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me and my girl kelssey just got done smoking weed are stomach start rumbling and we started too have cravings what was it what do we need we but our minds together and it was micky d's so we walked in to get our burgers and fries, but realized we aint gots no money to our surprise i look in my back pocket and a 20 appear we was like holy crap then we walk up to the cashear she was like "how can i help you? you want that here or to go ? " umm i dont know but i like a number 6 plain with cheese but her not sure what do you want kelssey? i want a classic combo. a sweet tea to drink. thats what id order im pretty sure or i think. burgers on our mind..thank god it was micky d's that we would find . but watch the drinks. make sure the dont spill. but if you do its ok. cuz we get free refill. they called our order and we grab our meal right when we seat down i cause a big deal i looked at my food and guess what i see they put lettuce ketchup and mayonnaise and the receipt says plain with cheese i cause a fus and a big scene it all worked out the food was free and i got back my 20 so we didnt have to pay. we got out there real fast and started a good day. but we were still hungry and what did we do? well we thought a shopping cart would fit through the drive through. a bad idea? i dont know. but me and west thats how we roll. so we climb in and away we go we went so fast no a time was spent i was like " i hope we dont hit a car i hope we dont cause a dent" we finnally got to the end of the drive through so we told em to give us order number two and dont for get order number three right when we grabbed our food we jumped out of the cart and then we flea so our trip to mickey d's was quite amazing at the least... as we eat our burgers and join in a great feast. im like dang what are we doing we are packing our face s like a 8 year old eats pudding im a skinny kid but now i feel like a fat as pig i ate so much im starting to feel sick so fat we feel. cuz we ate to much. kinda bad idea. who would of thought of such. well me and west kno how to kick it. eat mickey d's all day is good living
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