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Famous Guides Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Guides poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous guides poems. These examples illustrate what a famous guides poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...t Pomp presides:
In some fair Body thus th' informing Soul
With Spirits feeds, with Vigour fills the whole,
Each Motion guides, and ev'ry Nerve sustains;
It self unseen, but in th' Effects, remains.
Some, to whom Heav'n in Wit has been profuse.
Want as much more, to turn it to its use,
For Wit and Judgment often are at strife,
Tho' meant each other's Aid, like Man and Wife.
'Tis more to guide than spur the Muse's Steed;
Restrain his Fury, than provoke his Speed;
T...Read more of this...
by Pope, Alexander

...u discourse of courtly tides,
Of cunningest fishers in most troubled streames,
Of straying waies, when valiant Errour guides,
Meanewhile my heart confers with Stellas beames,
And is e'en woe that so sweet comedie
By such vnsuted speech should hindred be. 

A strife is growne between Vertue and Loue,
While each pretends that Stella must be his:
Her eyes, her lips, her all, saith Loue, do this,
Since they do weare his badge, most firmly proue.
But Virtu...Read more of this...
by Sidney, Sir Philip
...ft you thus?
 LADY. Dim darkness and this leafy labyrinth.
 COMUS. Could that divide you from near-ushering guides?
 LADY. They left me weary on a grassy turf.
 COMUS. By falsehood, or discourtesy, or why?
 LADY. To seek i' the valley some cool friendly spring.
 COMUS. And left your fair side all unguarded, Lady?
 LADY. They were but twain, and purposed quick return.
 COMUS. Perhaps forestalling night prevented them.
 LADY.<...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
Lest on some lurking Indian's list'ning ear
The sound might fall. Through swift descending snow 
The stealthy guides crept, tracing out the foe; 
No fire was lighted, and no halt was made
From haggard gray-lipped dawn till night lent friendly shade.


Then, by the shelt'ring river's bank at last, 
The weary warriors paused for their repast.
A couch of ice and falling shows for spread
Made many a suffering soldier's chilling bed.
They slept to dre...Read more of this...
by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
...his pinions shed
On all the multitude a nectarous dew.
The ooze-born Goddess beckoned and drew
Fair Scylla and her guides to conference;
And when they reach'd the throned eminence
She kist the sea-nymph's cheek,--who sat her down
A toying with the doves. Then,--"Mighty crown
And sceptre of this kingdom!" Venus said,
"Thy vows were on a time to Nais paid:
Behold!"--Two copious tear-drops instant fell
From the God's large eyes; he smil'd delectable,
And over Glaucus he...Read more of this...
by Keats, John

...n us. But oh, spectre! say 
 Who are you?" 
 "I'm the judge." 
 "Then mercy, pray." 
 The voice replied: "God guides His chosen hand 
 To be th' Avenger in your path to stand. 
 Your hour has sounded, nothing now indeed 
 Can change for you the destiny decreed, 
 Irrevocable quite. Yes, I looked on. 
 Ah! little did you think that any one 
 To this unwholesome gloom could knowledge bring 
 That Joss a kaiser was, and Zeno king. 
 You spoke just now—but why?—...Read more of this...
by Hugo, Victor
...ts its life and wakes 
The body up beneath its perfumed rugs. 

Such is the Muse, the heavenly maid, 
The star that guides our mortal course, 
Which shows where life's true kernel's laid, 
Its wheat's fine flour, and its undying force. 

She with one breath attunes the spheres, 
And also my poor human heart, 
With one impulse propels the years 
Around, and gives my throbbing pulse its start. 

I will not doubt for evermore, 
Nor falter from a steadfast faith, 
For...Read more of this...
by Thoreau, Henry David
...erland to quit, 
But harder still to perish or submit. 


It is resolved — they march — consenting Night 
Guides with her star their dim and torchless flight; 
Already they perceive its tranquil beam 
Sleep on the surface of the barrier stream; 
Already they descry — Is yon the bank? 
Away! 'tis lined with many a hostile rank. 
Return or fly! — What glitters in the rear? 
'Tis Otho's banner — the pursuer's spear! 
Are those the shepherds' fires upon the heig...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
Such Romand Cocles strid before the foe, 
The falling bridge behind, the stream below. 

Each ran, as chance him guides to several post, 
And all to pattern his example boast. 
Their former trophies they recall to mind 
And to new edge their angry courage grind. 
First entered forward Temple, conqueror 
Of Irish cattle and Solicitor; 
Then daring Seymour, that with spear and shield 
Had stretched the Monster Patent on the field; 
Keen Whorwood next, in aid of d...Read more of this...
by Marvell, Andrew
...e foul weather, hail and rain,
A pear-tree broken by the storm.

I count those feathered balls of soot
The moor-hen guides upon the stream.
To silence the envy in my thought;
And turn towards my chamber, caught
In the cold snows of a dream.

 VI. The Stare's Nest by My Window

The bees build in the crevices
Of loosening masonry, and there
The mother birds bring grubs and flies.
My wall is loosening; honey-bees,
Come build in the empty house of the state.<...Read more of this...
by Yeats, William Butler Potentate; for great indeed 
His name, and high was his degree in Heaven; 
His countenance, as the morning-star that guides 
The starry flock, allured them, and with lies 
Drew after him the third part of Heaven's host. 
Mean while the Eternal eye, whose sight discerns 
Abstrusest thoughts, from forth his holy mount, 
And from within the golden lamps that burn 
Nightly before him, saw without their light 
Rebellion rising; saw in whom, how spread 
Among the sons of mor...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...Messiah might be born 
Barred of his right; yet at his birth a star, 
Unseen before in Heaven, proclaims him come; 
And guides the eastern sages, who inquire 
His place, to offer incense, myrrh, and gold: 
His place of birth a solemn Angel tells 
To simple shepherds, keeping watch by night; 
They gladly thither haste, and by a quire 
Of squadroned Angels hear his carol sung. 
A virgin is his mother, but his sire 
The power of the Most High: He shall ascend 
The throne her...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...ned the calkins upon her feet, and ridden her far away.
Then up and spoke the Colonel's son that led a troop of the Guides:
"Is there never a man of all my men can say where Kamal hides?"
Then up and spoke Mahommed Khan, the son of the Ressaldar:
"If ye know the track of the morning-mist, ye know where his pickets are.
At dusk he harries the Abazai -- at dawn he is into Bonair,
But he must go by Fort Bukloh to his own place to fare,
So if ye gallop to Fort Bukloh as f...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard
Across the desert, or before the gale, 
Bound where thou wilt, my barb! or glide, my prow! 
But be the star that guides the wanderer, Thou! 
Thou, my Zuleika! share and bless my bark; 
The Dove of peace and promise to mine ark! 
Or, since that hope denied in worlds of strife, 
Be thou the rainbow to the storms of life! 
The evening beam that smiles the cloud away, 
And tints to-morrow with prophetic ray! 
Blest — as the Muezzin's strain from Mecca's wall 
To pilgrims p...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
Whether the plotting Jesuit laid the plan 
Of murdering kings, or the French Puritan, 
Our sacrilegious sects their guides outgo 
And kings and kingly power would murder too. 

What means their traitorous combination less, 
Too plain to evade, too shameful to confess? 
But treason is not owned when 'tis descried; 
Successful crimes alone are justified. 
The men who no consiracy would find, 
Who doubts but, had it taken, they had joined? 
Joined in a mutual covenan...Read more of this...
by Dryden, John
...d the Sad, the Sick, the Poor Mans Care. 
But whether thou or Blind, or Cruel art, 
Whether 'tis Chance, or Malice, guides thy Dart, 
Thou from the Parents Arms dost pull away
The hopeful Child, their Ages only stay:
The Two, whom Friendship in dear Bands has ty'd,
Thou dost with a remorseless hand devide;
Friendship, the Cement, that does faster twine
Two Souls, than that which Soul and Body joyn:
Thousands have been, who their own Blood did spill, 
But never any yet his...Read more of this...
by Killigrew, Anne
...ath no blast;
His great bright eye most silently
Up to the Moon is cast--

If he may know which way to go;
For she guides him smooth or grim.
See, brother, see! how graciously
She looketh down on him.'

First Voice

'But why drives on that ship so fast,
Without or wave or wind?'

Second Voice
'The air is cut away before,
And closes from behind.

Fly, brother, fly! more high, more high!
Or we shall be belated:
For slow and slow that ship will go...Read more of this...
by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
9 As treach'rous phantoms in the mist delude,
10 Shuns fancied ills, or chases airy good.
11 How rarely reason guides the stubborn choice,
12 Rules the bold hand, or prompts the suppliant voice,
13 How nations sink, by darling schemes oppress'd,
14 When vengeance listens to the fool's request.
15 Fate wings with ev'ry wish th' afflictive dart,
16 Each gift of nature, and each grace of art,
17 With fatal heat impetuous courage glows,
18 With fatal sweetness elocut...Read more of this...
by Johnson, Samuel
...ormed by the beeches' sweet shade.
In the depths of the wood the landscape suddenly leaves me
And a serpentine path guides up my footsteps on high.
Only by stealth can the light through the leafy trellis of branches
Sparingly pierce, and the blue smilingly peeps through the boughs,
But in a moment the veil is rent, and the opening forest
Suddenly gives back the day's glittering brightness to me!
Boundlessly seems the distance before my gaze to be stretching,
And in a ...Read more of this...
by Schiller, Friedrich von
...t sadder in her cell 25 
Than deserted Ariel:¡ª 
When you live again on earth  
Like an unseen Star of birth 
Ariel guides you o'er the sea 
Of life from your nativity:¡ª 30 
Many changes have been run 
Since Ferdinand and you begun 
Your course of love and Ariel still 
Has track'd your steps and served your will. 
Now in humbler happier lot 35 
This is all remember'd not; 
And now alas the poor Sprite is 
Imprison'd for some fault of his 
In a body like a grave...Read more of this...
by Shelley, Percy Bysshe

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Guides poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things