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Famous Includes Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Includes poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous includes poems. These examples illustrate what a famous includes poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...he cotton-wrapped pointing street markets;
the Lycra-bulging surf drips from non-swimmers
miles from shore, and somehow includes soil.
Skins, touching, soak each other. Skin touching
any surface wets that and itself
in a kind of mutual digestion.
Throbbing heads grow lianas of nonsense. 

It's our annual visit to the latitudes
of rice, kerosene and resignation,
an averted, temporary visit
unrelated, for most, to the attitudes
of festive northbound jets gaining...Read more of this...
by Murray, Les

...ies are perfect
And that each thing exactly represents itself, and what has preceded it, 
And that the truth includes all, and is compact, just as much as space is compact, 
And that there is no flaw or vacuum in the amount of the truth—but that all is truth
And henceforth I will go celebrate anything I see or am, 
And sing and laugh, and deny nothing....Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt

Say only what we know & imagine.

Absolutes are coercion.

Change is absolute.

Ordinary mind includes eternal perceptions.

Observe what's vivid.

Notice what you notice.

Catch yourself thinking.

Vividness is self-selecting.

If we don't show anyone, we're free to write anything.

Remember the future.

Advise only yourself.

Don't drink yourself to death.

Two molecules clanking against each other requires an ob...Read more of this...
by Ginsberg, Allen
...less divine,
His roses bleach apace,
His nectar smacks of wine.
The Dæmon ever builds a wall,
Himself incloses and includes,
Solitude in solitudes:
In like sort his love doth fall.
He is an oligarch,
He prizes wonder, fame, and mark,
He loveth crowns,
He scorneth drones;
He doth elect
The beautiful and fortunate,
And the sons of intellect,
And the souls of ample fate,
Who the Future's gates unbar,
Minions of the Morning Star.
In his prowess he exults,
And the mul...Read more of this...
by Emerson, Ralph Waldo it—it is theirs.
All animals are smothered in their lairs.
I am too absent-spirited to count;
The loneliness includes me unawares.

And lonely as it is, that loneliness
Will be more lonely ere it will be less—
A blanker whiteness of benighted snow
With no expression, nothing to express.

They cannot scare me with their empty spaces
Between stars—on stars where no human race is.
I have it in me so much nearer home
To scare myself with my own desert place...Read more of this...
by Frost, Robert

...rom whom all being emanates, all power 
Proceeds; in whom is life for evermore, 
Yet whom existence in its lowest form 
Includes; where dwells enjoyment there is he: 
With still a flying point of bliss remote, 
A happiness in store afar, a sphere 
Of distant glory in full view; thus climbs 
Pleasure its heights for ever and for ever. 
The centre-fire heaves underneath the earth, 
And the earth changes like a human face; 
The molten ore bursts up among the rocks, 
Winds in...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert
...ural lawyers, and perfect judges—is it in their Souls; 
It is well assorted—they have not studied for nothing—the great includes the
They rule on the highest grounds—they oversee all eras, states, administrations. 

The perfect judge fears nothing—he could go front to front before God;
Before the perfect judge all shall stand back—life and death shall stand
 and hell shall stand back. 

Great is Life, real and mystical, wherever and whoever; 
Gr...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
The thoughts we feel,
The aims we own!
Let joy alone

Disclose the story!
She'll prove it right
And her delight

Includes the glory,
Includes the bliss
Of days like this!

 1813....Read more of this...
by von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
...WHO includes diversity, and is Nature, 
Who is the amplitude of the earth, and the coarseness and sexuality of the earth, and the
 charity of the earth, and the equilibrium also, 
Who has not look’d forth from the windows, the eyes, for nothing, or whose brain held
 audience with messengers for nothing; 
Who contains believers and disbelievers—Who is the ...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...the history of melancholia
includes all of us. 
me, I writhe in dirty sheets
while staring at blue walls
and nothing. 
I have gotten so used to melancholia
I greet it like an old 
I will now do 15 minutes of grieving
for the lost redhead,
I tell the gods. 
I do it and feel quite bad
quite sad,
then I rise
even though nothing 
is solved. 
tha...Read more of this...
by Bridges, Robert Seymour

Outside the window
they're building the damn hotel,
nail by nail, someone's
crumbling dream. A universe that includes you
can't be all bad, but
does it? At this distance
you're a mirage, a glossy image
fixed in the posture
of the last time I saw you.
Turn you over, there's the place
for the address. Wish you were
here. Love comes
in waves like the ocean, a sickness which goes on
& on, a hollow cave
in the head, filling & pounding, a kicked ear....Read more of this...
by Atwood, Margaret
...tice the hole they left. Now their importance
If not their meaning is plain. They were to nourish
A dream which includes them all, as they are
Finally reversed in the accumulating mirror.
They seemed strange because we couldn't actually see them.
And we realize this only at a point where they lapse
Like a wave breaking on a rock, giving up
Its shape in a gesture which expresses that shape.
The forms retain a strong measure of ideal beauty
As they forage in...Read more of this...
by Ashbery, John
Thy holy thoughts, they be the Vestal flame, 
The precious odors be my chaste desire, 
My breast's the vessel which includes the same. 
Thou art my Vesta, thou my Goddess art; 
Thy hallow'd temple only is my Heart....Read more of this...
by Drayton, Michael
...bstance and
 life, return in the body and the Soul, 
Indifferently before death and after death. 

Behold! the body includes and is the meaning, the main concern—and includes
 and is the Soul; 
Whoever you are! how superb and how divine is your body, or any part of it.

15Whoever you are! to you endless announcements. 

Daughter of the lands, did you wait for your poet? 
Did you wait for one with a flowing mouth and indicative hand? 

Toward the male of The States...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...htingale, is all thy sweetness done?"
I cannot sing my earthly things, the heavenly poet wanting,
Whose highest harmony includes the lowest under sun."

The poet went out weeping,---and died abroad, bereft there---
The bird flew to his grave and died, amid a thousand wails:---
And, when I last came by the place, I swear the music left there
Was only of the poet's song, and not the nightingale's....Read more of this...
by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
...chisel inspired, speaks e'en the sensitive stone.
Skies artificial repose on slender Ionian columns,
And a Pantheon includes all that Olympus contains.
Light as the rainbow's spring through the air, as the dart from the bowstring,
Leaps the yoke of the bridge over the boisterous stream.

But in his silent chamber the thoughtful sage is projecting
Magical circles, and steals e'en on the spirit that forms,
Proves the force of matter, the hatreds and loves of the mag...Read more of this...
by Schiller, Friedrich von
...t. The evenings are lengthening.
I am mending a silk slip: my husband is reading.
How beautifully the light includes these things.
There is a kind of smoke in the spring air,
A smoke that takes the parks, the little statues
With pinkness, as if a tenderness awoke,
A tenderness that did not tire, something healing.

I wait and ache. I think I have been healing.
There is a great deal else to do. My hands
Can stitch lace neatly on to this material...Read more of this...
by Plath, Sylvia

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry