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Famous Gone Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Gone poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous gone poems. These examples illustrate what a famous gone poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...long at the heels of the poets, politicians, literats, of enemies’
Does it not assume that what is notoriously gone is still here? 
Does it answer universal needs? will it improve manners?
Does it sound, with trumpet-voice, the proud victory of the Union, in that secession war? 
Can your performance face the open fields and the seaside? 
Will it absorb into me as I absorb food, air—to appear again in my strength, gait,
Have real employments contributed to it?...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt

...e at Noon
Have passed, I thought, a Whip lash
Unbraiding in the Sun
When stooping to secure it
It wrinkled, and was gone—

Several of Nature's People
I know, and they know me—
I feel for them a transport
Of cordiality—

But never met this Fellow
Attended, or alone
Without a tighter breathing
And Zero at the Bone—


My Heart upon a little Plate
Her Palate to delight
A Berry or a Bun, would be,
Might it an Apricot!


Tell all the Truth but tel...Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily
...fting the city to Heaven which exists and is everywhere about us!
Visions! omens! hallucinations! miracles! ecstasies! gone down the American river!
Dreams! adorations! illuminations! religions! the whole boatload of sensitive ********!
Breakthroughs! over the river! flips and crucifixions! gone down the flood! Highs! Epiphanies! Despairs! Ten years’ animal screams and suicides! Minds! New loves! Mad generation! down on the rocks of Time!
Real holy laughter in the river! ...Read more of this...
by Ginsberg, Allen
...ed, what man now
Shall scale the august ancient heights and to old Reverence bow?

One such indeed I saw, but, Ichabod!
Gone is that last dear son of Italy,
Who being man died for the sake of God,
And whose unrisen bones sleep peacefully,
O guard him, guard him well, my Giotto's tower,
Thou marble lily of the lily town! let not the lour

Of the rude tempest vex his slumber, or
The Arno with its tawny troubled gold
O'er-leap its marge, no mightier conqueror
Clomb the high Capi...Read more of this...
by Wilde, Oscar
And the sad Goddess weeping at his feet:
Until at length old Saturn lifted up
His faded eyes, and saw his kingdom gone,
And all the gloom and sorrow ofthe place,
And that fair kneeling Goddess; and then spake,
As with a palsied tongue, and while his beard
Shook horrid with such aspen-malady:
"O tender spouse of gold Hyperion,
Thea, I feel thee ere I see thy face;
Look up, and let me see our doom in it;
Look up, and tell me if this feeble shape
Is Saturn's; tell me, if t...Read more of this...
by Keats, John

...athe a word about your loss: 
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew 
To serve your turn long after they are gone, 
And so hold on when there is nothing in you 
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!" 

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, 
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch, 
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, 
If all men count with you, but none too much: 
If you can fill the unforgiving minute 
With sixty se...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard
...s memory read in such a meaning more 
Than Lara's aspect unto others wore. 
Forward he sprung — a moment, both were gone, 
And all within that hall seem'd left alone; 
Each had so fix'd his eye on Lara's mien, 
All had so mix'd their feelings with that scene, 
That when his long dark shadow through the porch 
No more relieves the glare of yon high torch, 
Each pulse beats quicker, and all bosoms seem 
To bound as doubting from too black a dream, 
Such as we know is false,...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
...p; But he, poor man! is wretched made,  And every day we two will pray  For him that's gone and far away.   I'll teach my boy the sweetest things;  I'll teach him how the owlet sings.  My little babe! thy lips are still,  And thou hast almost suck'd thy fill.  —Where art thou gone my own dear child?  What wicked looks are those I see?  Alas...Read more of this...
by Wordsworth, William
...old my love 5 
I told her all my heart  
Trembling cold in ghastly fears.
Ah! she did depart! 

Soon after she was gone from me  
A traveller came by 10 
Silently invisibly: 
He took her with a sigh....Read more of this...
by Blake, William up my wife and tell her
I’m here—so far—and starting on again.
I’ll call her softly so that if she’s wise
And gone to sleep, she needn’t wake to answer.”
Three times he barely stirred the bell, then listened.
“Why, Lett, still up? Lett, I’m at Cole’s. I’m late.
I called you up to say Good-night from here
Before I went to say Good-morning there.—
I thought I would.— I know, but, Lett—I know—
I could, but what’s the sense? The rest won’t be
So ...Read more of this...
by Frost, Robert
The clean-hair’d Yankee girl works with her sewing-machine, or in the
 factory or mill; 
The nine months’ gone is in the parturition chamber, her faintness and
 pains are advancing; 
The paving-man leans on his two-handed rammer—the reporter’s lead
 flies swiftly over the note-book—the sign-painter is lettering with red and
The canal boy trots on the tow-path—the book-keeper counts at his
 desk—the shoemaker waxes his thread; 
The conductor beats ...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt

Of great limbs gone to chaos,
A great face turned to night--
Why bend above a shapeless shroud
Seeking in such archaic cloud
Sight of strong lords and light?

Where seven sunken Englands
Lie buried one by one,
Why should one idle spade, I wonder,
Shake up the dust of thanes like thunder
To smoke and choke the sun?

In cloud of clay so cast to heaven
What shape shall man di...Read more of this...
by Chesterton, G K
The tyranny of pleasure and of pain;
They make us what we were not—what they will,
And shake us with the vision that's gone by,
The dread of vanished shadows—Are they so?
Is not the past all shadow?—What are they?
Creations of the mind?—The mind can make
Substances, and people planets of its own
With beings brighter than have been, and give
A breath to forms which can outlive all flesh.
I would recall a vision which I dreamed
Perchance in sleep—for in itself a thought,
A...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
...e where state
From noble ancestry is handed on,
We see but desolation thro' the gate,
And richest heirlooms all to ruin gone;
Because maybe some fancied shame or fear,
Bred of disease or melancholy fate,
Hath driven the owner from his rightful sphere
To wander nameless save to pity or hate: 
What is the wreck of all he hath in fief
When he that hath is wrecking? nought is fine
Unto the sick, nor doth it burden grief
That the house perish when the soul doth pine.
Thus I my...Read more of this...
by Bridges, Robert Seymour
...d mute than he.   His heart it was so full of glee,  That till full fifty yards were gone,  He quite forgot his holly whip,  And all his skill in horsemanship,  Oh! happy, happy, happy John.   And Betty's standing at the door,  And Betty's face with joy o'erflows,  Proud of herself, and proud of him,  She sees him in his travelling trim;<...Read more of this...
by Wordsworth, William
...t see you, Emily,
I am but dead; there is no remedy."

Upon that other side, Palamon,
When that he wist Arcita was agone,
Much sorrow maketh, that the greate tower
Resounded of his yelling and clamour
The pure* fetters on his shinnes great *very 
Were of his bitter salte teares wet.

"Alas!" quoth he, "Arcita, cousin mine,
Of all our strife, God wot, the fruit is thine.
Thou walkest now in Thebes at thy large,
And of my woe thou *givest little charge*. *ta...Read more of this...
by Chaucer, Geoffrey
For all their brains were pumped away,
And they had nothing more to say - 

Save one, who groaned "Three hours are gone!"
Who shrieked "We'll wait no longer, John!
Tell them to set the dinner on!" 

The vision passed: the ghosts were fled:
He saw once more that woman dread:
He heard once more the words she said. 

He left her, and he turned aside:
He sat and watched the coming tide
Across the shores so newly dried. 

He wondered at the waters clear,
The breeze th...Read more of this...
by Carroll, Lewis
...s dead — and upper earth with him has done; 
He's buried; save the undertaker's bill, 
Or lapidary scrawl, the world is gone 
For him, unless he left a German will: 
But where's the proctor who will ask his son? 
In whom his qualities are reigning still, 
Except that household virtue, most uncommon, 
Of constancy to a bad, ugly woman. 


'God save the king!' It is a large economy 
In God to save the like; but if he will 
Be saving, all the better; for not one am I 
...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
...ave no attachments!
I am solitary as grass. What is it I miss?
Shall I ever find it, whatever it is?

The swans are gone. Still the river
Remembers how white they were.
It strives after them with its lights.
It finds their shapes in a cloud.
What is that bird that cries
With such sorrow in its voice?
I am young as ever, it says. What is it I miss?

I am at home in the lamplight. The evenings are lengthening.
I am mending a silk sl...Read more of this...
by Plath, Sylvia elegant tower the westerner stands free
Among tall towers, the taller.
I'm grateful to their builders -- so be gone
Their sadness and their worry, go away,
Early from here I can see the dawn
And here triumphant lives the sun's last ray.
And frequently into my room's window
The winds from northern seas begin to blow
And pigeon from my palms eats wheat..
The pages that I did not complete
Divinely light she is and calm,
Will finish Muse's suntanned ...Read more of this...
by Akhmatova, Anna

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Gone poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry