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Famous Ascertain Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Ascertain poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous ascertain poems. These examples illustrate what a famous ascertain poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...sage back -- or two -- to make --
To Times when he -- was young --

His quaint opinions -- to inspect --
His thought to ascertain
On Themes concern our mutual mind --
The Literature of Man --

What interested Scholars -- most --
What Competitions ran --
When Plato -- was a Certainty --
And Sophocles -- a Man --

When Sappho -- was a living Girl --
And Beatrice wore
The Gown that Dante -- deified --
Facts Centuries before

He traverses -- familiar --
As One should come to Town...Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily

...Consulting summer's clock,
But half the hours remain.
I ascertain it with a shock --
I shall not look again.
The second half of joy
Is shorter than the first.
The truth I do not dare to know
I muffle with a jest....Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily
Watched grappling hooks trawl through the late-night waters. 
Watched bands of stations scan unable to ascertain.
There are fingers, friend, that never grow sluggish.
They crawl up the coat and don't miss an eyehole.
Glinting in kitchenlight.
Supervised by the traffic god.
Hissed at by grassblades that wire-up outside
their stirring rhetoric — this is your land, this is my my — 


You do understanding, don't you, by looking?
The coat, w...Read more of this...
by Graham, Jorie>

Sounds of a moonlight night
are softer than rainwater.

Before responding to a face
at the window, first ascertain whether
it's looking out or looking in.

Also, whether it's the moon
or someone else.

None of this, of course,
explains the perfumes of August
or the way the moon silvers the grass.

Turn around and look again-
She is still there.

The first question has not
been answered. What was it? ...Read more of this...
by Alger, Julie Hill
...Dames -- and Men!
Some -- think it service in the place
Where we -- with late -- celestial face --
Please God -- shall Ascertain!...Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily

...Except occasional man --
In homely industry arrayed --
To overtake the Morn --

Nor was it for applause --
That I could ascertain --
But independent Ecstasy
Of Deity and Men --

By Six, the Flood had done --
No Tumult there had been
Of Dressing, or Departure --
And yet the Band was gone --

The Sun engrossed the East --
The Day controlled the World --
The Miracle that introduced
Forgotten, as fulfilled....Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily
...The Loneliness One dare not sound --
And would as soon surmise
As in its Grave go plumbing
To ascertain the size --

The Loneliness whose worst alarm
Is lest itself should see --
And perish from before itself
For just a scrutiny --

The Horror not to be surveyed --
But skirted in the Dark --
With Consciousness suspended --
And Being under Lock --

I fear me this -- is Loneliness --
The Maker of the soul
Its Caverns and its Corridors
Illuminate -- or ...Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily
...f old for prowess prodigious at farming,
Now surged from their prosperous homes to join in that hunt for the
To ascertain where he was at, to help out the chorus for Peter.

Still on those prosperous farms where heirs and assigns of the people
Specified hereinabove and proved by the records of probate--
Still on those farms shall you hear (and still on the turnpikes
That pitiful, petulant call, that pleading, expostulant wailing,
That hopeless, monotonou...Read more of this...
by Field, Eugene
...I should not care to stop
My Process is not long
The Wind could wait without the Gate
Or stroll the Town among.

To ascertain the House
And is the soul at Home
And hold the Wick of mine to it
To light, and then return --...Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Ascertain poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things