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Famous Henchman Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Henchman poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous henchman poems. These examples illustrate what a famous henchman poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

'Pledges of thy love and faith,
Proved on many a field of death,
Not by me are needed.'
Marvelled much that henchman bold,
That his laird, so stout of old,
Now so meekly pleaded.

'Woe's the day!' he sadly said,
With a slowly shaking head,
And a look of pity;
'Ury's honest lord reviled,
Mock of knave and sport of child,
In his own good city!

'Speak the word, and, master mine,
As we charged on Tilly's line,
And his Walloon lancers,
Smiting through their midst ...Read more of this...
by Whittier, John Greenleaf

...As they go by;— 
Is it a banished soul 
Dredging the dark like a distracted mole 
Under a knoll? 

Like some invisible henchman old and gray, 
Day after day 
I hear it come and go, 
With stealthy swift unmeaning to and fro, 
Muttering low, 

Ceaseless and daft and terrible and blind, 
Like a lost mind. 
I often chill with fear 
When I bethink me, What if it should peer 
At my shoulder here! 

Perchance he drives the merry-go-round whose track 
Is the zodiac; 
His name ...Read more of this...
by Carman, Bliss
...diness; wonder seized him
to know what manner of men they were.
Straight to the strand his steed he rode,
Hrothgar’s henchman; with hand of might
he shook his spear, and spake in parley.
“Who are ye, then, ye armed men,
mailed folk, that yon mighty vessel
have urged thus over the ocean ways,
here o’er the waters? A warden I,
sentinel set o’er the sea-march here,
lest any foe to the folk of Danes
with harrying fleet should harm the land.
No aliens ever at ease thus...Read more of this...
by Anonymous,
...o send a fellow to - and so
I'll blase up through the fireplace."

So up the chimney he let fly,
Of grace a gallant henchman;
When lo! a sudden cry,
And down there crashed the Frenchman . . .
But if this yard in France you tell,
Although its vein be skittish,
I think it might be just as well
To make your Frenchman - British....Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
     More would he of Clan-Alpine know,
     Thou canst our strength and passes show.—
     Malise, what ho!'—his henchman came:
     'Give our safe-conduct to the Graeme.'
     Young Malcolm answered, calm and bold:'
     Fear nothing for thy favorite hold;
     The spot an angel deigned to grace
     Is blessed, though robbers haunt the place.
     Thy churlish courtesy for those
     Reserve, who fear to be thy foes.
     As safe to me the mountain way
     ...Read more of this...
by Scott, Sir Walter

and the child."

So gayly he paced with the wife and the child to his chosen stand;
But he hurried tall Hamish the henchman ahead: "Go turn," --
Cried Maclean -- "if the deer seek to cross to the burn,
Do thou turn them to me: nor fail, lest thy back be red as thy hand."

Now hard-fortuned Hamish, half blown of his breath with the height
of the hill,
Was white in the face when the ten-tined buck and the does
Drew leaping to burn-ward; huskily rose
His shouts, and his...Read more of this...
by Lanier, Sidney
...'Tis we who to wine's yoke our necks incline,
And risk our lives to gain the smiles of wine;
The henchman grasps the flagon by its throat
And squeezes out the lifeblood of the vine....Read more of this...
by Khayyam, Omar

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Henchman poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things