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Famous Guitars Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Guitars poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous guitars poems. These examples illustrate what a famous guitars poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
 There, at Vienna, or Versailles,
He rives his father’s auld entails;
Or by Madrid he takes the rout,
To thrum guitars an’ fecht wi’ nowt;
Or down Italian vista startles,
 Wh-re-hunting amang groves o’ myrtles:
Then bowses drumlie German-water,
To mak himsel look fair an’ fatter,
An’ clear the consequential sorrows,
Love-gifts of Carnival signoras.
 For Britain’s guid! for her destruction!
Wi’ dissipation, feud, an’ faction.

LUATH Hech, man! dear sirs! is t...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert


"It seems that somewhere people are celebrating;
although there are no houses or human beings
I can listen to guitars and other laughters which
are not nearby

Maybe far away, within the ashes of heavens
Andromeda, the Bear, or the Virgin...

I wonder; is loneliness the same, all over the
worlds ? "


"Almond-shaped, elongated eyes, lips; perfumes stemming
from a premature sky of great feminine delicacy
and fatal drunkeness....Read more of this...
by Elytis, Odysseus
...all over the butter millionaire, Jim Kirch
and the mayor when it came to happiness.
He is a maker of accordions and guitars and not only
makes them from start to finish, but plays them
after he makes them.
And he had a guitar of mahogany with a walnut bottom
he offered for seven dollars and a half if I wanted it,
And another just like it, only smaller, for six dollars,
though he never mentioned the price till I asked him,
And he stated the price in a sorry way, as tho...Read more of this...
by Sandburg, Carl
...h, and a juju-man,
Go singing through the footpaths of the swamp.

Their voices rise . . the pine trees are guitars,
 Strumming, pine-needles fall like sheets of rain . .
 Their voices rise . . the chorus of the cane
Is caroling a vesper to the stars . .

O singers, resinous and soft your songs
 Above the sarcred whisper of the pines,
 Give virgin lips to cornfield concubines,
Bring dreams of Christ to dusky cane-lipped throngs....Read more of this...
by Toomer, Jean
La de dah. 

Forgive us, Father, for we know not. 

There are stars and faces. 
There is ketchup and guitars. 
There is the hand of a small child 
when you're crossing the street. 
There is the old man's last words: 
More light! More light! 
Ms. Dog wouldn't give them her buttocks. 
She wouldn't moon at them. 
Just at the killers of the dream. 
The bus boys of the soul. 
Or at death 
who wants to make her a mummy. 
And you to...Read more of this...
by Sexton, Anne

...rtising corners of filter-tipped ice-cream & instant instants
On teen-age corners of comic book seduction and corrupted guitars,
On political corners of wamted candidates & ritual lies.
On motion picture corners of lassie & other symbols.
On intellectual corners of conversational therapy & analyzed fear.
On newspaper corners of sexy headlines & scholarly comics.
On love divided corners of die now pay later mortuaries.
On philosophical corners of semantic d...Read more of this...
by Kaufman, Bob of all nations, 
The waltz, (some delicious measure, lapsing, bathing me in bliss;)
The bolero, to tinkling guitars and clattering castanets. 

I see religious dances old and new, 
I hear the sound of the Hebrew lyre, 
I see the Crusaders marching, bearing the cross on high, to the martial clang of cymbals; 
I hear dervishes monotonously chanting, interspers’d with frantic shouts, as they
 around, turning always towards Mecca;
I see the rapt religious da...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...the goldfish sing all night with guitars,
and the whores go down with the stars,
the whores go down with the stars 
I'm sorry, sir, we close at 4:30,
besides yr mother's neck is dirty,
and the whores go down with the etc.,
the whrs. go dn. with the etc. 
I'm sorry jack you can't come back,
I've fallen in love with another sap,
3/4 Italian and 1/2 Jap,
and the whores go
the w...Read more of this...
by Bukowski, Charles
...are we going?” 
We were riding (if I'd only known) 
to this. 

Dear friend, 
please do not think 
that I visualize guitars playing 
or my father arching his bone. 
I do not even expect my mother's mouth. 
I know that I have died before— 
once in November, once in June. 
How strange to choose June again, 
so concrete with its green breasts and bellies. 
Of course guitars will not play! 
The snakes will certainly not notice. 
New York City will not mind...Read more of this...
by Sexton, Anne
...This singing 
is a kind of dying, 
a kind of birth, 
a votive candle. 
I have a dream-mother 
who sings with her guitar, 
nursing the bedroom 
with a moonlight and beautiful olives. 
A flute came too, 
joining the five strings, 
a God finger over the holes. 
I knew a beautiful woman once 
who sang with her fingertips 
and her eyes were brown 
l...Read more of this...
by Sexton, Anne
...rounder leered confidential like and said:
“Lookin’ for a quiet game?”

The loafer lagged along and asked,
“Do you make guitars here?
Do you make boxes the singing wood winds ask to sleep in?
Do you rig up strings the singing wood winds sift over and sing low?”
The answer: “We manufacture musical instruments here.”

Here I saw churches with steeples like hatpins,
Undertaking rooms with sample coffins in the show window
And signs everywhere satisfaction is guaranteed,
Shoo...Read more of this...
by Sandburg, Carl
...som desolate,
The lorn bird sang to find his mate.
Then there are trees, and lights and stars,
The silv'ry tinkle of guitars;
And throbs again as throbbed that waltz,
Before I knew that hearts were false.
Then like a cold wave on a shore,[Pg 77]
Comes silence and she sings no more.
I wake, I breathe, I think again,
And walk the sordid ways of men.
...Read more of this...
by Laurence Dunbar, Paul
...rose of sorrow, a black mine of silence, 
raped wife, empty mother, Aztec virgin 
transfixed by arrows from a thousand guitars, 
a stone full of silence, which, if it gave tongue 
to the tortures done in the name of the Father, 
would curdle the blood of the marauding wolf, 
the fountain of generals, poets, and cripples 
who danced without moving over their graves 
with each revolution; her Caesarean was stitched 
by the teeth of machine guns,and every sunset 
she carried th...Read more of this...
by Walcott, Derek

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Guitars poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things