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Best Famous Sheeny Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Sheeny poems. This is a select list of the best famous Sheeny poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Sheeny poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of sheeny poems.

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Written by Fannie Isabelle Sherrick | Create an image from this poem


Girlhood, the dearest time of joy and love,
The sunny spring of gladness and of peace,
The time that joins its links with heaven above,
And all that's pure below; a running ease
Of careless thought beguiles the murmuring stream
Of girlish life, and as some sweet, vague dream,
The fleeting days go by; fair womanhood
Comes oft to lure the girlish feet away,
But by the brooklet still they love to stray,
Nor long to seek the world's engulfing flood.
Hilda—a name that seems to stand alone—
So strong, so clear it sharply echoing tone;
And yet a name that holds a weirdlike grace,
Withal like some strange, haunting, beauteous face;
A woman's name, by woman's truth made dear,
That leans upon itself and knows no fear,
And yet a name a shrinking girl might wear,
With girlish ease, devoid of thought and care.
And she is worthy of this name so true—
This girl with thoughtful eyes of darkest hue,
This maiden stepping o'er the golden line
That separates the child from woman divine.
Not yet she feels the longing, vague unrest
That ever fills the woman's throbbing breast,
But with a childlike questioning after truth,
She lingers yet amid the dreams of youth.
And now upon the bounding ocean's shore
She stands where creep the wavelets more and more,
Until at last the rocky ledge they meet,
And break in foam around her lingering feet.
Her eyes glance downward in a careless way,
As though she loved their soft caressing play,
And fain would stand and muse forever there,
Lulled by their murmuring sound.
                                  Placid and fair
The ocean lies before her dreamy eyes,
Stretched forth in beauty 'neath the sunny skies,
And through the clouds' far lifting, sheeny mist
She sees the pale blue skies by sunlight kissed.
Enraptured by the calm and holy scene,
She stands a creature pure and glad; serene,
Her eyes glance heavenward and a roseate shade
Plays o'er her Hebe features—perfect made.
A child of nature, she has never known
The arts and wiles which worldlier spirits own;
She loves the ocean's ever changing play,
When round her form is flung its dashing spray,
And oft she laughs in wildest, merriest glee
When folded close within its billows free.
She loves the wildwood's green and leafy maze,
Within whose foliage hide the sun's bright rays;
And like a child she hoards the bright-eyed flowers,
Companions of so many happy hours.
With loving heart she greets each form of earth,
To which God's kindly hand has given birth.
But better far than all, she loves to roam
Far on the cliff's lone height, and there at eve
To watch the dark ships as they wander home.
Strange dreams in this calm hour her fancies weave,
So quaint and odd, they seem but shadowy rays,
Caught from the sunset's deep, mysterious haze.
Lo! now she stands like some pale statue fair,
With eyes cast down and careless falling hair;
She vaguely dreams of things that are to be,
A woman's future, noble, fresh and free;
And o'er her face youth's crimson colors flow,
As with a beating heart she thinks she'll give
Her life to one true heart, and with a glow
Of pride she vows her future life to live
So good and true that all her days shall seem
But the fulfillment of his heart's proud dream.
Yet soon she trembles with some unknown thought,
A vague and restless longing fills her breast,
And with a passionate fear her mind is wrought.
She cannot case away the strange unrest;
With hands clasped close in attitude of prayer
She stands, her pleading face so young and fair,
Is turned unto the skies, but no, not here
Will God speak all unto her listening ear;
Too soon in dark, deep strife upon this shore
Her soul will yield its peace forevermore.
And then she hurries home with flying feet,
The faces of that humble home to meet;
For there in peace her dear old parents dwell,
That simple twain who love this maid so well
They fain would keep her with them ever there,
A thoughtless child, free from all grief and care.
But ah! they cannot understand the heart,
Which turns from all their loving ways apart,
And dwells within a region of its own.
Within that home she seems to stand alone,
While all unseen the forces gather, day
By day, that o'er her life shall hold their sway;
And like a fragile flower before the storm,
She bows her head and ends her slender form,
For even like the flower she must stand
And brave the tempest, for 'tis God's command.
And like to her how many a girl has stood
Upon the unknown brink of womanhood
And sought in vain from guiding hand and power;
But unlike her in that dread trial hour,
They've lost their faith, for Hilda's trusting mind,
E'en though it stood alone, had so much strength,
And faith that to life's problem she could find
Solution strange and subtle; even though at length
She might complain and grieve o'er all the wasted past.
Oh! life is dark and full of unseen care,
And better were it if all girls thus fair
And young were truly understood at last.
For every girl some time will feel the need
Of loving hearts to strengthen and to lead,
When first are opened to her wondering eyes
The world's fair fields and seeming paradise.
She only sees the beauty—hears the song,
Knows not the hidden snares, nor dreams of wrong.
'Tis woman's happiest time, and yet 'tis true
A sombre tinge may mar its brightest hue.
For girlhood too will have its doubts and fears,
Will lose the past and long for coming years,
And sad indeed when youth is left alone
To face the coming future all unknown.
The eyes see not that should be strong and keen;
While powerless, weak girlhood stands between
The tides of life, and though its aims are high,
How often will they fail!
                           Where dangers lie
Poor Hilda stands and knows it not, the dream
Of life to her is bright, youth's sunny gleam
Shines over all in tender, softened light,
And swiftly do the moments wing their flight.
But yet so sensitive her shrinking soul,
That o'er her life sometimes great shadows roll,
Like angry clouds; upon a wild dark shore
She stands, alone and weak, while more and more
The unknown forces grow and cast their blight,
Till all the past is lost in one dark night;
Unto the woman's lot her life is cast,
And like a dream the girlish days drift past.

