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Best Famous Aeon Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Aeon poems. This is a select list of the best famous Aeon poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Aeon poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of aeon poems.

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Written by Allen Ginsberg | Create an image from this poem

Plutonian Ode


What new element before us unborn in nature? Is there
 a new thing under the Sun?
At last inquisitive Whitman a modern epic, detonative,
 Scientific theme
First penned unmindful by Doctor Seaborg with poison-
 ous hand, named for Death's planet through the 
 sea beyond Uranus
whose chthonic ore fathers this magma-teared Lord of 
 Hades, Sire of avenging Furies, billionaire Hell-
 King worshipped once
with black sheep throats cut, priests's face averted from
 underground mysteries in single temple at Eleusis,
Spring-green Persephone nuptialed to his inevitable
 Shade, Demeter mother of asphodel weeping dew,
her daughter stored in salty caverns under white snow, 
 black hail, grey winter rain or Polar ice, immemor-
 able seasons before
Fish flew in Heaven, before a Ram died by the starry
 bush, before the Bull stamped sky and earth
or Twins inscribed their memories in clay or Crab'd
washed memory from the skull, or Lion sniffed the
 lilac breeze in Eden--
Before the Great Year began turning its twelve signs,
 ere constellations wheeled for twenty-four thousand
 sunny years
slowly round their axis in Sagittarius, one hundred 
 sixty-seven thousand times returning to this night

Radioactive Nemesis were you there at the beginning 
 black dumb tongueless unsmelling blast of Disil-
I manifest your Baptismal Word after four billion years
I guess your birthday in Earthling Night, I salute your
 dreadful presence last majestic as the Gods,
Sabaot, Jehova, Astapheus, Adonaeus, Elohim, Iao, 
 Ialdabaoth, Aeon from Aeon born ignorant in an
 Abyss of Light,
Sophia's reflections glittering thoughtful galaxies, whirl-
 pools of starspume silver-thin as hairs of Einstein!
Father Whitman I celebrate a matter that renders Self
Grand Subject that annihilates inky hands & pages'
 prayers, old orators' inspired Immortalities,
I begin your chant, openmouthed exhaling into spacious
 sky over silent mills at Hanford, Savannah River,
 Rocky Flats, Pantex, Burlington, Albuquerque
I yell thru Washington, South Carolina, Colorado, 
 Texas, Iowa, New Mexico,
Where nuclear reactors creat a new Thing under the 
 Sun, where Rockwell war-plants fabricate this death
 stuff trigger in nitrogen baths,
Hanger-Silas Mason assembles the terrified weapon
 secret by ten thousands, & where Manzano Moun-
 tain boasts to store
its dreadful decay through two hundred forty millenia
 while our Galaxy spirals around its nebulous core.
I enter your secret places with my mind, I speak with your presence, I roar your Lion Roar with mortal mouth.
One microgram inspired to one lung, ten pounds of heavy metal dust adrift slow motion over grey Alps the breadth of the planet, how long before your radiance speeds blight and death to sentient beings? Enter my body or not I carol my spirit inside you, Unnaproachable Weight, O heavy heavy Element awakened I vocalize your con- sciousness to six worlds I chant your absolute Vanity.
Yeah monster of Anger birthed in fear O most Ignorant matter ever created unnatural to Earth! Delusion of metal empires! Destroyer of lying Scientists! Devourer of covetous Generals, Incinerator of Armies & Melter of Wars! Judgement of judgements, Divine Wind over vengeful nations, Molester of Presidents, Death-Scandal of Capital politics! Ah civilizations stupidly indus- trious! Canker-Hex on multitudes learned or illiterate! Manu- factured Spectre of human reason! O solidified imago of practicioner in Black Arts I dare your reality, I challenge your very being! I publish your cause and effect! I turn the wheel of Mind on your three hundred tons! Your name enters mankind's ear! I embody your ultimate powers! My oratory advances on your vaunted Mystery! This breath dispels your braggart fears! I sing your form at last behind your concrete & iron walls inside your fortress of rubber & translucent silicon shields in filtered cabinets and baths of lathe oil, My voice resounds through robot glove boxes & ignot cans and echoes in electric vaults inert of atmo- sphere, I enter with spirit out loud into your fuel rod drums underground on soundless thrones and beds of lead O density! This weightless anthem trumpets transcendent through hidden chambers and breaks through iron doors into the Infernal Room! Over your dreadful vibration this measured harmony floats audible, these jubilant tones are honey and milk and wine-sweet water Poured on the stone black floor, these syllables are barley groats I scatter on the Reactor's core, I call your name with hollow vowels, I psalm your Fate close by, my breath near deathless ever at your side to Spell your destiny, I set this verse prophetic on your mausoleum walls to seal you up Eternally with Diamond Truth! O doomed Plutonium.
II The Bar surveys Plutonian history from midnight lit with Mercury Vapor streetlamps till in dawn's early light he contemplates a tranquil politic spaced out between Nations' thought-forms proliferating bureaucratic & horrific arm'd, Satanic industries projected sudden with Five Hundred Billion Dollar Strength around the world same time this text is set in Boulder, Colorado before front range of Rocky Mountains twelve miles north of Rocky Flats Nuclear Facility in United States of North America, Western Hemi- sphere of planet Earth six months and fourteen days around our Solar System in a Spiral Galaxy the local year after Dominion of the last God nineteen hundred seventy eight Completed as yellow hazed dawn clouds brighten East, Denver city white below Blue sky transparent rising empty deep & spacious to a morning star high over the balcony above some autos sat with wheels to curb downhill from Flatiron's jagged pine ridge, sunlit mountain meadows sloped to rust-red sandstone cliffs above brick townhouse roofs as sparrows waked whistling through Marine Street's summer green leafed trees.
III This ode to you O Poets and Orators to come, you father Whitman as I join your side, you Congress and American people, you present meditators, spiritual friends & teachers, you O Master of the Diamond Arts, Take this wheel of syllables in hand, these vowels and consonants to breath's end take this inhalation of black poison to your heart, breath out this blessing from your breast on our creation forests cities oceans deserts rocky flats and mountains in the Ten Directions pacify with exhalation, enrich this Plutonian Ode to explode its empty thunder through earthen thought-worlds Magnetize this howl with heartless compassion, destroy this mountain of Plutonium with ordinary mind and body speech, thus empower this Mind-guard spirit gone out, gone out, gone beyond, gone beyond me, Wake space, so Ah! July 14, 1978

