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Gilhooleys Estate

 Oh, Mr Gilhooley he turned up his toes, 
As most of you know, soon or late; 
And Jones was a lawyer, as everyone knows, 
So they took him to Gilhooley's Estate.
Gilhooley in life had been living so free 'Twas thought his possessions were great, So Jones, with a smile, says, "There's many a fee For me in Gilhooley's Estate.
" They made out a list of his property fine, It totalled a thousand-and-eight; But the debts were nine hundred and ninety-nine -- The debts of Gilhooley's Estate.
So Mrs Gilhooley says, "Jones, my dear man, My childer have little to ait: Just keep my expinses as low as you can Against poor Gilhooley's Estate.
" Bur Jones says, "The will isn't clear in its terms, I fear it will need some debate, And the law won't alow me (attorneys are worms) To appear in Gilhooley's Estate.
" So a barrister-man, with a wig on his head And a brief in his hand, quite elate, Went up to the Court where they bury the dead, Just to move in Gilhooley's Estate.
" But his Honour the Judge said, "I think that the joint Legatees must be called to probate -- Ex parte Pokehorney is clear on the point -- The point of Gilhooley's Estate.
" "I order a suit to be brought just to try If this is correct that I state -- A nice friendly suit -- and the costs by and by, Must be borne by Gilhooley's Estate.
" So Mrs Gilhooley says, "Jones, you'll appear! Thim barristers' fees is too great; The suit is but friendly," "Attorneys, my dear, Can't be heard in Gilhooley's Estate.
" From the barristers' quarter a mighty hurrah Arises both early and late: It's only the whoop of the Junior Bar Dividing Gilhooley's Estate.

Poem by Andrew Barton Paterson
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry