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Famous Many Moons Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Many Moons poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous many moons poems. These examples illustrate what a famous many moons poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...ed by the power of the King, 
Enforced was she to wed him in her tears, 
And with a shameful swiftness: afterward, 
Not many moons, King Uther died himself, 
Moaning and wailing for an heir to rule 
After him, lest the realm should go to wrack. 
And that same night, the night of the new year, 
By reason of the bitterness and grief 
That vext his mother, all before his time 
Was Arthur born, and all as soon as born 
Delivered at a secret postern-gate 
To Merlin, to be hold...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord

Arm for the battle and begin the dance-
The sacred dance in honor of our slain, 
Who will return to earth, ere many moons shall wane.'

Thus Sitting Bull, the chief of wily knaves, 
Worked on the superstitions of his braves.
Mixed truth with lies; and stirred to mad unrest
The warlike instinct in each savage breast.
A curious product of unhappy times, 
The natural offspring of unnumbered crimes, 
He used low cunning and dramatic arts
To startle...Read more of this...
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
...ell to all the young men,
Spake persuading, spake in this wise:
I am going, O my people,
On a long and distant journey;
Many moons and many winters
Will have come, and will have vanished,
Ere I come again to see you.
But my guests I leave behind me;
Listen to their words of wisdom,
Listen to the truth they tell you,
For the Master of Life has sent them
From the land of light and morning!"
On the shore stood Hiawatha,
Turned and waved his hand at parting;
On the clear and ...Read more of this...
by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...his six years' space, which yet is mine.

'Six years--six little years--six drops of time!
Yet suns shall rise, and many moons shall wane,
And old men die, and young men pass their prime,
And languid pleasure fade and flower again,
And the dull Gods behold, ere these are flown,
Revels more deep, joy keener than their own.

'Into the silence of the groves and woods
I will go forth; though something would I say--
Something--yet what, I know not; for the Gods
The doom th...Read more of this...
by Arnold, Matthew
...clouds like seas up-shoaled,
I held its track till it led me back to the land I had left of old--
The land I had looted many moons. I was weary and sick and cold.

"I was sick, soul-sick, of the futile chase, and there and then I swore
The foul fiend fox might scathless go, for I would hunt no more;
Then I rubbed mine eyes in a vast surprise--it stood by my cabin door.

"A rifle raised in the wraith-like gloom, and a vengeful shot that sped;
A howl that would thri...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Many Moons poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs