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Famous Gelt Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Gelt poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous gelt poems. These examples illustrate what a famous gelt poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...t these?' and Gareth lookt and read-- 
In letters like to those the vexillary 
Hath left crag-carven o'er the streaming Gelt-- 
'NOX'--'MORS,' beneath five figures, armd men, 
Slab after slab, their faces forward all, 
And running down the Soul, a Shape that fled 
With broken wings, torn raiment and loose hair, 
For help and shelter to the hermit's cave. 
'Follow the faces, and we find it. Look, 
Who comes behind?' 

For on...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord

...hed himself the gout to seize his hand. 
Never old lecher more repugnance felt, 
Consenting, for his rupture, to be gelt; 
But still then hope him solaced, ere they come, 
To work the peace and so to send them home, 
Or in their hasty call to find a flaw, 
Their acts to vitiate, and them overawe; 
But most relied upon this Dutch pretence 
To raise a two-endged army for's defence. 

First then he marched our whole militia's force 
(As if indeed we ships or Dutch had ho...Read more of this...
by Marvell, Andrew
...nevolence, or have in gage
The primitias of your parsonage:
Scarce can a bishopric forpass them by,
But that it must be gelt in privity.
Do not thou therefore seek a living there,
But of more private persons seek elsewhere,
Whereas thou may'st compound a better penny,
Ne let thy learning question'd be of any.
For some good gentleman, that hath the right
Unto his church for to present a wight,
Will cope with thee in reasonable wise;
That if the living yearly do arise
T...Read more of this...
by Spenser, Edmund

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Book: Shattered Sighs