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Famous Ayr Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Ayr poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous ayr poems. These examples illustrate what a famous ayr poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...’Twas in that season, when a simple Bard,
Unknown and poor-simplicity’s reward!—
Ae night, within the ancient brugh of Ayr,
By whim inspir’d, or haply prest wi’ care,
He left his bed, and took his wayward route,
And down by Simpson’s 1 wheel’d the left about:
(Whether impell’d by all-directing Fate,
To witness what I after shall narrate;
Or whether, rapt in meditation high,
He wander’d out, he knew not where or why:)
The drowsy Dungeon-clock 2 had number’d two, and Wallace T...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert left the moor.
The scatt’red coveys meet secure;
While here I wander, prest with care,
Along the lonely banks of Ayr.

The Autumn mourns her rip’ning corn
By early Winter’s ravage torn;
Across her placid, azure sky,
She sees the scowling tempest fly:
Chill runs my blood to hear it rave;
I think upon the stormy wave,
Where many a danger I must dare,
Far from the bonie banks of Ayr.

’Tis not the surging billow’s roar,
’Tis not that fatal, deadly shore;
Tho’ de...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
 To grace your blood.

Nae mair at present can I measure,
An’ trowth my rhymin ware’s nae treasure;
But when in Ayr, some half-hour’s leisure,
 Be’t light, be’t dark,
Sir Bard will do himself the pleasure
 To call at Park.ROBERT BURNS.Mossgiel, 30th October, 1786....Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
...neath a Monarch’s feet,
 Sat Legislation’s sov’reign pow’rs:
 From marking wildly scatt’red flow’rs,
As on the banks of Ayr I stray’d,
 And singing, lone, the lingering hours,
I shelter in they honour’d shade.

Here Wealth still swells the golden tide,
 As busy Trade his labours plies;
There Architecture’s noble pride
 Bids elegance and splendour rise:
 Here Justice, from her native skies,
High wields her balance and her rod;
 There Learning, with his eagle eyes,
Seeks S...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
...s and flow’rs blooming fair!
But the boniest flow’r on the banks of the Devon
 Was once a sweet bud on the braes of the Ayr.
Mild be the sun on this sweet blushing flower,
 In the gay rosy morn, as it bathes in the dew;
And gentle the fall of the soft vernal shower,
 That steals on the evening each leaf to renew!

O spare the dear blossom, ye orient breezes,
 With chill hoary wing as ye usher the dawn;
And far be thou distant, thou reptile that seizes
 The verdure and pr...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert

 Wi’ chokin dread;
An’ Robin’s bonnet wave wi’ crape
 For Mailie dead.

 O, a’ ye bards on bonie Doon!
An’ wha on Ayr your chanters tune!
Come, join the melancholious croon
 O’ Robin’s reed!
His heart will never get aboon—
 His Mailie’s dead!...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
...and Sense, upon any pretence,
 Was heretic, damnable error,
Doctor Mac! 1 ’Twas heretic, damnable error.

Town of Ayr! town of Ayr, it was mad, I declare,
 To meddle wi’ mischief a-brewing, 2
Provost John 3 is still deaf to the Church’s relief,
 And Orator Bob 4 is its ruin,
Town of Ayr! Yes, Orator Bob is its ruin.

D’rymple mild! D’rymple mild, tho’ your heart’s like a child,
 And your life like the new-driven snaw,
Yet that winna save you, auld Satan must have y...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
...brows like gathering storm,
Nursing her wrath to keep it warm.

 This truth fand honest TAM O’ SHANTER,
As he frae Ayr ae night did canter:
(Auld Ayr, wham ne’er a town surpasses,
For honest men and bonie lasses).

 O Tam! had’st thou but been sae wise,
As taen thy ain wife Kate’s advice!
She tauld thee weel thou was a skellum,
A blethering, blustering, drunken blellum;
That frae November till October,
Ae market-day thou was na sober;
That ilka melder wi’ the Miller...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
...WHEN chill November’s surly blast
 Made fields and forests bare,
One ev’ning, as I wander’d forth
 Along the banks of Ayr,
I spied a man, whose aged step
 Seem’d weary, worn with care;
His face furrow’d o’er with years,
 And hoary was his hair.

“Young stranger, whither wand’rest thou?”
 Began the rev’rend sage;
“Does thirst of wealth thy step constrain,
 Or youthful pleasure’s rage?
Or haply, prest with cares and woes,
 Too soon thou hast began
To wander forth, with m...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
...arnock. [back]
Note 3. Robert Duncan of Dundonald. [back]
Note 4. Rev. Wm. Peebles of Newton-on-Ayr. [back]
Note 5. Rev. Wm. Auld of Mauchline. [back]
Note 6. Rev. Dr. Dalrymple of Ayr. [back]
Note 7. Rev. Wm. M’Gill, colleague of Dr. Dalrymple. [back]
Note 8. Minister of St. Quivox. [back]
Note 9. Dr. Andrew Shaw of Craigie, and Dr. David Shaw of Coylton. [back]
Note 1...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
...hou his basket and his store,
 Kail an’ potatoes.

