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Famous Adventurer Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Adventurer poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous adventurer poems. These examples illustrate what a famous adventurer poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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Which join the Euxine to th' Egean Sea. 
Britannia holds the empire of the waves, 
And welcomes ev'ry bold adventurer 
To view the wonders of old Ocean's reign. 
Far to the east our fleets on traffic sail, 
And to the west thro' boundless seas which not 
Old Rome nor Tyre nor mightier Carthage knew. 
Daughter of commerce, from the hoary deep 
New-York emerging rears her lofty domes, 
And hails from far her num'rous ships of trade, 
Like shady forests risi...Read more of this...
by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry

...e colonies of time
Beyond the farthest prime.

Wind of the dead men's feet,
Blow through the empty street;
The last adventurer am I,
Then, world, goodby!...Read more of this...
by Carman, Bliss
...ul lives in my body's house,
 And you have both the house and her—
But sometimes she is less your own
 Than a wild, gay adventurer;
A restless and an eager wraith,
 How can I tell what she will do—
Oh, I am sure of my body's faith,
 But what if my soul broke faith with you?...Read more of this...
by Teasdale, Sara
 ("Qu'est-ce que Sigismond et Ladislas ont dit.") 
 {Bk. XV. iii. 1.} 

 What was it Sigismond and Ladisläus said? 
 I know not if the rock, or tree o'erhead, 
 Had heard their speech;—but when the two spoke low, 
 Among the trees, a shudder seemed to go 
 Through all their branches, just as if that way 
 A beast had passed to trouble and dismay. 
 More dark the shadow of the rock was seen, 
 ...Read more of this...
by Hugo, Victor
...h poles are made
of wood. Maybe it only seems that way.

In the narrow canyons between the buildings, a sort
of adventurer-wind howls and runs away
along the versts of the ten avenues. Below 
flows a solid human mass. Only their yellow
waterproof slickers hiss like samovars and blaze.
The construction rises and with it the crane, as if 
the building were being lifted up off the ground
by its pigtail. It is hard to take it seriously.

The buildings ...Read more of this...
by Dillard, Annie

In the grape-vine swung.
The Forest, arching low and wide
Gloried in its Indian bride.
Rolfe, that dim adventurer
Had not come a courtier.
John Rolfe is not our ancestor.
We rise from out the soul of her
Held in native wonderland,
While the sun's rays kissed her hand,
In the springtime,
In Virginia,
Our Mother, Pocahontas.


She heard the forest talking,
Across the sea came walking,
And traced the paths of Daniel Boone,
Then westward chased th...Read more of this...
by Lindsay, Vachel Hell 
Many a dark league, reduced in careful watch 
Round their metropolis; and now expecting 
Each hour their great adventurer, from the search 
Of foreign worlds: He through the midst unmarked, 
In show plebeian Angel militant 
Of lowest order, passed; and from the door 
Of that Plutonian hall, invisible 
Ascended his high throne; which, under state 
Of richest texture spread, at the upper end 
Was placed in regal lustre. Down a while 
He sat, and round about him saw...Read more of this...
by Milton, John

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Adventurer poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs