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Famous Jury Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Jury poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous jury poems. These examples illustrate what a famous jury poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...when he was by,
Would rather curse, than break good company.
If any durst his factious friends accuse,
He pack'd a jury of dissenting Jews:
Whose fellow-feeling, in the godly cause,
Would free the suff'ring saint from human laws.
For laws are only made to punish those
Who serve the king, and to protect his foes.
If any leisure time he had from pow'r,
(Because 'tis sin to mis-employ an hour;)
His bus'ness was, by writing, to persuade,
That kings were useless, and ...Read more of this...
by Dryden, John

...famed of bridge and road, 
Now for each grim gladiator 
Gapes Oblivion's drear abode. 
Should the last great final jury 
Turn their thumbs down -- it must be! 
"Ave, Caesar, morituri 
salutamus te!"...Read more of this...
by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...and crocuses have 
broken through the frozen earth.

Soon they will come for me and I will make my stand
before the jury of destiny. Yes, I will answer in the clatter
of the new world, I have broken my addiction to war
and desire. Yes, I will reply, I have buried the dead

and made songs of the blood, the marrow....Read more of this...
by Harjo, Joy
who demanded sanity trials accusing the radio of hypnotism & were left with their insanity & their hands & a hung jury,
who threw potato salad at CCNY lecturers on Dadaism and subsequently presented themselves on the granite steps of the madhouse with shaven heads and harlequin speech of suicide, demanding instantaneous lobotomy,
and who were given instead the concrete void of insulin Metrazol electricity hydrotherapy psychotherapy occupational therapy pingpong & amne...Read more of this...
by Ginsberg, Allen Nature's law, 
Where, when the brawny female disobeys, 
And beats the husband till for peace he prays, 
No concerned jury for him damage finds, 
Nor partial justice her behavior binds, 
But the just street does the next house invade, 
Mounting the neighbour couple on lean jade, 
The distaff knocks, the grains from kettle fly, 
And boys and girls in troops run hooting by: 
Prudent antiquity, that knew by shame, 
Better than law, domestic crimes to tame, 
And taught youth by...Read more of this...
by Marvell, Andrew

...WHEN the jury files in to deliver a verdict after weeks of direct and cross examinations, hot clashes of lawyers and cool decisions of the judge,
There are points of high silence—twiddling of thumbs is at an end—bailiffs near cuspidors take fresh chews of tobacco and wait—and the clock has a chance for its ticking to be heard.
A lawyer for the defense clears his ...Read more of this...
by Sandburg, Carl
“All I want is room enough to stand
And shake my fist at the enemies of the human race.”

Named by a grand jury as a murderer
He went to Chihuahua, forgot his old Scotch name,
Smoked cheroots with Pancho Villa
And wrote letters of Villa as a rock of the people.

How can I tell how Don Magregor went?

Three riders emptied lead into him.
He lay on the main street of an inland town.
A boy sat near all day throwing stones
To keep pigs away.

The Villa...Read more of this...
by Sandburg, Carl
...he sins and follies past all compass,
That prove you guilty, or non compos.
I leave the verdict to your senses,
And jury of your consciences;
Which though they're neither good nor true,
Must yet convict you and your crew.

"Ungrateful sons! a factious band,
That rise against your parent land!
Ye viper race, that burst in strife
The genial womb that gave you life,
Tear with sharp fangs and forked tongue
The indulgent bowels whence ye sprung;
And scorn the debt and obl...Read more of this...
by Trumbull, John
...shing in America:

 I met your friend Fritz in Washington Square. He told me

to tell you that his case went to a jury and that he was acquit-

ted by the jury.

 He said that it was important for me to say that his case

went to a jury and that he was acquitted by the jury,

said it again.

 He looked in good shape. He was sitting in the sun. There's

an old San Francisco saying that goes: "It's better to rest in

Washington Square than in the Californi...Read more of this...
by Brautigan, Richard
...ood for setting spirits free. 
Though 'twas plainly self-destruction -- `'twas his own affair,' they said; 
And the jury viewed him sadly, and they found -- that he was dead....Read more of this...
by Lawson, Henry camp, 'Come quick,' 
Tell every black Maria 
I give tobacco, half a stick -- 
Hold inquest long-a fire." 

Each juryman received a name 
Well suited to a Court. 
"Long Jack" and "Stumpy Bill" became 
"John Long" and "William Short". 

While such as "Tarpot", "Bullock Dray", 
And "Tommy Wait-a-While", 
Became, for ever and a day, 
"Scot", "Dickens", and "Carlyle". 

And twelve good sable men and true 
Were soon engaged upon 
The conflagration that o'erthrew...Read more of this...
by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...ngs his friend
Wrongs himself more, and ever bears about
A silent court of justice in his breast,
Himself the judge and jury, and himself
The prisoner at the bar, ever condemn'd:
And that drags down his life: then comes what comes
Hereafter: and he meant, he said he meant,
Perhaps he meant, or partly meant, you well.' 

` "With all his conscience and one eye askew"--
Love, let me quote these lines, that you may learn
A man is likewise counsel for himself,
Too often, in th...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...rm’d, the homely, 
The criminal that stood in the box, the judge that sat and sentenced him, the fluent
 jury, the audience, 
The laugher and weeper, the dancer, the midnight widow, the red squaw, 
The consumptive, the erysipelite, the idiot, he that is wrong’d,
The antipodes, and every one between this and them in the dark, 
I swear they are averaged now—one is no better than the other, 
The night and sleep have liken’d them and restored them. 

I swear th...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
But frogs come out
of the sky like rain.

Frogs arrive
With an ugly fury.
You are my judge.
You are my jury.

My guilts are what
we catalogue.
I'll take a knife
and chop up frog.

Frog has not nerves.
Frog is as old as a cockroach.
Frog is my father's genitals.
Frog is a malformed doorknob.
Frog is a soft bag of green.

The moon will not have him.
The sun wants to shut off
like a light bulb.
At the sight of him
the ston...Read more of this...
by Sexton, Anne
...e Snark had begun,
And had spoken three hours, before any one guessed
 What the pig was supposed to have done.

The Jury had each formed a different view
 (Long before the indictment was read),
And they all spoke at once, so that none of them knew
 One word that the others had said.

"You must know ---" said the Judge: but the Snark exclaimed "Fudge!"
 That statute is obsolete quite!
Let me tell you, my friends, the whole question depends
 On an ancient manorial right...Read more of this...
by Carroll, Lewis who laughed but once, to see an ass 
Mumbling to make the cross-grained thistles pass, 
Might laugh again to see a jury chaw 
The prickles of unpalatable law. 
The witnesses that, leech-like lived on blood, 
Sucking for them were med'cinally good; 
But when they fastened on their festered sore, 
Then justice and religion they forswore, 
Thus men are raised by factions and decried, 
And rogue and saint distinguished by their side; 
They rack even Scripture to confess ...Read more of this...
by Dryden, John
...oon of Day,
The Sun obliquely shoots his burning Ray; 
The hungry Judges soon the Sentence sign,
And Wretches hang that Jury-men may Dine;
The Merchant from th'exchange returns in Peace,
And the long Labours of the Toilette cease ----
Belinda now, whom Thirst of Fame invites,
Burns to encounter two adventrous Knights,
At Ombre singly to decide their Doom;
And swells her Breast with Conquests yet to come.
Strait the three Bands prepare in Arms to join,
Each Band the number...Read more of this...
by Pope, Alexander
...price is fair."
The skipper winked his Western eye, and swore by a China storm: --
"They ha' rigged him a Joseph's jury-coat to keep his honour warm."
The halliards twanged against the tops, the bunting bellied broad,
The skipper spat in the empty hold and mourned for a wasted cord.
Masthead -- masthead, the signal sped by the line o' the British craft;
The skipper called to his Lascar crew, and put her about and laughed: --
"It's mainsail haul, my bully boys all...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard
...tand his friends:
Not strains of law, nor judge's frown,
Nor topics brought to please the crown,
Nor witness hired, nor jury picked,
Prevail to bring him in convict.
In exile, with a steady heart,
He spent his life's declining part;
Where folly, pride, and faction sway,
Remote from St John, Pope, and Gay.
Alas, poor Dean! his only scope
Was to be held a misanthrope.
This into gen'ral odium drew him,
Which, if he liked, much good may't do him.
His zeal was not ...Read more of this...
by Swift, Jonathan
...n the dock. 

I was sentenced to life.... 
without her. 

Strange trial. 
No judge. 
No jury. 

I wonder who my visitors will be....Read more of this...
by Milligan, Spike

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Jury poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things