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Best Famous Slaked Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Slaked poems. This is a select list of the best famous Slaked poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Slaked poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of slaked poems.

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Written by George (Lord) Byron | Create an image from this poem

Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte

'Tis done -- but yesterday a King! 
And arm'd with Kings to strive -- 
And now thou art a nameless thing: 
So abject -- yet alive! 
Is this the man of thousand thrones, 
Who strew'd our earth with hostile bones, 
And can he thus survive? 
Since he, miscall'd the Morning Star, 
Nor man nor fiend hath fallen so far.
II Ill-minded man! why scourge thy kind Who bow'd so low the knee? By gazing on thyself grown blind, Thou taught'st the rest to see.
With might unquestion'd, -- power to save, -- Thine only gift hath been the grave, To those that worshipp'd thee; Nor till thy fall could mortals guess Ambition's less than littleness! III Thanks for that lesson -- It will teach To after-warriors more, Than high Philosophy can preach, And vainly preach'd before.
That spell upon the minds of men Breaks never to unite again, That led them to adore Those Pagod things of sabre sway With fronts of brass, and feet of clay.
IV The triumph and the vanity, The rapture of the strife -- The earthquake voice of Victory, To thee the breath of life; The sword, the sceptre, and that sway Which man seem'd made but to obey, Wherewith renown was rife -- All quell'd! -- Dark Spirit! what must be The madness of thy memory! V The Desolator desolate! The Victor overthrown! The Arbiter of others' fate A Suppliant for his own! Is it some yet imperial hope That with such change can calmly cope? Or dread of death alone? To die a prince -- or live a slave -- Thy choice is most ignobly brave! VI He who of old would rend the oak, Dream'd not of the rebound: Chain'd by the trunk he vainly broke -- Alone -- how look'd he round? Thou, in the sternness of thy strength, An equal deed hast done at length, And darker fate hast found: He fell, the forest prowler's prey; But thou must eat thy heart away! VII The Roman, when his burning heart Was slaked with blood of Rome, Threw down the dagger -- dared depart, In savage grandeur, home -- He dared depart in utter scorn Of men that such a yoke had borne, Yet left him such a doom! His only glory was that hour Of self-upheld abandon'd power.
VIII The Spaniard, when the lust of sway Had lost its quickening spell, Cast crowns for rosaries away, An empire for a cell; A strict accountant of his beads, A subtle disputant on creeds, His dotage trifled well: Yet better had he neither known A bigot's shrine, nor despot's throne.
IX But thou -- from thy reluctant hand The thunderbolt is wrung -- Too late thou leav'st the high command To which thy weakness clung; All Evil Spirit as thou art, It is enough to grieve the heart To see thine own unstrung; To think that God's fair world hath been The footstool of a thing so mean; X And Earth hath spilt her blood for him, Who thus can hoard his own! And Monarchs bow'd the trembling limb, And thank'd him for a throne! Fair Freedom! we may hold thee dear, When thus thy mightiest foes their fear In humblest guise have shown.
Oh! ne'er may tyrant leave behind A brighter name to lure mankind! XI Thine evil deeds are writ in gore, Nor written thus in vain -- Thy triumphs tell of fame no more, Or deepen every stain: If thou hadst died as honour dies, Some new Napoleon might arise, To shame the world again -- But who would soar the solar height, To set in such a starless night? XII Weigh'd in the balance, hero dust Is vile as vulgar clay; Thy scales, Mortality! are just To all that pass away: But yet methought the living great Some higher sparks should animate, To dazzle and dismay: Nor deem'd Contempt could thus make mirth Of these, the Conquerors of the earth.
XIII And she, proud Austria's mournful flower, Thy still imperial bride; How bears her breast the torturing hour? Still clings she to thy side? Must she too bend, must she too share Thy late repentance, long despair, Thou throneless Homicide? If still she loves thee, hoard that gem, -- 'Tis worth thy vanish'd diadem! XIV Then haste thee to thy sullen Isle, And gaze upon the sea; That element may meet thy smile -- It ne'er was ruled by thee! Or trace with thine all idle hand In loitering mood upon the sand That Earth is now as free! That Corinth's pedagogue hath now Transferr'd his by-word to thy brow.
XV Thou Timour! in his captive's cage What thought will there be thine, While brooding in thy prison'd rage? But one -- "The word was mine!" Unless, like he of Babylon, All sense is with thy sceptre gone, Life will not long confine That spirit pour'd so widely forth-- So long obey'd -- so little worth! XVI Or, like the thief of fire from heaven, Wilt thou withstand the shock? And share with him, the unforgiven, His vulture and his rock! Foredoom'd by God -- by man accurst, And that last act, though not thy worst, The very Fiend's arch mock; He in his fall preserved his pride, And, if a mortal, had as proudly died! XVII There was a day -- there was an hour, While earth was Gaul's -- Gaul thine -- When that immeasurable power Unsated to resign Had been an act of purer fame Than gathers round Marengo's name, And gilded thy decline, Through the long twilight of all time, Despite some passing clouds of crime.
XVIII But thou forsooth must be a king, And don the purple vest, As if that foolish robe could wring Remembrance from thy breast.
Where is that faded garment? where The gewgaws thou wert fond to wear, The star, the string, the crest? Vain froward child of empire! say, Are all thy playthings snatched away? XIX Where may the wearied eye repose When gazing on the Great; Where neither guilty glory glows, Nor despicable state? Yes --one--the first--the last--the best-- The Cincinnatus of the West, Whom envy dared not hate, Bequeath'd the name of Washington, To make man blush there was but one!

