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Famous Agas Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Agas poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous agas poems. These examples illustrate what a famous agas poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

...e Istakar. 

(20) "Musselim," a governor, the next in rank after a Pacha; a Waywode is the third; and then come the Agas. 

(21) "Egripo" — the Negropont. According to the proverb, the Turks of Egrip, the Jews of Salonica, and the Greeks of Athens are the worst of their respective races. 

(22) "Tchocadar," one of the attendants who precedes a man of authority. 

(23) The wrangling about this epithet, "the broad Hellespont," or the "boundless Hellespont," ...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)

...desert steeds, three dark and tossing tails. 
 But yesterday a hundred drums were heard when I went by; 
 Full forty agas turned their looks respectful on mine eye, 
 And trembled with contracted brows within their hall of state. 
 Instead of heavy catapults, of slow unwieldy weight, 
 I had bright cannons rolling on oak wheels in threatening tiers, 
 And calm and steady by their sides marched English cannoniers. 
 But yesterday, and I had towns, and castles strong an...Read more of this...
by Hugo, Victor

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things