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The country is so filthy with garbage all over the dearest homes People are sick with unpleasant smell and poor sanitations, poor managements. In such country that claiming to have functional government to the gravel of my thought, pin the pain to pink appointment in the morning to monster cowries to swing of crabs. Fed up witnessing innocent souls departing from us seeking another world with totally different environment, where your face cooler to the duty of your fingers to the fan of the grave. You suppose to stay here to helm it people, then you left us in innumerable thoughts, the garment hem are the only thing picturing in my imagination. He cannot stop the pain of death panging the back to the battle field, the flies force the citizens to leave the city and seek another continent of no communication between people. People only stopped slapping their faces when they are in beds; the country is stinking like rot eggs middle summer while the heartless man exploiting our resources to rusticating and resuscitating his family overnight. Keeping us captives in our mother’s wombs, well they are living in luxurious lives styles and pushing the best cars in town, the layman is down there with curled hair sweating to make end meets. He cannot fill his belly with a single dietary; they blow their noise on us whole day with their cars beeping all days long. Cursing us with exhaust pipes poisoning our lungs, the city is candles city there are no infrastructures because they have built fences of tribalism which keep us apart. The poor have no alternatives except to flee the city, because they no longer welcomed to integrate with the elites. The country is littering with rubbish, sick is everywhere; people are dying from treatable diseases. The country is bust up with tribalism, sectionalism and nepotism. The citizens are seeing impotent government steering the wheel of the state like the moment of a statue and there are lots of frustration among the youths and the elderly. The country has contaminated with toxic acid of tribalism, politics has eaten in our hearts establishing hared among cemented thought and mechanical breakdown.
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