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Such a beautiful morning So quiet and serene Contented and yawning I'm living the dream. I lie back in my deckchair Emitting a contented sigh When landing on my chest from nowhere Came an exquisite butterfly. The butterfly landed upon my hairy chest I looked at it’s exquisite beauty it really was the best It nestled in quite gently then fluttered in the air When a beautiful young lady came running past my chair She really scored a perfect ten - my jaw was open wide I wanted nothing more than to have this beauty by my side I stood and showed my great physique and strutted round with pride I wanted this lady for myself one day she'd be my bride The butterfly heard my heart beating so strong It lifted its gossamer wings and the butterfly was gone As if giving thanks to my exquisite guest I caress the spot where he came to rest Whispering my gratitude for him revealing to me The beautiful face of my bride to be Now he danced on her breast and she wasn't wearing a bra What jammy gits those butterflies are. Our hearts beat fast and they entwined We went to a restaurant and wined and dined It was a special moment I didn’t want to miss For there we shared our very first kiss One thing lead to another and we headed to my room I grabbed my little blue pill – I wanted va va vroom This stunning young lady pulled me swiftly to her chest I could feel her heart beating underneath her thermal vest Ok Daz I'll put you through your paces Suspend you from the lampshade by your braces Set you bouncing then i'll slip under but was it worth it I'm starting to wonder All that gossip is just idle chatter I have to inform you, size does matter When I agreed to this afternoon of sin I never thought I'd ask , is it in ? But Jan sweetheart, Please hear my rebuttal That wasn't my willy, Just my belt buckle Now I'm determined you will feel my passion Flip you over and we'll do it doggie fashion A contented smile replaces the scowling The janitor rings, Will you two stop howling? We are perfect together but I know after tonight There is just no way you can get married in white. Oh Darren my darling forgive me I pray I’m not after marriage, just a roll in the hay I’m sorry if you were after any more But after a few days I’ll find you a bore Come back to bed and let us not linger You now know I don’t want a ring on my finger I hate to feel you have been mislead Lets just have a little more fun in this bed Just like a man I'm becoming possessive In pursuit of my goal I'm vain and aggressive Wishing to own you to declare you are mine Wanting a wife not a concubine Not seeing the faults and the change in me I take your hand and fall on one knee Presenting the ring I bought from EBAY We can marry next week Jan, What do you say. Oh Darren in you I must confide I can never ever be your bride Although you think my name is Jan Before the op my name was Stan I thought I really must confess Before our lives become a mess I think we have reached the journeys end I will never forget you my handsome young friend By Jan Allison and Darren Watson
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