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Famous Algiers Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Algiers poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous algiers poems. These examples illustrate what a famous algiers poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

...what's its use in France? 
In France spurns flannel: where's its need in Spain? 
In Spain drops cloth, too cumbrous for Algiers! 
Linen goes next, and last the skin itself, 
A superfluity at Timbuctoo. 
When, through his journey, was the fool at ease? 
I'm at ease now, friend; worldly in this world, 
I take and like its way of life; I think 
My brothers, who administer the means, 
Live better for my comfort--that's good too; 
And God, if he pronounce upon such life, 
Appr...Read more of this...
by Browning, Robert

Through all my wilds a tameless mouse careers,
And in that narrow boundary appears,
Huge as the stalking lion of Algiers,
Huge as the fabled boar of Calydon.
And all my hay is at one swoop impresst
By one low-flying swallow for her nest,
Strip god Priapus of each attribute
Here finds he scarce a pedestal to foot.
The gathered harvest scarcely brims a spoon;
And all my vintage drips in a cocoon.
Generous are you, but I more generous still:
Take back your far...Read more of this...
by Stevenson, Robert Louis
...Angola farthest south; 
Or thence from Niger flood to Atlas mount 
The kingdoms of Almansor, Fez and Sus, 
Morocco, and Algiers, and Tremisen; 
On Europe thence, and where Rome was to sway 
The world: in spirit perhaps he also saw 
Rich Mexico, the seat of Montezume, 
And Cusco in Peru, the richer seat 
Of Atabalipa; and yet unspoiled 
Guiana, whose great city Geryon's sons 
Call El Dorado. But to nobler sights 
Michael from Adam's eyes the film removed, 
Which that false...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...icer and sport; 

Slavs with their peasant, Christ-like heads, 
and courtezans like powdered moths, 
And peddlers from Algiers, with cloths 
bright-hued and stitched with golden threads; 

And painters with big, serious eyes go rapt in dreams, fantastic shapes 
In corduroys and Spanish capes and locks uncut and flowing ties; 

And lovers wander two by two, oblivious among the press, 
And making one of them no less, all lovers shall be dear to you: 

All laughing lips you ...Read more of this...
by Seeger, Alan
...e types, the bow and arrow, the poison’d splint, the fetish, and the obi. 

I see African and Asiatic towns; 
I see Algiers, Tripoli, Derne, Mogadore, Timbuctoo, Monrovia; 
I see the swarms of Pekin, Canton, Benares, Delhi, Calcutta, Yedo;
I see the Kruman in his hut, and the Dahoman and Ashanteeman in their huts; 
I see the Turk smoking opium in Aleppo; 
I see the picturesque crowds at the fairs of Khiva, and those of Herat; 
I see Teheran—I see Muscat and Medina, and th...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt free! 
 At Palmas eight or so gave slip, 
 Pescara to pursue, 
 And more, perchance, had left the ship, 
 But Algiers loomed in view; 
 And here we cruised to intercept 
 Some lucky-laden rogues, 
 Whose gold-galleons but slowly crept, 
 So that we trounced the dogs! 
 And after making war out there, 
 We made love at "the Gib." 
 We ten—no more! we took it fair, 
 And kissed the gov'nor's "rib," 
 And made the King of Spain our take, 
 Believe or not, ...Read more of this...
by Hugo, Victor
...and all men 
 turn from us, knowing our pain 
 is not theirs or caused by them.

from a hospital in Algiers

 Dear Suzanne: this letter will 
 not reach you because I can't 
 write it; I have no pencil, 
 no paper, only the blunt 
 end of my anger. My dear, 
 if I had words how could I 
 report the imperfect failure 
 for which I began to die? 

 I might begin by saying 
 that it was for clarity, 
 though I did not find it in 
 terror: dubiously 
 ente...Read more of this...
by Levine, Philip

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Algiers poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things