Written by Allen Ginsberg | Create an image from this poem


 Homage Kenneth Koch

If I were doing my Laundry I'd wash my dirty Iran
I'd throw in my United States, and pour on the Ivory Soap,
 scrub up Africa, put all the birds and elephants back in
 the jungle,
I'd wash the Amazon river and clean the oily Carib & Gulf of Mexico,
Rub that smog off the North Pole, wipe up all the pipelines in Alaska,
Rub a dub dub for Rocky Flats and Los Alamos, Flush that sparkly
 Cesium out of Love Canal
Rinse down the Acid Rain over the Parthenon & Sphinx, Drain the Sludge
 out of the Mediterranean basin & make it azure again,
Put some blueing back into the sky over the Rhine, bleach the little
 Clouds so snow return white as snow,
Cleanse the Hudson Thames & Neckar, Drain the Suds out of Lake Erie
Then I'd throw big Asia in one giant Load & wash out the blood &
 Agent Orange,
Dump the whole mess of Russia and China in the wringer, squeeze out
 the tattletail Gray of U.
Central American police state, & put the planet in the drier & let it sit 20 minutes or an Aeon till it came out clean
Written by G K Chesterton | Create an image from this poem

The Black Virgin

 One in thy thousand statues we salute thee 
On all thy thousand thrones acclaim and claim 
Who walk in forest of thy forms and faces 
Walk in a forest calling on one name 
And, most of all, how this thing may be so 
Who know thee not are mystified to know
That one cries "Here she stands" and one cries "Yonder" 
And thou wert home in heaven long ago.
Burn deep in Bethlehem in the golden shadows, Ride above Rome upon the horns of stone, From low Lancastrian or South Saxon shelters Watch through dark years the dower that was shine own: Ghost of our land, White Lady of Walsinghame, Shall they not live that call upon thy name If an old song on a wild wind be blowing Crying of the holy country whence they came? Root deep in Chartres the roses blown of glass Burning above thee in the high vitrailles, On Cornish crags take for salute of swords O'er peacock seas the far salute of sails, Glooming in bronze or gay in painted wood, A great doll given when the child is good, Save that She gave the Child who gave the doll, In whom all dolls are dreams of motherhood.
I have found thee like a little shepherdess Gay with green ribbons; and passed on to find Michael called Angel hew the Mother of God Like one who fills a mountain with a mind: Molten in silver or gold or garbed in blue, Or garbed in red where the inner robe burns through, Of the King's daughter glorious within: Change shine unchanging light with every hue.
Clothed with the sun or standing on the moon Crowned with the stars or single, a morning star, Sunlight and moonlight are thy luminous shadows, Starlight and twilight thy refractions are, Lights and half-lights and all lights turn about thee, But though we dazed can neither see nor doubt thee, Something remains.
Nor can man live without it Nor can man find it bearable without thee.
There runs a dark thread through the tapestries That time has woven with all the tints of time Something not evil but grotesque and groping, Something not clear; not final; not sublime; Quaint as dim pattern of primal plant or tree Or fish, the legless elfins of the sea, Yet rare as this shine image in ebony Being most strange in its simplicity.
Rare as the rushing of the wild black swans The Romans saw; or rocks remote and grim Where through black clouds the black sheep runs accursed And through black clouds the Shepherd follows him.
By the black oak of the aeon-buried grove By the black gems of the miner's treasure-trove Monsters and freaks and fallen stars and sunken- Most holy dark, cover our uncouth love.
From shine high rock look down on Africa The living darkness of devouring green The loathsome smell of life unquenchable, Look on low brows and blinking eyes between, On the dark heart where white folk find no place, On the dark bodies of an antic race, On all that fear thy light and love thy shadow, Turn thou the mercy of thy midnight face.
This also is in thy spectrum; this dark ray; Beyond the deepening purples of thy Lent Darker than violet vestment; dark and secret Clot of old night yet cloud of heaven sent: As the black moon of some divine eclipse, As the black sun of the Apocalypse, As the black flower that blessed Odysseus back From witchcraft; and he saw again the ships.
In all thy thousand images we salute thee, Claim and acclaim on all thy thousand thrones Hewn out of multi-colored rocks and risen Stained with the stored-up sunsets in all tones- If in all tones and shades this shade I feel, Come from the black cathedrals of Castille Climbing these flat black stones of Catalonia, To thy most merciful face of night I kneel.
Written by Ralph Waldo Emerson | Create an image from this poem


