower.
Better to lie and dose, than gape amain,
Hearing still mumbled o'er, the same eternal strain.

Thou tedious herald of more tedious prayers
Say hast thou ever summon...Read more of this...
by Southey, Robert

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Morning Prayer poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry