Famous Admonishes Poems by Famous Poets
These are examples of famous Admonishes poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous admonishes poems. These examples illustrate what a famous admonishes poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).
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...ain and heard again
His sage that bade him "Rise" and he did rise.
Something, a word, a tick of the blood within
Admonishes: then back he sinks at once
To ashes, who was very fire before,
In sedulous recurrence to his trade
Whereby he earneth him the daily bread;
And studiously the humbler for that pride,
Professedly the faultier that he knows
God's secret, while he holds the thread of life.
Indeed the especial marking of the man
Is prone submission to the ...Read more of this...
Browning, Robert
...n bleed
Till night's black velvet burn to crimson. Hark!
It is thy voice, Thy word, the secret seed
Of rapture that admonishes the dark.
Swift! By necessity most righteous drawn,
Hermes, authentic augur of the dawn!...Read more of this...
Crowley, Aleister
Dont forget to view our wonderful member Admonishes poems.