Written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | Create an image from this poem

The Jewish Cemetery at Newport

 How strange it seems! These Hebrews in their graves,
Close by the street of this fair seaport town,
Silent beside the never-silent waves,
At rest in all this moving up and down!

The trees are white with dust, that o'er their sleep
Wave their broad curtains in the southwind's breath,
While underneath these leafy tents they keep
The long, mysterious Exodus of Death.
And these sepulchral stones, so old and brown, That pave with level flags their burial-place, Seem like the tablets of the Law, thrown down And broken by Moses at the mountain's base.
The very names recorded here are strange, Of foreign accent, and of different climes; Alvares and Rivera interchange With Abraham and Jacob of old times.
"Blessed be God! for he created Death!" The mourner said, "and Death is rest and peace!" Then added, in the certainty of faith, "And giveth Life that nevermore shall cease.
" Closed are the portals of their Synagogue, No Psalms of David now the silence break, No Rabbi reads the ancient Decalogue In the grand dialect the Prophets spake.
Gone are the living, but the dead remain, And not neglected; for a hand unseen, Scattering its bounty, like a summer rain, Still keeps their graves and their remembrance green.
How came they here? What burst of Christian hate, What persecution, merciless and blind, Drove o'er the sea -that desert desolate - These Ishmaels and Hagars of mankind? They lived in narrow streets and lanes obscure, Ghetto and Judenstrass, in mirk and mire; Taught in the school of patience to endure The life of anguish and the death of fire.
All their lives long, with the unleavened bread And bitter herbs of exile and its fears, The wasting famine of the heart they fed, And slaked its thirst with marah of their tears.
Anathema maranatha! was the cry That rang from town to town, from street to street: At every gate the accursed Mordecai Was mocked and jeered, and spurned by Christian feet.
Pride and humiliation hand in hand Walked with them through the world where'er they went; Trampled and beaten were they as the sand, And yet unshaken as the continent.
For in the background figures vague and vast Of patriarchs and of prophets rose sublime, And all the great traditions of the Past They saw reflected in the coming time.
And thus forever with reverted look The mystic volume of the world they read, Spelling it backward, like a Hebrew book, Till life became a Legend of the Dead.
But ah! what once has been shall be no more! The groaning earth in travail and in pain Brings forth its races, but does not restore, And the dead nations never rise again.
Written by Siegfried Sassoon | Create an image from this poem

The Last Meeting


Because the night was falling warm and still 
Upon a golden day at April’s end, 
I thought; I will go up the hill once more 
To find the face of him that I have lost, 
And speak with him before his ghost has flown
Far from the earth that might not keep him long.
So down the road I went, pausing to see How slow the dusk drew on, and how the folk Loitered about their doorways, well-content With the fine weather and the waxing year.
The miller’s house, that glimmered with grey walls, Turned me aside; and for a while I leaned Along the tottering rail beside the bridge To watch the dripping mill-wheel green with damp.
The miller peered at me with shadowed eyes And pallid face: I could not hear his voice For sound of the weir’s plunging.
He was old.
His days went round with the unhurrying wheel.
Moving along the street, each side I saw The humble, kindly folk in lamp-lit rooms; Children at table; simple, homely wives; Strong, grizzled men; and soldiers back from war, Scaring the gaping elders with loud talk.
Soon all the jumbled roofs were down the hill, And I was turning up the grassy lane That goes to the big, empty house that stands Above the town, half-hid by towering trees.
I looked below and saw the glinting lights: I heard the treble cries of bustling life, And mirth, and scolding; and the grind of wheels.
An engine whistled, piercing-shrill, and called High echoes from the sombre slopes afar; Then a long line of trucks began to move.
It was quite still; the columned chestnuts stood Dark in their noble canopies of leaves.
I thought: ‘A little longer I’ll delay, And then he’ll be more glad to hear my feet, And with low laughter ask me why I’m late.
The place will be too dim to show his eyes, But he will loom above me like a tree, With lifted arms and body tall and strong.
’ There stood the empty house; a ghostly hulk Becalmed and huge, massed in the mantling dark, As builders left it when quick-shattering war Leapt upon France and called her men to fight.
Lightly along the terraces I trod, Crunching the rubble till I found the door That gaped in twilight, framing inward gloom.
An owl flew out from under the high eaves To vanish secretly among the firs, Where lofty boughs netted the gleam of stars.
I stumbled in; the dusty floors were strewn With cumbering piles of planks and props and beams; Tall windows gapped the walls; the place was free To every searching gust and jousting gale; But now they slept; I was afraid to speak, And heavily the shadows crowded in.
I called him, once; then listened: nothing moved: Only my thumping heart beat out the time.
Whispering his name, I groped from room to room.
Quite empty was that house; it could not hold His human ghost, remembered in the love That strove in vain to be companioned still.
II Blindly I sought the woods that I had known So beautiful with morning when I came Amazed with spring that wove the hazel twigs With misty raiment of awakening green.
I found a holy dimness, and the peace Of sanctuary, austerely built of trees, And wonder stooping from the tranquil sky.
Ah! but there was no need to call his name.
He was beside me now, as swift as light.
I knew him crushed to earth in scentless flowers, And lifted in the rapture of dark pines.
‘For now,’ he said, ‘my spirit has more eyes Than heaven has stars; and they are lit by love.
My body is the magic of the world, And dawn and sunset flame with my spilt blood.
My breath is the great wind, and I am filled With molten power and surge of the bright waves That chant my doom along the ocean’s edge.
‘Look in the faces of the flowers and find The innocence that shrives me; stoop to the stream That you may share the wisdom of my peace.
For talking water travels undismayed.
The luminous willows lean to it with tales Of the young earth; and swallows dip their wings Where showering hawthorn strews the lanes of light.
‘I can remember summer in one thought Of wind-swept green, and deeps of melting blue, And scent of limes in bloom; and I can hear Distinct the early mower in the grass, Whetting his blade along some morn of June.
‘For I was born to the round world’s delight, And knowledge of enfolding motherhood, Whose tenderness, that shines through constant toil, Gathers the naked children to her knees.
In death I can remember how she came To kiss me while I slept; still I can share The glee of childhood; and the fleeting gloom When all my flowers were washed with rain of tears.
‘I triumph in the choruses of birds, Bursting like April buds in gyres of song.
My meditations are the blaze of noon On silent woods, where glory burns the leaves.
I have shared breathless vigils; I have slaked The thirst of my desires in bounteous rain Pouring and splashing downward through the dark.
Loud storm has roused me with its winking glare, And voice of doom that crackles overhead.
I have been tired and watchful, craving rest, Till the slow-footed hours have touched my brows And laid me on the breast of sundering sleep.
’ III I know that he is lost among the stars, And may return no more but in their light.
Though his hushed voice may call me in the stir Of whispering trees, I shall not understand.
Men may not speak with stillness; and the joy Of brooks that leap and tumble down green hills Is faster than their feet; and all their thoughts Can win no meaning from the talk of birds.
My heart is fooled with fancies, being wise; For fancy is the gleaming of wet flowers When the hid sun looks forth with golden stare.
Thus, when I find new loveliness to praise, And things long-known shine out in sudden grace, Then will I think: ‘He moves before me now.
’ So he will never come but in delight, And, as it was in life, his name shall be Wonder awaking in a summer dawn, And youth, that dying, touched my lips to song.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

