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Famous Bonfire Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Bonfire poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous bonfire poems. These examples illustrate what a famous bonfire poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

And hear its sounds

As Takemitsu or Hoddinott:

Ghost of MacDiarmid, rise with me and light

The dodecaphonic bonfire this All Hallows Night!


Auntie Nellie, will you come

For one last cal on your way

To the binyard with the slop bucket;

Call in one last time before winter

Falls and shops and stalls are packed

With plain and fancy tree balls;

Tell me about Mrs. Pearson’s last laying out

Or the final strip of wallpaper she hung

Before they knock...Read more of this...
by Tebb, Barry

...gger house

Up in the Fewstons but they couldn’t pay

The bigger rent or fares and came back quick

Enough to chump for Bonfire Night, trailing down

Knowsthorpe for broken branches, past the water

Works, where Kevin Keogh climbed the fence:

When the foreman saw his torn outsize overcoat

He slapped his head until it rang, “Keep out

You fucking Irish ****!” That was before I’d

Learned to answer back so when Ma Moorhouse

Clumped out in her calipers to tell us off

I asked...Read more of this...
by Tebb, Barry


Bonfire Night beckoned us to the bridge

By Saint Hilda’s where we started down

Knostrop to chump but I trailed behind

With Margaret when it was late September

The song of summer ceased and fires in

Blackleaded grates began and we were

Hidden from the others by the bridge’s span.


When you bent I saw the buds of your breasts

As you meant and I...Read more of this...
by Tebb, Barry
This in a circle of black velvet at her neck.

2In pansy eyes a flash, a thin rim of white light, a beach bonfire ten miles across dunes, a speck of a fool star in night’s half circle of velvet.

In the corner of the left arm a dimple, a mole, a forget-me-not, and it fluttered a hummingbird wing, a blur in the honey-red clover, in the honey-white buckwheat....Read more of this...
by Sandburg, Carl
On a summer midnight, you can hear the music
Of the weak pipe and the little drum
And see them dancing around the bonfire
The association of man and woman
In daunsinge, signifying matrimonie—
A dignified and commodiois sacrament.
Two and two, necessarye coniunction,
Holding eche other by the hand or the arm
Whiche betokeneth concorde. Round and round the fire
Leaping through the flames, or joined in circles,
Rustically solemn or in rustic laughter
Lifting heavy ...Read more of this...
by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)

...hem in the flame,
You see a living line that stabs the heart.
Brave writing that! It seems a cursed shame
That to a bonfire it should play it's part.
Poor book! You're crying, and you're not alone:
Some day someone will surely burn my own. 

No, I will dust my books and put them by,
Yet never look into their leaves again;
For scarce a soul remembers them save I,
Re-reading them would only give me pain.
So I will sigh, and say with curling lip:
Futility! Thy na...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
And while for mercy on Christ they call,
He set fire to the Barn and burnt them all.

"I'faith 'tis an excellent bonfire!" quoth he,
"And the country is greatly obliged to me,
For ridding it in these times forlorn
Of Rats that only consume the corn."

So then to his palace returned he,
And he sat down to supper merrily,
And he slept that night like an innocent man;
But Bishop Hatto never slept again.

In the morning as he enter'd the hall
Where his picture hung...Read more of this...
by Southey, Robert
...nd you can't buy a Scrabble set
in any shop. The cartoon characters
are warming their three-fingered hands
around a bonfire made of love letters....Read more of this...
by Lumsden, Roddy
...I'd lay awake nights
Hearin' them laylocks blowin' and whiskin'.
At last I had Clarence cut 'em down
An' make a big bonfire of 'em.
I told him the smell made me sick,
An' that warn't no lie,
I can't abear the smell on 'em now;
An' no wonder, es you say.
I fretted somethin' awful 'bout that hand
I wondered, could it be Hiram's,
But folks don't rob graveyards hereabouts.
Besides, Hiram's hands warn't that awful, starin' white.
I give up seein' people,
I was ...Read more of this...
by Lowell, Amy
And therefore yeild. The Heavens shall pass away,
The sun and moone and stars shall all obey
To light one general bonfire; but his word,
His builder-upp, his all-destroying sworde,
That still survives; no jott of that can dye,
Each tittle measures immortalitie.