 The south-wind brings
Life, sunshine, and desire,
And on every mount and meadow
Breathes aromatic fire,
But over the dead he has no power,
The lost, the lost he cannot restore,
And, looking over the hills, I mourn
The darling who shall not return.
I see my empty house, I see my trees repair their boughs, And he, —the wondrous child, Whose silver warble wild Outvalued every pulsing sound Within the air's cerulean round, The hyacinthine boy, for whom Morn well might break, and April bloom, The gracious boy, who did adorn The world whereinto he was born, And by his countenance repay The favor of the loving Day, Has disappeared from the Day's eye; Far and wide she cannot find him, My hopes pursue, they cannot bind him.
Returned this day the south-wind searches And finds young pines and budding birches, But finds not the budding man; Nature who lost him, cannot remake him; Fate let him fall, Fate can't retake him; Nature, Fate, men, him seek in vain.
And whither now, my truant wise and sweet, Oh, whither tend thy feet? I had the right, few days ago, Thy steps to watch, thy place to know; How have I forfeited the right? Hast thou forgot me in a new delight? I hearken for thy household cheer, O eloquent child! Whose voice, an equal messenger, Conveyed thy meaning mild.
What though the pains and joys Whereof it spoke were toys Fitting his age and ken;— Yet fairest dames and bearded men, Who heard the sweet request So gentle, wise, and grave, Bended with joy to his behest, And let the world's affairs go by, Awhile to share his cordial game, Or mend his wicker wagon frame, Still plotting how their hungry ear That winsome voice again might hear, For his lips could well pronounce Words that were persuasions.
Gentlest guardians marked serene His early hope, his liberal mien, Took counsel from his guiding eyes To make this wisdom earthly wise.
Ah! vainly do these eyes recall The school-march, each day's festival, When every morn my bosom glowed To watch the convoy on the road;— The babe in willow wagon closed, With rolling eyes and face composed, With children forward and behind, Like Cupids studiously inclined, And he, the Chieftain, paced beside, The centre of the troop allied, With sunny face of sweet repose, To guard the babe from fancied foes, The little Captain innocent Took the eye with him as he went, Each village senior paused to scan And speak the lovely caravan.
From the window I look out To mark thy beautiful parade Stately marching in cap and coat To some tune by fairies played; A music heard by thee alone To works as noble led thee on.
Now love and pride, alas, in vain, Up and down their glances strain.
The painted sled stands where it stood, The kennel by the corded wood, The gathered sticks to stanch the wall Of the snow-tower, when snow should fall, The ominous hole he dug in the sand, And childhood's castles built or planned.
His daily haunts I well discern, The poultry yard, the shed, the barn, And every inch of garden ground Paced by the blessed feet around, From the road-side to the brook; Whereinto he loved to look.
Step the meek birds where erst they ranged, The wintry garden lies unchanged, The brook into the stream runs on, But the deep-eyed Boy is gone.
On that shaded day, Dark with more clouds than tempests are, When thou didst yield thy innocent breath In bird-like heavings unto death, Night came, and Nature had not thee,— I said, we are mates in misery.
The morrow dawned with needless glow, Each snow-bird chirped, each fowl must crow, Each tramper started,— but the feet Of the most beautiful and sweet Of human youth had left the hill And garden,—they were bound and still, There's not a sparrow or a wren, There's not a blade of autumn grain, Which the four seasons do not tend, And tides of life and increase lend, And every chick of every bird, And weed and rock-moss is preferred.
O ostriches' forgetfulness! O loss of larger in the less! Was there no star that could be sent, No watcher in the firmament, No angel from the countless host, That loiters round the crystal coast, Could stoop to heal that only child, Nature's sweet marvel undefiled, And keep the blossom of the earth, Which all her harvests were not worth? Not mine, I never called thee mine, But nature's heir,— if I repine, And, seeing rashly torn and moved, Not what I made, but what I loved.
Grow early old with grief that then Must to the wastes of nature go,— 'Tis because a general hope Was quenched, and all must doubt and grope For flattering planets seemed to say, This child should ills of ages stay,— By wondrous tongue and guided pen Bring the flown muses back to men.
— Perchance, not he, but nature ailed, The world, and not the infant failed, It was not ripe yet, to sustain A genius of so fine a strain, Who gazed upon the sun and moon As if he came unto his own, And pregnant with his grander thought, Brought the old order into doubt.
