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There you go again doing things that you are not suppose to be in and then you look at me like oh i'm so sweet if you only knew I can be a freak without showing it. Here they go listening to the rumors but i'm your friend so in the end I know that they are true. How could you do that with him and her and they were on the ground you were pretending to pick up gum? You need to be safe, making out with strangers girl I aint no saint but god what are you doing? I don't want to see you years from now telling me you got aids, I worry about you and I feel like your special so I even wrote about you come on look how much you mean to me. You like him I get it but how many other guys have you liked in the past. He's your only, he's a phony make sure he's not just in it for the prize because girl you never know some guys are. It's the truth and you need to listen, I don't mean to sound bossy but soon enough your name is going to be posted on all the bathrooms walls. Telling things that you haven't even done yet. But you will front about it, Lie again. Telling everyone it's happened how do we know what's real or fake. I love your personality I wish I could steal it, Your loud, and flirty, daring and smart girl you got too much heart to be showing it to everyone who wants a sip. this is for all the nasty girls out there who think I don't know what i'm saying just ask anyone of them who are dead now or are on the streets prostitiuting. Don't be afraid to be a freak it's healthy but sometimes it's better when it's secret closet freaks have more fun.
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