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Songs of Joy

 Sing out, my soul, thy songs of joy; 
Sing as a happy bird will sing 
Beneath a rainbow's lovely arch 
In the spring.
Think not of death in thy young days; Why shouldst thou that grim tyrant fear? And fear him not when thou art old, And he is near.
Strive not for gold, for greedy fools Measure themselves by poor men never; Their standard still being richer men, Makes them poor ever.
Train up thy mind to feel content, What matters then how low thy store? What we enjoy, and not possess, Makes rich or poor.
Filled with sweet thought, then happy I Take not my state from other's eyes; What's in my mind -- not on my flesh Or theirs -- I prize.
Sing, happy soul, thy songs of joy; Such as a Brook sings in the wood, That all night has been strengthened by Heaven's purer flood.

Poem by William Henry Davies
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