Written by Victor Hugo | Create an image from this poem


 ("La salle est magnifique.") 
 {IV. Aug. 23, 1839.} 

 The hall is gay with limpid lustre bright— 
 The feast to pampered palate gives delight— 
 The sated guests pick at the spicy food, 
 And drink profusely, for the cheer is good; 
 And at that table—where the wise are few— 
 Both sexes and all ages meet the view; 
 The sturdy warrior with a thoughtful face— 
 The am'rous youth, the maid replete with grace, 
 The prattling infant, and the hoary hair 
 Of second childhood's proselytes—are there;— 
 And the most gaudy in that spacious hall, 
 Are e'er the young, or oldest of them all 
 Helmet and banner, ornament and crest, 
 The lion rampant, and the jewelled vest, 
 The silver star that glitters fair and white, 
 The arms that tell of many a nation's might— 
 Heraldic blazonry, ancestral pride, 
 And all mankind invents for pomp beside, 
 The wingèd leopard, and the eagle wild— 
 All these encircle woman, chief and child; 
 Shine on the carpet burying their feet, 
 Adorn the dishes that contain their meat; 
 And hang upon the drapery, which around 
 Falls from the lofty ceiling to the ground, 
 Till on the floor its waving fringe is spread, 
 As the bird's wing may sweep the roses' bed.— 
 Thus is the banquet ruled by Noise and Light, 
 Since Light and Noise are foremost on the site. 
 The chamber echoes to the joy of them 
 Who throng around, each with his diadem— 
 Each seated on proud throne—but, lesson vain! 
 Each sceptre holds its master with a chain! 
 Thus hope of flight were futile from that hall, 
 Where chiefest guest was most enslaved of all! 
 The godlike-making draught that fires the soul 
 The Love—sweet poison-honey—past control, 
 (Formed of the sexual breath—an idle name, 
 Offspring of Fancy and a nervous frame)— 
 Pleasure, mad daughter of the darksome Night, 
 Whose languid eye flames when is fading light— 
 The gallant chases where a man is borne 
 By stalwart charger, to the sounding horn— 
 The sheeny silk, the bed of leaves of rose, 
 Made more to soothe the sight than court repose; 
 The mighty palaces that raise the sneer 
 Of jealous mendicants and wretches near— 
 The spacious parks, from which horizon blue 
 Arches o'er alabaster statues new; 
 Where Superstition still her walk will take, 
 Unto soft music stealing o'er the lake— 
 The innocent modesty by gems undone— 
 The qualms of judges by small brib'ry won— 
 The dread of children, trembling while they play— 
 The bliss of monarchs, potent in their sway— 
 The note of war struck by the culverin, 
 That snakes its brazen neck through battle din— 
 The military millipede 
 That tramples out the guilty seed— 
 The capital all pleasure and delight— 
 And all that like a town or army chokes 
 The gazer with foul dust or sulphur smokes. 
 The budget, prize for which ten thousand bait 
 A subtle hook, that ever, as they wait 
 Catches a weed, and drags them to their fate, 
 While gleamingly its golden scales still spread— 
 Such were the meats by which these guests were fed. 
 A hundred slaves for lazy master cared, 
 And served each one with what was e'er prepared 
 By him, who in a sombre vault below, 
 Peppered the royal pig with peoples' woe, 
 And grimly glad went laboring till late— 
 The morose alchemist we know as Fate! 
 That ev'ry guest might learn to suit his taste, 
 Behind had Conscience, real or mock'ry, placed; 
 Conscience a guide who every evil spies, 
 But royal nurses early pluck out both his eyes! 
 Oh! at the table there be all the great, 
 Whose lives are bubbles that best joys inflate! 
 Superb, magnificent of revels—doubt 
 That sagest lose their heads in such a rout! 
 In the long laughter, ceaseless roaming round, 
 Joy, mirth and glee give out a maelström's sound; 
 And the astonished gazer casts his care, 
 Where ev'ry eyeball glistens in the flare. 
 But oh! while yet the singing Hebes pour 
 Forgetfulness of those without the door— 
 At very hour when all are most in joy, 
 And the hid orchestra annuls annoy, 
 Woe—woe! with jollity a-top the heights, 
 With further tapers adding to the lights, 
 And gleaming 'tween the curtains on the street, 
 Where poor folks stare—hark to the heavy feet! 
 Some one smites roundly on the gilded grate, 
 Some one below will be admitted straight, 
 Some one, though not invited, who'll not wait! 
 Close not the door! Your orders are vain breath— 
 That stranger enters to be known as Death— 
 Or merely Exile—clothed in alien guise— 
 Death drags away—with his prey Exile flies! 
 Death is that sight. He promenades the hall, 
 And casts a gloomy shadow on them all, 
 'Neath which they bend like willows soft, 
 Ere seizing one—the dumbest monarch oft, 
 And bears him to eternal heat and drouth, 
 While still the toothsome morsel's in his mouth. 