Awhile his beauty their beauty tried, They could not feed him, and he died, And wandered backward as in scorn To wait an Æon to be born.
Ill day which made this beauty waste; Plight broken, this high face defaced! Some went and came about the dead, And some in books of solace read, Some to their friends the tidings say, Some went to write, some went to pray, One tarried here, there hurried one, But their heart abode with none.
Covetous death bereaved us all To aggrandize one funeral.
The eager Fate which carried thee Took the largest part of me.
For this losing is true dying, This is lordly man's down-lying, This is slow but sure reclining, Star by star his world resigning.
O child of Paradise! Boy who made dear his father's home In whose deep eyes Men read the welfare of the times to come; I am too much bereft; The world dishonored thou hast left; O truths and natures costly lie; O trusted, broken prophecy! O richest fortune sourly crossed; Born for the future, to the future lost! The deep Heart answered, Weepest thou? Worthier cause for passion wild, If I had not taken the child.
And deemest thou as those who pore With aged eyes short way before? Think'st Beauty vanished from the coast Of matter, and thy darling lost? Taught he not thee, — the man of eld, Whose eyes within his eyes beheld Heaven's numerous hierarchy span The mystic gulf from God to man? To be alone wilt thou begin, When worlds of lovers hem thee in? To-morrow, when the masks shall fall That dizen nature's carnival, The pure shall see, by their own will, Which overflowing love shall fill,— 'Tis not within the force of Fate The fate-conjoined to separate.
But thou, my votary, weepest thou? I gave thee sight, where is it now? I taught thy heart beyond the reach Of ritual, Bible, or of speech; Wrote in thy mind's transparent table As far as the incommunicable; Taught thee each private sign to raise Lit by the supersolar blaze.
Past utterance and past belief, And past the blasphemy of grief, The mysteries of nature's heart,— And though no muse can these impart, Throb thine with nature's throbbing breast, And all is clear from east to west.
I came to thee as to a friend, Dearest, to thee I did not send Tutors, but a joyful eye, Innocence that matched the sky, Lovely locks a form of wonder, Laughter rich as woodland thunder; That thou might'st entertain apart The richest flowering of all art; And, as the great all-loving Day Through smallest chambers takes its way, That thou might'st break thy daily bread With Prophet, Saviour, and head; That thou might'st cherish for thine own The riches of sweet Mary's Son, Boy-Rabbi, Israel's Paragon: And thoughtest thou such guest Would in thy hall take up his rest? Would rushing life forget its laws, Fate's glowing revolution pause? High omens ask diviner guess, Not to be conned to tediousness.
And know, my higher gifts unbind The zone that girds the incarnate mind, When the scanty shores are full With Thought's perilous whirling pool, When frail Nature can no more,— Then the spirit strikes the hour, My servant Death with solving rite Pours finite into infinite.
Wilt thou freeze love's tidal flow, Whose streams through nature circling go? Nail the star struggling to its track On the half-climbed Zodiack? Light is light which radiates, Blood is blood which circulates, Life is life which generates, And many-seeming life is one,— Wilt thou transfix and make it none, Its onward stream too starkly pent In figure, bone, and lineament? Wilt thou uncalled interrogate Talker! the unreplying fate? Nor see the Genius of the whole Ascendant in the private soul, Beckon it when to go and come, Self-announced its hour of doom.
Fair the soul's recess and shrine, Magic-built, to last a season, Masterpiece of love benign! Fairer than expansive reason Whose omen 'tis, and sign.
Wilt thou not ope this heart to know What rainbows teach and sunsets show, Verdict which accumulates From lengthened scroll of human fates, Voice of earth to earth returned, Prayers of heart that inly burned; Saying, what is excellent, As God lives, is permanent Hearts are dust, hearts' loves remain, Heart's love will meet thee again.
Revere the Maker; fetch thine eye Up to His style, and manners of the sky.
Not of adamant and gold Built He heaven stark and cold, No, but a nest of bending reeds, Flowering grass and scented weeds, Or like a traveller's fleeting tent, Or bow above the tempest pent, Built of tears and sacred flames, And virtue reaching to its aims; Built of furtherance and pursuing, Not of spent deeds, but of doing.
Silent rushes the swift Lord Through ruined systems still restored, Broad-sowing, bleak and void to bless, Plants with worlds the wilderness, Waters with tears of ancient sorrow Apples of Eden ripe to-morrow; House and tenant go to ground, Lost in God, in Godhead found.
Written by Mihai Eminescu | Create an image from this poem