The word's owne mother, on whose breast did hang
The world's upholder drawne into a span,
Shee, shee was not so blest because she bare him
As cause herselfe was new-born, and did hear him.
Before she ha...Read more of this...
by Strode, William
They were Scots of the Riverina with ever the kirk hard by. 

The boy came home on his "final", and the township's bonfire burned. 
His mother's arms were about him; but the old man's back was turned. 
The daughters begged for pardon till the old man raised his hand -- 
A Scot of the Riverina who was hard to understand. 

The boy was killed in Flanders, where the best and bravest die. 
There were tears at the Grahame homestead and grief in Gundagai; 
But ...Read more of this...
by Lawson, Henry
...ou I heard in the
 singing voice of a careless humming woman.
One night when I sat with chums telling stories at a
 bonfire flickering red embers, in a language its own
 talking to a spread of white stars:
 It was you that slunk laughing
 in the clumsy staggering shadows.
Broken answers of remembrance let me know you are
 alive with a peering phantom face behind a doorway
 somewhere in the city's push and fury
Or under a pack of moss and leaves waiting in silence
 und...Read more of this...
by Sandburg, Carl
...anches, starches
Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there
Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on.
But quench her bonniest, dearest ' to her, her clearest-selvèd spark
Man, how fast his firedint, ' his mark on mind, is gone!
Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark
Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone
Sheer off, disseveral, a star, ' death blots black out; nor mark
 Is any of him at all so stark...Read more of this...
by Hopkins, Gerard Manley
...) With his bucketshop store
 Down Bargainweg, Lower.

So snug he was in his hotel premises sumptuous
But soon we'll bonfire all his trash, tricks and trumpery
And 'tis short till sheriff Clancy'll be winding up his unlimited
With the bailiff's bom at the door,
 (Chorus) Bimbam at the door.
 Then he'll bum no more.

Sweet bad luck on the waves washed to our island
The hooker of that hammerfast viking
And Gall's curse on the day when Eblana bay
Saw his blac...Read more of this...
by Joyce, James
...“OH, let’s go up the hill and scare ourselves,
As reckless as the best of them to-night,
By setting fire to all the brush we piled
With pitchy hands to wait for rain or snow.
Oh, let’s not wait for rain to make it safe.
The pile is ours: we dragged it bough on bough
Down dark converging paths between the pines.
Let’s not care what we do with it...Read more of this...
by Frost, Robert
hanging from 
a broken hinge is a stag a crucifix 

between his antlers the cold 
inn yard 
is deserted but for a huge bonfire 

that flares wind-driven it is tended by 
women who cluster 
about it to the right beyond 

the hill is a pattern of skaters 
Brueghel the painter 
concerned with it all has chosen 

a winter-struck bush for his 
foreground to 
complete the picture....Read more of this...
by Williams, William Carlos (WCW)
...has caught
Hanuman in his mischief in a monkey cage.
Suppose all the gods were killed by electric light?
Sunset, a bonfire, roars in my ears;
embers of brown swallows dart and cry,
like women distracted,
around its cremation.
I ascend to my bed of sweet sandalwood....Read more of this...
by Walcott, Derek
...e mice … but these are some of her thoughts:

The love of a soldier on furlough or a sailor on shore leave burns with a bonfire red and saffron.

The love of an emigrant workman whose wife is a thousand miles away burns with a blue smoke.

The love of a young man whose sweetheart married an older man for money burns with a sputtering uncertain flame.

And there is a love … one in a thousand … burns clean and is gone leaving a white ash.…

And this is a thought...Read more of this...
by Sandburg, Carl
That spring, briefer than apple-blossom's breath, 
Summer, so much too beautiful to stay, 
Swift autumn, like a bonfire of leaves, 
And sleepy winter, like the sleep of death....Read more of this...
by Wylie, Elinor
...and go, to do their job.
They will go into the house of the Dead and take the shivering sheets of paper and make a bonfire and dance a deadman’s dance over the hissing crisp.
In a slang their own the dancers out of the Wilderness will write a paper for the living to read and sign:
The dead need peace, the dead need sleep, let the dead have peace and sleep, let the papers of the Dead who fix the lives of the Living, let them be a hissing crisp and ashes, let the young...Read more of this...
by Sandburg, Carl

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Bonfire poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things