Written by Walt Whitman | Create an image from this poem

Thou Orb Aloft Full-Dazzling

 THOU orb aloft full-dazzling! thou hot October noon! 
Flooding with sheeny light the gray beach sand, 
The sibilant near sea with vistas far and foam, 
And tawny streaks and shades and spreading blue; 
O sun of noon rufulgent! my special word to thee.
Hear me illustrious! Thy lover me, for always I have loved thee, Even as basking babe, then happy boy alone by some wood edge, thy touching-distant beams enough, Or man matured, or young or old, as now to thee I launch my invocation.
(Thou canst not with thy dumbness me deceive, I know before the fitting man all Nature yields, Though answering not in words, the skies, trees, hear his voice—and thou O sun, As for thy throes, thy perturbations, sudden breaks and shafts of flame gigantic, I understand them, I know those flames, those perturbations well.
) Thou that with fructifying heat and light, O’er myriad farms, o’er lands and waters North and South, O’er Mississippi’s endless course, o’er Texas’ grassy plains, Kanada’s woods, O’er all the globe that turns its face to thee shining in space, Thou that impartially infoldest all, not only continents, seas, Thou that to grapes and weeds and little wild flowers givest so liberally, Shed, shed thyself on mine and me, with but a fleeting ray out of thy million millions, Strike through these chants.
Nor only launch thy subtle dazzle and thy strength for these, Prepare the later afternoon of me myself—prepare my lengthening shadows, Prepare my starry nights.
Written by Alfred Lord Tennyson | Create an image from this poem

