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Famous Baseness Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Baseness poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous baseness poems. These examples illustrate what a famous baseness poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...ull of sinful blame;
And all that pomp to which proud minds aspire
By name of honour, and so much desire,
Seems to them baseness, and all riches dross,
And all mirth sadness, and all lucre loss.

So full their eyes are of that glorious sight,
And senses fraught with such satiety,
That in nought else on earth they can delight,
But in th' aspect of that felicity,
Which they have written in their inward eye;
On which they feed, and in their fastened mind
All happy joy and fu...Read more of this...
by Spenser, Edmund

...itness the world how worthy to be praised:
The light whereof hath kindled heavenly fire
In my frail spirit, by her from baseness raised;
That being now with her huge brightness dazed,
Base thing I can no more endure to view;
But looking still on her, I stand amazed 
At wondrous sight of so celestial hue.
So when my tongue would speak her praises due,
It stopped is with thought's astonishment:
And when my pen would write her titles true, 
It ravish'd is with fancy's wonder...Read more of this...
by Spenser, Edmund
...ull of sinful blame;
And all that pomp to which proud minds aspire
By name of honour, and so much desire,
Seems to them baseness, and all riches dross,
And all mirth sadness, and all lucre loss.

So full their eyes are of that glorious sight,
And senses fraught with such satiety,
That in nought else on earth they can delight,
But in th' aspect of that felicity,
Which they have written in their inward eye;
On which they feed, and in their fastened mind
All happy joy and fu...Read more of this...
by Spenser, Edmund
We shall discern the right 
And do it, tardily. -- O ye who lead, 
Take heed! 
Blindness we may forgive, but baseness we will smite....Read more of this...
by Moody, William Vaughn
..., at each avowal, gently and in turn kissed our faults on the lips that uttered them aloud.
Thus, very simply, without baseness or bitter words, we escaped from the world and from ourselves, sparing ourselves all grief and gnawing cares, and watching the rebirth of our soul, as the purity of glass and gold of a window-pane is reborn after the rain, when the sun warms it and gently dries it....Read more of this...
by Verhaeren, Emile

 the innocent air
Perverted into assasin and poisoner.

The sword: that is: treachery and cowardice, incredible 
 baseness, incredible courage, loyalties, insanities.
The sword: weeping and despair, mass-enslavement, 
 mass-tourture, frustration of all hopes
That starred man's forhead. Tyranny for freedom, horror for 
 happiness, famine for bread, carrion for children.
Reason will not decide at last, the sword will decide.

Dear God, who are the whole sp...Read more of this...
by Jeffers, Robinson
...ghtly shaken, ran itself in golden thread. 

She took her little porringer:
Of me she shall not win renown:
For the baseness of its nature shall have strength to drag her 

"Sisters and brothers, little Maid?
There stands the Inspector at thy door:
Like a dog, he hunts for boys who know not two and two are four." 

"Kind words are more than coronets,"
She said, and wondering looked at me:
"It is the dead unhappy night, and I must hurry home to tea."...Read more of this...
by Carroll, Lewis
 Bound up in duty, he of naught complained, 
 The cry for help his aid at once obtained. 
 Only he mourned the baseness of mankind, 
 And—that the beds too short he still doth find. 
 When people suffer under cruel kings, 
 With pity moved, he to them succor brings. 
 'Twas he defended Alix from her foes 
 As sword of Urraca—he ever shows 
 His strength is for the feeble and oppressed; 
 Father of orphans he, and all distressed! 
 Kings of the Rhine in strong...Read more of this...
by Hugo, Victor
Remember our inheritance, who praise
Your glory in these last unhappy days
When beauty sickens and a muddied robe
Of baseness fouls the universal globe.
Though all the Gods indignant and their train
Abandon ruined man, do thou remain!
By thee the vesture of our life was made,
The Embattled Gate, the lordly Colonnade,
The woven fabric's gracious hues, the sound
Of trumpets, and the quivering fountain-round,
And, indestructible, the Arch, and, high,
The Shaft of Stone th...Read more of this...
by Belloc, Hilaire
...t grievances. 

Let Halford, house of Halford rejoice with Siren a musical bird. God considered thou me for the baseness of those I have served very highly. 

Let Ayerst, house of Ayerst rejoice with the Wild Beet -- God be gracious to Smith, Cousins, Austin, Cam and Kingsley and Kinleside. 

Let Decker, house of Decker rejoice with Sirpe a Cyrenian plant yielding an odoriferous juice. 

Let Cust, house of Cust rejoice with Margaris a date like unto a pear...Read more of this...
by Smart, Christopher abashed the boy, 
As though it were the beauty of her soul: 
For as the base man, judging of the good, 
Puts his own baseness in him by default 
Of will and nature, so did Pelleas lend 
All the young beauty of his own soul to hers, 
Believing her; and when she spake to him, 
Stammered, and could not make her a reply. 
For out of the waste islands had he come, 
Where saving his own sisters he had known 
Scarce any but the women of his isles, 
Rough wives, that laughed a...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord gold.

    So where does the greater guilt lie
for a passion that should not be:
with the man who pleads out of baseness
or the woman debased by his plea?

    Or which is more to be blamed--
though both will have cause for chagrin:
the woman who sins for money
or the man who pays money to sin?

    So why are you men all so stunned
at the thought you're all guilty alike?
Either like them for what you've made them
or make of them what you can like.

    I...Read more of this...
by Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sor
...46 Did toil, did broil; oppress'd, did steal and lie.
4.47 Was I as poor as poverty could be,
4.48 Then baseness was companion unto me.
4.49 Such scum as Hedges and High-ways do yield,
4.50 As neither sow, nor reap, nor plant, nor build.
4.51 If to Agriculture I was ordain'd,
4.52 Great labours, sorrows, crosses I sustain'd.
4.53 The early Cock did summon, but in vain,
4.54 My wakeful thoughts up to my painful gain.
4.Read more of this...
by Bradstreet, Anne
...running flood, and swoops 
The vulture, beak and talon, at the heart 
Made for all noble motion: and I saw 
That equal baseness lived in sleeker times 
With smoother men: the old leaven leavened all: 
Millions of throats would bawl for civil rights, 
No woman named: therefore I set my face 
Against all men, and lived but for mine own. 
Far off from men I built a fold for them: 
I stored it full of rich memorial: 
I fenced it round with gallant institutes, 
And biting law...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...good as gold.

So where does the greater guilt lie
for a passion that should not be:
with the man who pleads out of baseness
or the woman debased by his plea?

Or which is more to be blamed--
though both will have cause for chagrin:
the woman who sins for money
or the man who pays money to sin?

So why are you men all so stunned
at the thought you're all guilty alike?
Either like them for what you've made them
or make of them what you can like.

If you'd give...Read more of this...
by Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sor

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Baseness poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs