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Best Famous Shadings Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Shadings poems. This is a select list of the best famous Shadings poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Shadings poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of shadings poems.

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Written by Susan Rich | Create an image from this poem

Lost By Way of Tchin-Tabarden

 Republic of Niger

Nomads are said to know their way by an exact spot in the sky,

the touch of sand to their fingers, granules on the tongue.
But sometimes a system breaks down.
I witness a shift of light, study the irregular shadings of dunes.
Why am I traveling this road to Zinder, where really there is no road? No service station at this check point, just one commercant hawking Fanta in gangrene hues.
C'est formidable! he gestures --- staring ahead over a pyramid of foreign orange juice.
In the desert life is distilled to an angle of wind, camel droppings, salted food.
How long has this man been here, how long can I stay contemplating a route home? It's so easy to get lost and disappear, die of thirst and longing as the Sultan's three wives did last year.
Found in their Mercedes, the chauffeur at the wheel, how did they fail to return home to Ágadez, retrace a landscape they'd always believed? No cross-streets, no broken yellow lines; I feel relief at the abandonment of my own geography.
I know there's no surveyor but want to imagine the aerial map that will send me above flame trees, snaking through knots of basalt.
I'll mark the exact site for a lean-to where the wind and dust travel easily along my skin, and I'm no longer satiated by the scent of gasoline.
I'll arrive there out of balance, untaught; ready for something called home.

Book: Shattered Sighs