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Famous Luscious Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Luscious poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous luscious poems. These examples illustrate what a famous luscious poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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For ADORATION from the down 
Of dam'sins to th'anana's crown,
 God sends to tempt the taste; 
And while the luscious zest invites, 
The sense, that in the scene delights, 
 Commands desire be chaste. 

For ADORATION, all the paths 
Of grace are open, all the baths 
 Of purity refresh; 
And all the rays of glory beam 
To deck the man of God's esteem, 
 Who triumphs o'er the flesh. 

For ADORATION, in the dome 
Of Christ, the sparrows find a hom...Read more of this...
by Smart, Christopher

The ants have brimm'd their garners with ripe grain, 
And honey bees have stored 
The sweets of Summer in their luscious cells; 
The swallows all have wing'd across the main; 
But here the Autumn melancholy dwells, 
And sighs her tearful spells 
Amongst the sunless shadows of the plain. 
Alone, alone, 
Upon a mossy stone, 
She sits and reckons up the dead and gone 
With the last leaves for a love-rosary, 
Whilst all the wither'd world looks drearily, 
Like a dim p...Read more of this...
by Hood, Thomas
...twelve children
who wins the Irish Sweepstakes.
From toilets to riches.
That story.

Or the nursemaid,
some luscious sweet from Denmark
who captures the oldest son's heart.
from diapers to Dior.
That story.

Or a milkman who serves the wealthy,
eggs, cream, butter, yogurt, milk,
the white truck like an ambulance
who goes into real estate
and makes a pile.
From homogenized to martinis at lunch.

Or the charwoman
who is on the bus when it cracks ...Read more of this...
by Sexton, Anne
...mancer's hall;
Where if he be, with dauntless hardihood
And brandished blade rush on him: break his glass,
And shed the luscious liquor on the ground;
But seize his wand. Though he and his curst crew
Fierce sign of battle make, and menace high,
Or, like the sons of Vulcan, vomit smoke,
Yet will they soon retire, if he but shrink.
 ELD. BRO. Thyrsis, lead on apace; I'll follow thee;
And some good angel bear a shield before us!

The Scene changes to a stately pa...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...r dainty fairness now,
Circling about her waist, and striving how
To entice her to a dive! then stealing in
Between her luscious lips and eyelids thin.
O that her shining hair was in the sun,
And I distilling from it thence to run
In amorous rillets down her shrinking form!
To linger on her lily shoulders, warm
Between her kissing breasts, and every charm
Touch raptur'd!--See how painfully I flow:
Fair maid, be pitiful to my great woe.
Stay, stay thy weary course, and...Read more of this...
by Keats, John

Then swiftly Cerberus’ wide mouths I cram 
With army biscuit smeared with ration jam; 

And sleep lurks in the luscious plum and apple. 
He crunches, swallows, stiffens, seems to grapple
With the all-powerful poppy … then a snore, 
A crash; the beast blocks up the corridor 
With monstrous hairy carcase, red and dun— 
Too late! for I’ve sped through. 
O Life! O Sun!...Read more of this...
by Graves, Robert
...Forbidden Fruit a flavor has
That lawful Orchards mocks --
How luscious lies within the Pod
The Pea that Duty locks --...Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily
One bears a plate,
One lugs a golden dish
Of many pounds' weight.
How fair the vine must grow
Whose grapes are so luscious;
How warm the wind must blow
Through those fruit bushes."
"No," said Lizzie, "no, no, no;
Their offers should not charm us,
Their evil gifts would harm us."
She thrust a dimpled finger
In each ear, shut eyes and ran:
Curious Laura chose to linger
Wondering at each merchant man.
One had a cat's face,
One whisked a tail,
One tramped at a r...Read more of this...
by Rossetti, Christina
...owing loosely 
in the open fields we crossed 
on the way to school. We 
would carve wooden swords 
and slash at the luscious trunks 
until the white milk started 
and then flowed. Then we'd 
go on to the long day 
after day of the History of History 
or the tables of numbers and order 
as the clock slowly paid 
out the moments. The windows 
went dark first with rain 
and then snow, and then the days, 
then the years ran together and not 
one mattered more than 
an...Read more of this...
by Levine, Philip
Go! and rest tomorrow, 
Hunting in your dreams, 
While our skates are ringing 
O'er the frozen streams. 
Let the luscious Southwind 
Breathe in lovers' sighs, 
While the lazy gallants 
Bask in ladies' eyes. 
What does he but soften 
Heart alike and pen? 
'Tis the hard gray weather 
Breeds hard English men. 
What's the soft Southwester? 
'Tis the ladies' breeze, 
Bringing home their trueloves 
Out of all the seas. 
But the black Northeaster, 
Through the sno...Read more of this...
by Kingsley, Charles
...ll of straw
and told her to spin it into gold
or she would die like a criminal.
Poor grape with no one to pick.
Luscious and round and sleek.
Poor thing.
To die and never see Brooklyn.

