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You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A wondrous land whose boundaries are those of imagination; Your next step- The Twi-Light Zone. Sometime in the year 2024, in a small town called "Dreamer's Lake" an old man sat on a bench that rest on the corner of the lake that gave the town its name. It was a beautiful sunny spring afternoon; the sun was bright, and the lake was mirrored and still. It was the old man's favorite place to go, and he went there every day because it brought him back great memories of his childhood. He and his pals would fish there all day from dawn to dusk or until the lights went out. I see the old man always there with his can of worms and his antique style bamboo fishing pole, the kind that had no reel just fishing line attached to the tip and a bobber and a hook. He was very old and there were times when I passed him by that I noticed the bobber going down, but his sight was so poor he never knew it. Besides having poor sight, he usually fell asleep and had no idea he had a fish on his line. I watched him every day, but on this particular beautiful sunny spring afternoon, with the sun shining bright and the lake mirrored and still, the old man saw his bobber go down. As I watched him with his huge smile- I shouted, "Bring him in Old Man, bring him in" But the old man must have been as deaf as he was blind because he never acknowledged me. In fact, he just sat there with his eyes open holding his fishing pole looking like he was daydreaming and asleep with his eyes open. He dreamt a dream with eyes awake As he sat alone 'round Dreamer's Lake He dreamt that he was in the crowds Of white-winged angels above the clouds Watching himself, near his death Gasping, panting for his last breath Watching, waiting for his eyes to close To get his wings when his heart slows Above the clouds he went to be But when he died, who died...was me Dreamer's Lake, a place of thought and mind. A place where old men go. A place to dream a dream. A place where only dreams like this take place. A place called- "The Twi-Light Zone"
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