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Famous Baritone Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Baritone poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous baritone poems. These examples illustrate what a famous baritone poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...e instruments; 
It is not the violins and the cornets—it is not the oboe nor the beating drums, nor
 of the baritone singer singing his sweet romanza—nor that of the men’s chorus,
 that of
 the women’s chorus, 
It is nearer and farther than they. 

Will the whole come back then? 
Can each see signs of the best by a look in the looking-glass? is there nothing greater or
Does all sit there with you, with the mystic, unseen Soul? 

Strange and hard ...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt

...heir fellow squirts
or going after the attention of the giants
way up there with their cocktails and bad breath
talking baritone nonsense to other giants,
waiting to call them names after thanking
them for the lovely party and hearing the door close.

The mature save their hothead invective
for things: an errant hammer, tire chains,
or receding trains missed by seconds,
though they know in their adult hearts,
even as they threaten to banish Timmy to bed
for his appalling ...Read more of this...
by Collins, Billy
...t night spell with a smokestack mushrooming a white pillar.

Steamboats turn a curve in the Mississippi crying in a baritone that crosses lowland cottonfields to a razorback hill.
It is easy to spell good night.

 Many ways to spell good night....Read more of this...
by Sandburg, Carl
...d their junks.

Growltiger had no eye or ear for aught but Griddlebone,
And the Lady seemed enraptured by his manly baritone,
Disposed to relaxation, and awaiting no surprise--
But the moonlight shone reflected from a thousand bright blue eyes.

And closer still and closer the sampans circled round,
And yet from all the enemy there was not heard a sound.
The lovers sang their last duet, in danger of their lives--
For the foe was armed with toasting forks and cruel...Read more of this...
by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
..., the death-pledge of the horn. 

To crossing swords, and grey hairs bared to heaven, 
The clear, electric base and baritone of the world, 
The trombone duo—Libertad forever!

From Spanish chestnut trees’ dense shade, 
By old and heavy convent walls, a wailing song, 
Song of lost love—the torch of youth and life quench’d in despair, 
Song of the dying swan—Fernando’s heart is breaking. 

Awaking from her woes at last, retriev’d Amina sings;
Copious as stars, and glad ...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt

I hear the Virginia plantation-chorus of *******, of a harvest night, in the glare of
I hear the strong baritone of the ’long-shore-men of Mannahatta; 
I hear the stevedores unlading the cargoes, and singing; 
I hear the screams of the water-fowl of solitary north-west lakes; 
I hear the rustling pattering of locusts, as they strike the grain and grass with the
 their terrible clouds;
I hear the Coptic refrain, toward sundown, pensively falling on...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...up besides the Boston lawyer 
A little barefoot girl who in the noise 
Of heavy footsteps in the old frame house, 
And baritone importance of the lawyer, 
Stood for a while unnoticed with her hands 
Shyly behind her. 
"Well, and how is Mister----" 
The lawyer was already in his satchel 
As if for papers that might bear the name 
He hadn't at command. "You must excuse me, 
I dropped in at the mill and was detained." 
"Looking round, I suppose," said Willis. 
"...Read more of this...
by Frost, Robert

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Baritone poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things