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Famous Franc Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Franc poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous franc poems. These examples illustrate what a famous franc poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

“Je am a poete, sir,” dit he,
“Je live where tres grande want teems—
I’m faim, sir. Sil vous plait give me
Un franc or cinquatite centimes.”

I donne him vingt big copper sous
But dit, “You moderne rhymers
The sacre poet name abuse—
Les poets were old timers.”

“Je know! I know!” he wept, contrite;
“The bards no more suis mighty:
Ils rise no more in eleve flight,
Though some are beaucoup flighty.

“Vous wonder why Je weep this way,
Pour quoi these tears ...Read more of this...
by Butler, Ellis Parker

My coat is old and shabby as a tramp's;
Yet more to me than balances in banks,
My albums three are worth a million francs.

I keep them in that box beside my bed,
For who would dream such treasures it could hold;
But every day I take them out and spread
Each page, to gloat like miser o'er his gold:
Dearer to me than could be child or wife,
I would defend them with my very life.

They are my very life, for every night
over my catalogues I pore and pore;
I recogniz...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William's lead-lightning's sudden scathing pang, 
 But to his home-turned thoughts the balls but sang. 
 "Here's half-a-franc I saved to buy my mother's bread!"— 
 The captain started—who mourns not a dear, 
 The dearest! mother!—"Where is she, wolf-cub?" he said 
 Still gruffly. "There, d'ye see? not far from here." 
 "Haste! make it hers! then back to swell their bier." 
 He sprang aloof as springald from detested school, 
 Or ocean-rover from protected port...Read more of this...
by Hugo, Victor
...Toro's name became an echo of the past.

You know that old and withered man, that derelict of art,
Who for a paltry franc will make a crayon sketch of you?
In slouching hat and shabby cloak he looks and is the part,
A sodden old Bohemian, without a single sou.
A boon companion of the days of Rimbaud and Verlaine,
He broods and broods, and chews the cud of bitter souvenirs;
Beneath his mop of grizzled hair his cheeks are gouged with pain,
The saffron sockets of his eye...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Franc poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry