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Famous Jesuit Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Jesuit poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous jesuit poems. These examples illustrate what a famous jesuit poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Jehovah. Period. Yahweh. Period. God.
It is marvellous that views so differay
(Father is a Jesuit)
can love so well each other. We was had.
O visit in my last tomb me.—Perché?
—Is a nice pit....Read more of this...
by Berryman, John

...hting Mine --

A Pleader -- a Dissembler --
An Epicure -- a Thief --
Betimes an Oratorio --
An Ecstasy in chief --

The Jesuit of Orchards
He cheats as he enchants
Of an entire Attar
For his decamping wants --

The splendor of a Burmah
The Meteor of Birds,
Departing like a Pageant
Of Ballads and of Bards --

I never thought that Jason sought
For any Golden Fleece
But then I am a rural man
With thoughts that make for Peace --

But if there were a Jason,
Tradition bear with me
...Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily
the other, less primitive music of the fat brown bird 
who sings above the broken gasoline pump 
in a bamboo church of Jesuit baroque: 
three towers, five silver crosses. 
--Yes, a pity not to have pondered, 
blurr'dly and inconclusively, 
on what connection can exist for centuries 
between the crudest wooden footwear 
and, careful and finicky, 
the whittled fantasies of wooden footwear 
and, careful and finicky, 
the whittled fantasies of wooden cages. 
--Never to h...Read more of this...
by Bishop, Elizabeth
...n where she camps beside the trail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

When the early Jesuit fathers preached to Hurons and Choctaws,
They prayed to be delivered from the vengeance of the squaws.
'Twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts pale.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

Man's timid heart is bursting with the things he must not say,
For the Woman that God gave him isn't his ...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard
...r God's cause their monarchs dare dethrone, 
And they'll be sure to make His cause their own. 
Whether the plotting Jesuit laid the plan 
Of murdering kings, or the French Puritan, 
Our sacrilegious sects their guides outgo 
And kings and kingly power would murder too. 

What means their traitorous combination less, 
Too plain to evade, too shameful to confess? 
But treason is not owned when 'tis descried; 
Successful crimes alone are justified. 
The men who no co...Read more of this...
by Dryden, John

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Jesuit poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things