Two candles, tall sentry, beside an earth mound, 
A dream with wings broken that trail to the ground,  
Loud flung from the belfry calamitous chime.
'Tis thus that you passed o'er the bound'ries of time.
Gone by are the hours when the heavens entire Flowed rivers of milk and grew flowers of fire, When the thunderous clouds were but castles erect Which the moon like a queen each in turn did inspect.
I see you a shadow bright silver transcending, With wings high uplifted to heaven ascending, I see you slow climbing through the sky's scaffold bars Midst a tempest of light and a snowstorm of stars; While the witches the sound of their spinning prolong, Exalted in sunshine, swept up by a song, O'er your breast like a saint you white arms crossed in prayer, And gold on the water, and silver in the air.
I see your soul's parting, its flight I behold; Then glaze at the clay that remains .
mute and cold, At the winding-sheet clung to the coffin's rude sill, At your smile sweet and candid, that seems alive still.
And i ask times unending my soul torn with doubt, O why, pallid angel, your light has gone out, For were you not blameless and wonderfully fair ? Have you gone to rekindle a star in despair ? I fancy on high there are wings without name, Broad rivers of fire spanned by bridges of flame, Strange castles that spires till the zenith up fling, With stairways of incense and flowers that sing.
And you wonder among them, a worshipful queen, With hair of bright starlight and eyes vespertine, In a tunic of turquoise bespattered with gold, While a wreath of green laurels does your forehead enfold.
O, death is a chaos, an ocean of stars gleaming, While life is a quagmire of doubts and of dreaming, Oh, death is an aeon of sun-blazoned spheres, While life but a legend of wailing and tears.
Trough my head beats a whirlwind, a clamorous wrangle Of thoughts and of dreams that despair does entangle; For when suns are extinguished and meteors fail The whole universe seems to mean nothing at all.
Maybe that one day the arched heavens will sunder, And down through their break all the emptiness thunder, Void's night o'er the earth its vast nothing extending, The loot of an instant of death without ending.
If so, then forever your flame did succumb, And forever your voice from today will be dumb.
If so, then hereafter can bring no rebirth.
If so, then this angel was nothing but earth.
And thus, lovely soil that breath has departed, I stand by your coffin alone broken-hearted; And yet i don't weep, rather praise for its fleeing Your ray softly crept from this chaos of being.
For who shell declare which is ill and which well, The is, or the isn't ? Can anyone tell ? For he who is not, even grief can't destroy, And oft is the grieving, and seldom the joy.
To exist! O, what nonsense, what foolish conceit; Our eyes but deceive us, our ears but cheat, What this age discovers, the next will deny, For better just nothing than naught a lie.
I see dreams in men's clothing that after dreams chase, But that tumble in tombs ere the end of the race, And i search in may soul how this horror to fly, To laugh like a madman ? To curse ? Or to cry ? O, what is the meaning ? What sense does agree ? The end of such beauty, had that what to be ? Sweet seraph of clay where still lingers life's smile, Just in order to die did you live for a while ? O, tell me the meaning.
This angel or clod ? I find on her forehead no witness of God.
English version by Corneliu M.
Popescu Transcribed by Ana- Maria Ene School No.
10, Focsani, Romania

Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem

When Earths Last Picture Is Painted

 When Earth's last picture is painted and the tubes are twisted and dried,
When the oldest colours have faded, and the youngest critic has died,
We shall rest, and, faith, we shall need it -- lie down for an aeon or two,
Till the Master of All Good Workmen shall put us to work anew.
And those that were good shall be happy; they shall sit in a golden chair; They shall splash at a ten-league canvas with brushes of comets' hair.
They shall find real saints to draw from -- Magdalene, Peter, and Paul; They shall work for an age at a sitting and never be tired at all! And only The Master shall praise us, and only The Master shall blame; Andd no one shall work for money, and no one shall work for fame, But each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star, Shall draw the Thing as he sees It for the God of Things as They are!
Written by Rg Gregory | Create an image from this poem

in search of milk and paradise

 heeley (sheffield) autumn 1988

dodging the broken bottles
dog-**** the pavement spew
i wheel my young son matthew
through the heeley streets
shop to shop this early
morning (short of milk)
unsettled day - the sun
comes through the clouds in
ragged strips where windy
rain has had the night
to puff and piddle

puddles idle in
the dips of surfaces
neglected for decades

another place where caring's
lost a public vision
only detritus of hope
dares poke its battered 
visage out of doors

no pride here on pavements
what's local's long been
squashed - wealth's dogs
prefer more stately
avenues to piss up

the air is fresh
i'm moving briskly
getting a lift from
my negotiating skills

take a buggy on 
two wheels to skirt
a sudden pool a twirl
past faeces - a kind of
hop-scotch over jags
of milky glass - and come
to stop on a hillside
where slopes of grass drop
sleekly on what were
backs of houses