Recollection of the Arabian Nights

 WHEN the breeze of a joyful dawn blew free 
In the silken sail of infancy, 
The tide of time flow'd back with me, 
The forward-flowing tide of time; 
And many a sheeny summer-morn, 
Adown the Tigris I was borne, 
By Bagdat's shrines of fretted gold, 
High-walled gardens green and old; 
True Mussulman was I and sworn, 
For it was in the golden prime 
Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Anight my shallop, rustling thro' The low and bloomed foliage, drove The fragrant, glistening deeps, and clove The citron-shadows in the blue: By garden porches on the brim, The costly doors flung open wide, Gold glittering thro' lamplight dim, And broider'd sofas on each side: In sooth it was a goodly time, For it was in the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Often where clear-stemm'd platans guard The outlet, did I turn away The boat-head down a broad canal From the main river sluiced, where all The sloping of the moon-lit sward Was damask-work, and deep inlay Of braided blooms unmown, which crept Adown to where the water slept.
A goodly place, a goodly time, For it was in the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid.
A motion from the river won Ridged the smooth level, bearing on My shallop thro' the star-strown calm, Until another night in night I enter'd, from the clearer light, Imbower'd vaults of pillar'd palm, Imprisoning sweets, which, as they clomb Heavenward, were stay'd beneath the dome Of hollow boughs.
--A goodly time, For it was in the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Still onward; and the clear canal Is rounded to as clear a lake.
From the green rivage many a fall Of diamond rillets musical, Thro' little crystal arches low Down from the central fountain's flow Fall'n silver-chiming, seemed to shake The sparkling flints beneath the prow.
A goodly place, a goodly time, For it was in the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Above thro' many a bowery turn A walk with vary-colour'd shells Wander'd engrain'd.
On either side All round about the fragrant marge From fluted vase, and brazen urn In order, eastern flowers large, Some dropping low their crimson bells Half-closed, and others studded wide With disks and tiars, fed the time With odour in the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Far off, and where the lemon grove In closest coverture upsprung, The living airs of middle night Died round the bulbul as he sung; Not he: but something which possess'd The darkness of the world, delight, Life, anguish, death, immortal love, Ceasing not, mingled, unrepress'd, Apart from place, withholding time, But flattering the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Black the garden-bowers and grots Slumber'd: the solemn palms were ranged Above, unwoo'd of summer wind: A sudden splendour from behind Flush'd all the leaves with rich gold-green, And, flowing rapidly between Their interspaces, counterchanged The level lake with diamond-plots Of dark and bright.
A lovely time, For it was in the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Dark-blue the deep sphere overhead, Distinct with vivid stars inlaid, Grew darker from that under-flame: So, leaping lightly from the boat, With silver anchor left afloat, In marvel whence that glory came Upon me, as in sleep I sank In cool soft turf upon the bank, Entranced with that place and time, So worthy of the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Thence thro' the garden I was drawn-- A realm of pleasance, many a mound, And many a shadow-chequer'd lawn Full of the city's stilly sound, And deep myrrh-thickets blowing round The stately cedar, tamarisks, Thick rosaries of scented thorn, Tall orient shrubs, and obelisks Graven with emblems of the time, In honour of the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid.
With dazed vision unawares From the long alley's latticed shade Emerged, I came upon the great Pavilion of the Caliphat.
Right to the carven cedarn doors, Flung inward over spangled floors, Broad-based flights of marble stairs Ran up with golden balustrade, After the fashion of the time, And humour of the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid.
The fourscore windows all alight As with the quintessence of flame, A million tapers flaring bright From twisted silvers look'd to shame The hollow-vaulted dark, and stream'd Upon the mooned domes aloof In inmost Bagdat, till there seem'd Hundreds of crescents on the roof Of night new-risen, that marvellous time To celebrate the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Then stole I up, and trancedly Gazed on the Persian girl alone, Serene with argent-lidded eyes Amorous, and lashes like to rays Of darkness, and a brow of pearl Tressed with redolent ebony, In many a dark delicious curl, Flowing beneath her rose-hued zone; The sweetest lady of the time, Well worthy of the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid.
Six columns, three on either side, Pure silver, underpropt a rich Throne of the massive ore, from which Down-droop'd, in many a floating fold, Engarlanded and diaper'd With inwrought flowers, a cloth of gold.
Thereon, his deep eye laughter-stirr'd With merriment of kingly pride, Sole star of all that place and time, I saw him--in his golden prime, The good Haroun Alraschid.

Book: Shattered Sighs