She wept,
of course, huge aquamarine tears.
The door opened and in popped a dwarf.
He was as ugly as a wart.
Little thing, what are you? she cried.
With his tiny no-sex voice he replied:
I am a dwarf.
I have been exhibited on Bond Street
and no child wil...Read more of this...
by Sexton, Anne
...LARK her carol sings 
And BUTTERFLIES expand their wings, 
And BEES begin their sultry toils 
And load their limbs with luscious spoils, 
I stroll along the pathless vale, 
And smile, and bless thy soothing tale. 

But ah ! when hoary winter chills 
The plumy race­and wraps the hills 
In snowy vest, I tell my pains 
Beside the brook in icy chains 
Bound its weedy banks between, 
While sad I watch night's pensive queen, 
Just emblem of MY weary woes: 
For ah ! where'er the...Read more of this...
by Robinson, Mary Darby
...have kiss’d—mortal I have ever
 touch’d! it shall be you. 

I dote on myself—there is that lot of me, and all so luscious;
Each moment, and whatever happens, thrills me with joy. 

O I am wonderful! 
I cannot tell how my ankles bend, nor whence the cause of my faintest wish; 
Nor the cause of the friendship I emit, nor the cause of the friendship I take

That I walk up my stoop! I pause to consider if it really be;
A morning-glory at my window...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt, my guide,
Soon left me, to feast on the myrtles
That offered, each side,
Their fruit-balls, black, glossy and luscious,— 
Or strip from the sorbs
A treasure, so rosy and wondrous,
Of hairy gold orbs!
But my mule picked his sure, sober path out,
Just stopping to neigh
When he recognized down in the valley
His mates on their way
With the faggots, and barrels of water;
And soon we emerged
From the plain, where the woods could scarce follow
And still as we urged
Our way...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert
...inx speed,
Not as a Nymph, but for a Reed.

What wond'rous Life in this I lead!
Ripe Apples drop about my head;
The Luscious Clusters of the Vine
Upon my Mouth do crush their Wine;
The Nectaren, and curious Peach,
Into my hands themselves do reach;
Stumbling on Melons, as I pass,
Insnar'd with Flow'rs, I fall on Grass.

Mean while the Mind, from pleasure less,
Withdraws into its happiness:
The Mind, that Ocean where each kind
Does streight its own resemblance find;
Ye...Read more of this...
by Gluck, Louise
...u will never wind up the sucking-thumb
Or scuttle off ghosts that come.
You will never leave them, controlling your luscious sigh,
Return for a snack of them, with gobbling mother-eye.

I have heard in the voices of the wind the voices of my dim killed
I have contracted. I have eased
My dim dears at the breasts they could never suck.
I have said, Sweets, if I sinned, if I seized
Your luck
And your lives from your unfinished reach,
If I stole your...Read more of this...
by Brooks, Gwendolyn was most plain and pure.
He first enclos'd within the Gardens square
A dead and standing pool of Air:
And a more luscious Earth for them did knead,
Which stupifi'd them while it fed.
The Pink grew then as double as his Mind;
The nutriment did change the kind.
With strange perfumes he did the Roses taint.
And Flow'rs themselves were taught to paint.
The Tulip, white, did for complexion seek;
And learn'd to interline its cheek:
Its Onion root they then so...Read more of this...
by Marvell, Andrew
...el bush,
And at a distance hid to sing again.
Lost in a wilderness of listening leaves,
Rich Ecstasy would pour its luscious strain,
Till envy spurred the emulating thrush
To start less wild and scarce inferior songs ;
For while of half the year Care him bereaves,
To damp the ardour of his speckled breast ;
The nightingale to summer's life belongs,
And naked trees, and winter's nipping wrongs,
Are strangers to her music and her rest.
Her joys are evergreen, her world ...Read more of this...
by Clare, John charmed cup, which Reason's mintage fair
Unmoulds, and stamps the monster on the man.
Eager we taste, but in the luscious draught
Forget the poisonous dregs that lurk beneath.
Few know that elegance of soul refin'd,
Whose soft sensation feels a quicker joy
From Melancholy's scenes, than the dull pride
Of tasteless splendour and magnificence
Can e'er afford. Thus Eloise, whose mind
Had languish'd to the pangs of melting love,
More genuine transport found, as on ...Read more of this...
by Warton, Thomas
...doth give,
No other cares attend
But them to defend
From winter's rage,
That long there doth not live.

When as the luscious smell
Of that delicious land,
Above the sea that flows,
The clear wind throws,
Your hearts to swell,
Approaching the dear strand.

In kenning of the shore,
(Thanks to God first given)
O you, the happiest men,
Be frolic then!
Let canons roar,
Frighting the wide heaven!

And in regions far
Such heroes bring ye forth
As those from whom we came,
And...Read more of this...
by Drayton, Michael

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Book: Shattered Sighs