i'm out of breath
a darkness ripples
past my eyes and knocks
on my unfitness
i am locked for one
brief aeon as a rock
that's held its place upon
this hill inscrutably

a wildness explodes
from every blade of grass
i touch upon deep springs
(a healing flow upsurging
through the **** and glass
the torn-down homes)

my body's lapped - my
old eyes washed of dirt
a comb's gone through the
landscape at my feet
the muck's redeemed

a larger time lets
nothing be what is
but everything is used
for what is coming

today-defunct breeds
trees that bloom tomorrow
nothing's next step on 
is one - what's poor is
where new worlds are just
beginning - the ****
spew glass the death
of hope have done their time

(cartons which the future's
thrown away as minds
and spirits snout amongst
the refuse seeking forms
to dress their fresh selves in)

the meek are gathered
in millions on this hill
disparaged destitute
of any say in this
dead time as others
roll their tongues
round easy riches

but here's the future
too - a start of ages
a cry whose agony's
a pinprick or a seedling
a drib of red and green
the statute's blind to

across the valley
sheffield snarls itself
to this day's life
its smoke-tuned buildings
boxed-in by the past
(upheavals mortised in
its joints make it confused)

for all its roar it
slumbers through its present
wanting its glory back
the talk of its old
workers flawed with steely
pride (that stainless stain)
there's no dawn there - its power
and wealth have long borne
all its sons away

it's in the detritus
i stand in (in this mix
of race and stymied
passion heeley has become
- and all such cast-off
cesspits of our dreams)
the not-yet written 
songs of human dignity
are not yet being sung

the shudder leaves me
i'm just this oldish
man with his youngest son
pushing a buggy through
scarred heeley streets
more concerned to get
no **** upon the wheels
than to hold a sand-grain
to the world and turn
its atoms inside out

i'll not live to see
the newlaid honest
pavements going down
and houses have that look
within their glass that sings
of confidence-returned

i push on up the hill
(to where my oldest son
has done his house up)
once more safely in
the compound of my 
aging flesh talking
with matthew playing
buggy games

only that after
so many sorry shops
i'd found one that did
sell milk - the morning
cup of tea reclaimed

the real world put to rights
Written by Aleister Crowley | Create an image from this poem

Linoz Isidoz

 Lo! I lament.
Fallen is the sixfold Star: Slain is Asar.
O twinned with me in the womb of Night! O son of my bowels to the Lord of Light! O man of mine that hast covered me From the shame of my virginity! Where art thou? Is it not Apep thy brother, The snake in my womb that am thy mother, That hath slain thee by violence girt with guile, And scattered thy limbs on the Nile? Lo! I lament.
I have forged a whirling Star: I seek Asar.
O Nepti, sister! Arise in the dusk From thy chamber of mystery and musk! Come with me, though weary the way, To bring back his life to the rended clay! See! are not these the hands that wove Delight, and these the arms that strove With me? And these the feet, the thighs That were lovely in mine eyes? Lo! IO lament.
I gather in my car Thine head, Asar.
And this -is this not the trunk he rended? But -oh! oh! oh! -the task transcended, Where is the holy idol that stood For the god of thy queen's beatitude? Here is the tent -but where is the pole? Here is the body -but where is the soul? Nepti, sister, the work is undone For lack of the needed One! Lo! I lament.
There is no god so far As mine Asar! There is no hope, none, in the corpse, in the tomb.
But these -what are these that war in my womb? There is vengeance and triumph at last of Maat In Ra-Hoor-Khut and in Hoor-pa-Kraat! Twins they shall rise; being twins they are one, The Lord of the Sword and the Son of the Sun! Silence, coeval colleague of the Voice, The plumes of Amoun -rejoice! Lo! I rejoice.
I heal the sanguine scar Of slain Asar.
I was the Past, Nature the Mother.
He was the Present, Man my brother.
Look to the Future, the Child -oh paean The Child that is crowned in the Lion-Aeon! The sea-dawns surge an billow and break Beneath the scourge of the Star and the Snake.
To my lord I have borne in my womb deep-vaulted This babe for ever exalted.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things