L—d, hear my earnest cry and pray’r,
Against that Presbyt’ry o’ Ayr;
Thy strong right hand, L—d, make it bare
 Upo’ their heads;
L—d visit them, an’ dinna spare,
 For their misdeeds.

O L—d, my G—d! that glib-tongu’d Aiken,
My vera heart and flesh are quakin,
To think how we stood sweatin’, shakin,
 An’ p—’d wi’ dread,
While he, wi’ hingin lip an’ snakin,
 Held up his head.

L—d, in Thy day o’ vengeance try him...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
Gied Forth an’ Tay a lift aboon;
Yarrow an’ Tweed, to monie a tune,
 Owre Scotland rings;
While Irwin, Lugar, Ayr, an’ Doon
 Naebody sings.

Th’ Illissus, Tiber, Thames, an’ Seine,
Glide sweet in monie a tunefu’ line:
But Willie, set your fit to mine,
 An’ cock your crest;
We’ll gar our streams an’ burnies shine
 Up wi’ the best!

We’ll sing auld Coila’s plains an’ fells,
Her moors red-brown wi’ heather bells,
Her banks an’ braes, her dens and dells,
 Whare gl...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert> [back]
Note 4. Rev. George Smith of Galston. [back]
Note 5. Rev. Wm. Peebles of Newton-upon-Ayr. [back]
Note 6. A street so called which faces the tent in Mauchline.—R. B. [back]
Note 7. Rev. Alex. Miller, afterward of Kilmaurs. [back]...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
In spite o’ dark banditti stabs
 At worth an’ merit,
By scoundrels, even wi’ holy robes,
 But hellish spirit.

O Ayr! my dear, my native ground,
Within thy presbyterial bound
A candid liberal band is found
 Of public teachers,
As men, as Christians too, renown’d,
 An’ manly preachers.

Sir, in that circle you are nam’d;
Sir, in that circle you are fam’d;
An’ some, by whom your doctrine’s blam’d
 (Which gies you honour)
Even, sir, by them your heart’s esteem’d,
 An...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
 And sound, this day.

Now Robertson 9 harangue nae mair,
 But steek your gab for ever;
Or try the wicked town of Ayr,
 For there they’ll think you clever;
Or, nae reflection on your lear,
 Ye may commence a shaver;
Or to the Netherton 10 repair,
 An’ turn a carpet weaver
 Aff-hand this day.

Mu’trie 11 and you were just a match,
 We never had sic twa drones;
Auld Hornie did the Laigh Kirk watch,
 Just like a winkin baudrons,
And aye he catch’d the tither wretch,
 ...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
...The lordly dome.

Here, Doon pour’d down his far-fetch’d floods;
There, well-fed Irwine stately thuds:
Auld hermit Ayr staw thro’ his woods,
 On to the shore;
And many a lesser torrent scuds,
 With seeming roar.

Low, in a sandy valley spread,
An ancient borough rear’d her head;
Still, as in Scottish story read,
 She boasts a race
To ev’ry nobler virtue bred,
 And polish’d grace. 2

By stately tow’r, or palace fair,
Or ruins pendent in the air,
Bold stems of he...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
...ic, ROBERT BURNS.MOSSGIEL, February 22, 1786.

 Note 1. The “Inventory” was addressed to Mr. Aitken of Ayr, surveyor of taxes for the district. [back]
Note 2. Kilmarnock.—R. B. [back]...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
...those happy climes that ly 
Where day never shuts his eye, 
Up in the broad fields of the sky: 
There I suck the liquid ayr 
All amidst the Gardens fair 
Of Hesperus, and his daughters three 
That sing about the golden tree: 
Along the crisped shades and bowres 
Revels the spruce and jocond Spring, 
The Graces, and the rosie-boosom'd Howres, 
Thither all their bounties bring, 
That there eternal Summer dwels, 
And West winds, with musky wing 
About the cedar'n alleys fling 
N...Read more of this...
by Milton, John brows like gathering storm,
Nursing her wrath to keep it warm.

This truth fand honest Tam o'Shanter,
As he frae Ayr ae night did canter,
(Auld Ayr, wham ne'er a town surpasses,
For honest men and bonie lasses).

O Tam! hadst thou but been sae wise,
As ta'en thy ain wife Kate's advice!
She tauld thee weel thou was a skellum,
A blethering, blustering, drunken blellum,
That frae November till October,
Ae market-day thou was nae sober;
That ilka melder, wi' the miller...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert
...In all the pubs from Troon to Ayr
Grandfather's father would repair
With Bobby Burns, a drouthy pair,
 The glass to clink;
And oftenwhiles, when not too "fou,"
They'd roar a bawdy stave or two,
From midnight muk to morning dew,
 And drink and drink.

And Grandfather, with eye aglow
And proper pride, would often show
An old armchair where long ago
 The Bard would sit;
Reciting there w...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Ayr poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs