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Riders in the Stand

 There's some that ride the Robbo style, and bump at every stride; 
While others sit a long way back, to get a longer ride.
There's some that ride as sailors do, with legs, and arms, and teeth; And some that ride the horse's neck, and some ride underneath.
But all the finest horsemen out -- the men to Beat the Band -- You'll find amongst the crowd that ride their races in the Stand.
They'll say "He had the race in hand, and lost it in the straight.
" They'll know how Godby came too soon, and Barden came too late They'll say Chevalley lost his nerve, and Regan lost his head; They'll tell how one was "livened up" and something else was "dead" -- In fact, the race was never run on sea, or sky, or land, But what you'd get it better done by riders in the Stand.
The rule holds good in everything in life's uncertain fight; You'll find the winner can't go wrong, the loser can't go right.
You ride a slashing race, and lose -- by one and all you're banned! Ride like a bag of flour, and win -- they'll cheer you in the Stand

Poem by Andrew Barton Paterson
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