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Famous Knits Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Knits poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous knits poems. These examples illustrate what a famous knits poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...s or riots at your feasts  
Orgies of drink or feign'd protests; 40 
But simple love of greatness and of good  
That knits brave minds and manners more than blood. 

This made you first to know the Why 
You liked then after to apply 
That liking and approach so one the t'other 45 
Till either grew a portion of the other: 
Each styl¨¨d by his end 
The copy of his friend. 
You lived to be the great surnames 
And titles by which all made claims 50 
Unto the ...Read more of this...
by Jonson, Ben

...rhymes, or riots, at your feasts,
Orgies of drink, or feign'd protests;
But simple love of greatness and of good,
That knits brave minds and manners more than blood.


This made you first to know the why
You lik'd, then after, to apply
That liking; and approach so one the t'other
Till either grew a portion of the other;
Each styled by his end,
The copy of his friend.
You liv'd to be the great surnames
And titles by which all made claims
Unto the vir...Read more of this...
by Jonson, Ben
...ceful you could scarce believe
They shared the torments of the damned . . .
Yet there the Mother smiles and knits;
The Daughter sews white underwear;
The Father reads and smokes and spits,
While Sonny Boy plays solitaire....Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
...we hear the word
That sickened earth of old: --
"No law except the Sword
Unsheathed and uncontrolled."
Once more it knits mankind,
Once more the nations go
To meet and break and bind
A crazed and driven foe.

Comfort, content, delight,
The ages' slow-bought gain,
They shrivelled in a night.
Only ourselves remain
To face the naked days
In silent fortitude,
Through perils and dismays
Renewed and re-renewed.
 Though all we made depart,
 The old Commandments stand...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard
...There is always something to be made of pain.
Your mother knits.
She turns out scarves in every shade of red.
They were for Christmas, and they kept you warm
while she married over and over, taking you
along. How could it work,
when all those years she stored her widowed heart
as though the dead come back.
No wonder you are the way you are,
afraid of blood, your women
like one brick wall after anoth...Read more of this...
by Brautigan, Richard

...dear little cozy cottage, 
And the room where mother sits, 
And slowly rocks in her easy chair 
And thinks of me as she knits.

Sometimes with the merry dancers 
When my feet are keeping time, 
And my heart beats high, as young hearts will, 
To the music's rhythmic chime. 
My spirit slips over the distance 
Over the glitter and whirl, 
To my mother who sits, and rocks, and knits, 
And thinks of her "little girl."

And when I listen to voices that flatter, 
And smi...Read more of this...
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler,
summoning nothing to nothing.

In winter time, the zoo reverts to metaphor,
God's poetry of boredom:
the cobra knits her Fair-Isle skin,
rattlers titter over the same joke.
All of them endlessly finish spaghetti.
The python runs down like a spring,
and time stops on some ancient Sabbath.

Pythagorean bees are shut inside the hive,
which hymns and hums like Sunday chapel--
drowsy thoughts in a wrinkled brain.

The fire's gone out--
crocodiles lie like ...Read more of this...
by Raine, Craig
...ssion is here a soilure of the wits,
We're told, and Love a cross for them to bear;
Joy shivers in the corner where she knits
And Conscience always has the rocking-chair,
Cheerful as when she tortured into fits
The first cat that was ever killed by Care....Read more of this...
by Robinson, Edwin Arlington

Hidden stars by the shown stars' wings, 
(And a million cycles are but as one)
And a world with unapparent strings
Knits the stimulant world of things; 
Behold, and vision thereof is none. 

The world above in the world below, 
(And a million worlds are but as one)
And the One in all; as the sun's strength so
Strives in all strength, glows in all glow
Of the earth that wits not, and man thereon. 

Braced in its own fourfold embrace
(And a million strengths are ...Read more of this...
by Thompson, Francis
...No Rack can torture me --
My Soul -- at Liberty --
Behind this mortal Bone
There knits a bolder One --

You cannot prick with saw --
Nor pierce with Scimitar --
Two Bodies -- therefore be --
Bind One -- The Other fly --

The Eagle of his Nest
No easier divest --
And gain the Sky
Than mayest Thou --

Except Thyself may be
Thine Enemy --
Captivity is Consciousness --
So's Liberty....Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily
...ld be.
If all were as happy as we;

And mutual fear brings peace;
Till the selfish loves increase.
Then Cruelty knits a snare,
And spreads his baits with care.

He sits down with holy fears.
And waters the ground with tears:
Then Humility takes its root
Underneath his foot.

Soon spreads the dismal shade
Of Mystery over his head;
And the Caterpillar and Fly
Feed on the Mystery.

And it bears the fruit of Deceit.
Ruddy and sweet to eat:
And the Rave...Read more of this...
by Blake, William
...res are traversed
(Now swallowed up in the wood, now climbing up to the hills)
By a glimmering streak, the highway that knits lands together;
Over the smooth-flowing stream, quietly glide on the rafts.

Ofttimes resound the bells of the flocks in the fields that seem living,
And the shepherd's lone song wakens the echo again.
Joyous villages crown the stream, in the copse others vanish,
While from the back of the mount, others plunge wildly below.
Man still lives ...Read more of this...
by Schiller, Friedrich von> D.E.B.T.

At sight thereof, each lifted brand
Powerless falls from every hand;
In vain the Patriot knits his brow, --
Even talk, his staple, fails him now.
In vain the King like a hero treads,
His Lords of the Treasury shake their heads;
And to all his talk of "brave and free",
No answer getteth His Majesty
But "T.H.E. D.E.B.T."

In short, the whole Gull nation feels
The're fairly spell-bound, neck and heels;
And so, in th...Read more of this...
by Moore, Thomas
...up a Fifth Element;
And stretches still so closely wedg'd
As if the Night within were hedg'd.

Dark all without it knits; within
It opens passable and thin;
And in as loose an order grows,
As the Corinthean Porticoes.
The Arching Boughs unite between
The Columnes of the Temple green;
And underneath the winged Quires
Echo about their tuned Fires.

The Nightingale does here make choice
To sing the Tryals of her Voice.
Low Shrubs she sits in, and adorns
With Mus...Read more of this...
by Marvell, Andrew

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Knits poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry