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Two dark-brown eyes looked into mine
  Two eyes with restless quiver;
A gentle hand crept in my own
  Beside the gleaming river.
"Ah, sweet," I murmured, passing sad,
  You will forget me ever?"
The dear, brown eyes their answer gave;
  "I will forget you NEVER."
Up in the leaves above our heads
  The winds were softly dying;
Down in the river at our feet
  The lilies pale were lying.
The winds their mournful murmur sent:
  You will forget me ever?
The lilies raised their drooping heads:
  We will forget you never.
A spell hung o'er the numbered hours
  That chained each thought and feeling;
My heart was filled with idle dreams
  That sent my sense reeling.
Once more I murmured, "Well, I know
  You will forget me ever;"
Yet still the same dear promise came,
  "I will forget you NEVER."
Ah, vain the words that we must speak,
  Though we are still believing;
And subtle are the webs of fate
  That love is ever weaving;
The dark brown eyes meet mine no more,
  I am forgotten ever;
And mocking memory echoes now,
  I will forget you NEVER.
Beside the idle stream I stand,
  Where flowers droop and shiver
And cold and dark it seems to me
  This dreary, restless river;
For, sweet, your eyes are lost to me,
  I am forgotten ever;
And only MEMORY echoes now,
  "I will forget you NEVER."

Poem by Fannie Isabelle Sherrick
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Book: Shattered Sighs