Fighting Mac

 A Life Tragedy

A pistol shot rings round and round the world;
 In pitiful defeat a warrior lies.
A last defiance to dark Death is hurled, A last wild challenge shocks the sunlit skies.
Alone he falls, with wide, wan, woeful eyes: Eyes that could smile at death -- could not face shame.
Alone, alone he paced his narrow room, In the bright sunshine of that Paris day; Saw in his thought the awful hand of doom; Saw in his dream his glory pass away; Tried in his heart, his weary heart, to pray: "O God! who made me, give me strength to face The spectre of this bitter, black disgrace.
" * * * * * The burn brawls darkly down the shaggy glen; The bee-kissed heather blooms around the door; He sees himself a barefoot boy again, Bending o'er page of legendary lore.
He hears the pibroch, grips the red claymore, Runs with the Fiery Cross, a clansman true, Sworn kinsman of Rob Roy and Roderick Dhu.
Eating his heart out with a wild desire, One day, behind his counter trim and neat, He hears a sound that sets his brain afire -- The Highlanders are marching down the street.
Oh, how the pipes shrill out, the mad drums beat! "On to the gates of Hell, my Gordons gay!" He flings his hated yardstick away.
He sees the sullen pass, high-crowned with snow, Where Afghans cower with eyes of gleaming hate.
He hurls himself against the hidden foe.
They try to rally -- ah, too late, too late! Again, defenseless, with fierce eyes that wait For death, he stands, like baited bull at bay, And flouts the Boers, that mad Majuba day.
He sees again the murderous Soudan, Blood-slaked and rapine-swept.
He seems to stand Upon the gory plain of Omdurman.
Then Magersfontein, and supreme command Over his Highlanders.
To shake his hand A King is proud, and princes call him friend.
And glory crowns his life -- and now the end, The awful end.
His eyes are dark with doom; He hears the shrapnel shrieking overhead; He sees the ravaged ranks, the flame-stabbed gloom.
Oh, to have fallen! -- the battle-field his bed, With Wauchope and his glorious brother-dead.
Why was he saved for this, for this? And now He raises the revolver to his brow.
* * * * * In many a Highland home, framed with rude art, You'll find his portrait, rough-hewn, stern and square; It's graven in the Fuyam fellah's heart; The Ghurka reads it at his evening prayer; The raw lands know it, where the fierce suns glare; The Dervish fears it.
Honor to his name Who holds aloft the shield of England's fame.
Mourn for our hero, men of Northern race! We do not know his sin; we only know His sword was keen.
He laughed death in the face, And struck, for Empire's sake, a giant blow.
His arm was strong.
Ah! well they learnt, the foe The echo of his deeds is ringing yet -- Will ring for aye.
All else .
let us forget.
Written by John Matthew | Create an image from this poem

Passing showers

 Yesterday a passing, transient shower,
Slaked my thirst so gently, softly,
Showers in March are unheard —
In this arid part of the world.
They say the world is dying, I know, I remember how you said love died, It was a passing shower, a fancy, That left you cold and shivering.
This distance, these wired networks, Couldn’t bring your love to you, You became strangers, distances apart, The eyes, too, misted with showers.
What are you holding in your heart —? Which you can’t tell me in stealing time, What is it that your sorrowing soul, Keeps wrapped in the mystery of your words? Friend, your world is far removed, I can only view the receding landscape, Of another woman’s deep distress, Is it much to expect the showers to pass? If you come out of the fort, step over the moat, Open your heart and cry in the rain, I am sure the passing showers will cease, And usher in the blossoms of spring!

Book: Shattered Sighs